statexams Package


statexams is an R package for creating exams for introductory statistics courses. It allows users to randomly generate specific types of statistics questions (such as normal probability, expectation, confidence interval, and hypothesis test questions, just to name a few) as well as import their own questions, then randomize their order and export the test files and solutions as LaTeX files.


Here are some question-generating functions:

As previously mentioned, a question can also be imported using:

As you can see, the question is in the first line of the .txt file that you want to import, and it is preceded by a tab, followed by “Q”. The lines that follow are answer choices, each preceded by a tab and followed by a “A” with the correct answer being trailed by a “%ans”

After creating a set of questions, the user should put the questions in a list and call export_test() on that list.


Here is an example of how to utilize the functionality of this package (from the export_test() function's documentation):

QA1 = makeQA_CIproportion()

QA2 = makeQA_Normal()

QA3 = makeQA_EventProbability()

QA4 = makeQA_ExpectedValue()

QA5 = makeQA_HypothesisTest()

QA6 = makeQA_ConditionalProbability()

QAs = list(QA1, QA2, QA3, QA4, QA5, QA6)


kristynpantoja/statexams documentation built on June 3, 2019, 5:25 a.m.