Brick_get_chrominfo: Get the chrominfo for the Hi-C experiment.

View source: R/Brick_functions.R

Brick_get_chrominfoR Documentation

Get the chrominfo for the Hi-C experiment.


Brick_get_chrominfo fetches the associated chrominfo table for the Brick it is associated to.


Brick_get_chrominfo(Brick, resolution = NA)



Required. A string specifying the path to the Brick store created with Create_many_Brick.


Optional. Default NA When an object of class BrickContainer is provided, resolution defines the resolution on which the function is executed


A three column data.frame containing chromosomes, nrows and length.

chromosomes corresponds to all chromosomes in the provided bintable.

nrows corresponds to the number of entries in the bintable or dimension for that chromosome in a Hi-C matrix.

Length is the total bp length of the same chromosome (max value for that chromosome in the bintable).


Bintable_path <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "Bintable_100kb.bins"), 
package = "HiCBricks")

out_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "HiCBricks_chrominfo_test")


My_BrickContainer <- Create_many_Bricks(BinTable = Bintable_path, 
bin_delim=" ", remove_existing=TRUE, output_directory = out_dir, 
file_prefix = "HiCBricks_vignette_test", resolution = 100000,
experiment_name = "HiCBricks vignette test")

Brick_get_chrominfo(Brick = My_BrickContainer, resolution = 100000)

koustav-pal/HiCBricks documentation built on Oct. 25, 2022, 12:06 a.m.