
#' Detergent Brand Choice
#' This dataset gives the laundry detergent brand choice by households and the
#' price of each brand.
#' @name detergent
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing the following 7 variables and 2657
#' observations.
#' \tabular{lll}{ choice \tab factor \tab a brand chosen by each household\cr
#' TidePrice \tab numeric \tab log price of Tide\cr WiskPrice \tab numeric \tab
#' log price of Wisk\cr EraPlusPrice \tab numeric \tab log price of EraPlus\cr
#' SurfPrice \tab numeric \tab log price of Surf\cr SoloPrice \tab numeric \tab
#' log price of Solo\cr AllPrice \tab numeric \tab log price of All\cr }
#' @references Chintagunta, P. K. and Prasad, A. R. (1998) \dQuote{An Empirical
#' Investigation of the `Dynamic McFadden' Model of Purchase Timing and Brand
#' Choice: Implications for Market Structure}. \emph{Journal of Business and
#' Economic Statistics} vol. 16 no. 1 pp.2-12.
#' @keywords datasets
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