Man pages for kouroshz/creNet
Fit a GLM with a combination of lasso and overlapping group lasso regularization

accuracyAccuracy Measures Fort Predicted Responses
creNet2-packageFit a GLM with a combination of lasso and overlapping group...
cvSGLFit and cross-validate a GLM with a combination of lasso and...
getSlicesDuplicate Covariates According to Regulatory Network and...
nested.cvSGLNested Cross-validation for Sparse Group Lasso
pathCalcSelect Path of Regularization Parameters
plot.cvplots the cross-validated error curve produced by cv.SGL
predict.creNetPredict Responses for New Observations Using Fitted creSGL...
processMicroarrayPreprocess MicroArray Data
runPredictionsFit SGL Model, Predict Responses, and Assess Prediction...
SGLFit a GLM with a combination of lasso and group lasso with...
standardizeStandardize A Matrix
kouroshz/creNet documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:11 p.m.