knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)



The purpose of this trivial package is to offer a set of convenience functions inserting various (pipe) operators so those can be conveniently linked to keyboard shortcuts in RStudio.

This package was developed for fun and to conveniently transport frequently used functions across environments.

Available operators

For every operator listed below an RStudio add-in is registered, allowing RStudio users to assign a custom shortcut to it or to invoke it from the command palette.

# define operator overview table data
operator_overview <-
        ~operator, ~description,
        "->", "Rightwards form of the [common **assignment** operator](",
        "%in%", "Syntactic-sugar version of [**`match`**](",
        "%>%", "[**Pipe** operator]( from the [magrittr]( package",
        "%<>%", "[**Assignment pipe** operator]( from the [magrittr]( package",
        "%$%", "[**Exposition pipe** operator]( from the [magrittr]( package",
        "%!>%", "[**Eager pipe** operator]( from the [magrittr]( package",
        "%T>%", "[**Tee pipe** operator]( from the [magrittr]( package",
        "%||%", "[**NULL default** operator]( from the [rlang]( package",
        "%|%", "[**NA default** operator]( from the [rlang]( package",

# print overview table
operator_overview |>
    dplyr::mutate(operator = paste0("**`", operator, "`**")) |>
    dplyr::rename_with(.cols = everything(),
                       .fn = stringr::str_to_title) |>
    gt::gt() |>
    gt::fmt_markdown(columns = everything()) |>
    gt::tab_options(column_labels.font.weight = "bold") |>
    # avoid separate HTML <style> tag for GFM
    gt::as_raw_html(inline_css = TRUE)


if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {

konradedgar/extraInserts documentation built on Feb. 20, 2023, 3:39 a.m.