
Defines functions reshapeMultitaperSpectrumAtFreqIndex

reshapeMultitaperSpectrumAtFreqIndex <- function(mtmSpec, freqIdxSeq, width=2.5) {
    ## accepts on or multiple freqIdx
    ## user is responsible to ensure no the frequencies are more than 2w appart!
    ## reshape is flatten multitaper spectrum. 
    ##     P and W use 2, djt suggest 2.5
    ## P and W eqn 500 and djt eqn 13.11
    ## P and W H(f) is the same as djt U(f),
    ## in practice these are fourier transforms of the dpss'
    ## in the case of f=0, these are a sum of dpss, this f=0
    ## case is commonly used 

    ## this is only designed for even order fft!!

    stopifnot(mtmSpec$mtm$nFFT %% 2 ==0)
    k <- mtmSpec$mtm$k

    resSpec <- mtmSpec$spec
    halfWidth <- width/2
    deltaT <- mtmSpec$mtm$deltaT

    dpss1 <- mtmSpec$mtm$dpss$v
    nDpss <- dim(dpss1)[1]
    ## centre resutant fft by multiplying data by seq 1, -1, 1, -1, ...
    ## this technique to centre the fft requires even order fft inputs.
    seqM1Centre <- (-1)**(0:(nDpss-1))
    dpss1 <- dpss1 * seqM1Centre
    paddedDPSSCent <- rbind(dpss1,
                        matrix(0, nrow=mtmSpec$pad, ncol=k))
    fftDpssCent <- mvfft(paddedDPSSCent)
    ## using P and W notation 
    ## correction H(f) = deltaT * fft(h_t)
    sqrtDeltaT <- sqrt(deltaT)
    fftDpssCent <- deltaT * fftDpssCent

    ## nFFT is even and centred
    zeroBin <- mtmSpec$mtm$nFFT/2 +1 
    ## we use weighted coefficients
    eigenCoefsWt <- sqrt(mtmSpec$mtm$eigenCoefWt) * mtmSpec$mtm$eigenCoefs
    ##eigenCoefsWt <- mtmSpec$mtm$eigenCoefs
    ## pad the dpsses so that he frequencies match
    ## we could use slow ffts or fftw .

    nw <- mtmSpec$mtm$nw
    n <- mtmSpec$origin.n
    w <- nw/(n*deltaT)
    ## we expect the zeroth freq but...
    f0 <- mtmSpec$freq[2] - mtmSpec$freq[1]
    npts <- as.integer(halfWidth*w/f0)  ## round?? P & W have <= w
    for( freqIdx in freqIdxSeq) {
        cmv1 <- mtmSpec$mtm$cmv[freqIdx]
        ## see page 512 P & W
        npts <- as.integer(halfWidth*w/f0)  ## round?? P & W have <= w
        seq1 <- (freqIdx-npts):(freqIdx+npts) ## double check endpoints
        ## we only flatten to zero
        seq1 <- seq1[seq1>0]
        for(j in seq1) { 
            tempSpec <- 0
            freqDiffIdx <- j - freqIdx
            freqDiffIdx <- freqDiffIdx + zeroBin
            for(k1 in 1:k) {
                tempSpec <- tempSpec + (abs(eigenCoefsWt[j, k1] -
                                            cmv1 * fftDpssCent[freqDiffIdx, k1] /sqrtDeltaT))**2
            tempSpec <- tempSpec/k
            ##if(j == freqIdx) {
            ##tempSpec <- abs(cmv1)^2 + tempSpec
            resSpec[j] <- tempSpec
krahim/multitaperDevelopment documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:12 p.m.