
dm_add_fk() works as intended?

  dm_test_obj() %>% dm_add_pk(dm_table_4, c) %>% dm_add_fk(dm_table_1, a,
    dm_table_4) %>% get_all_keys()
  # A tibble: 1 x 3
    table      pk_col autoincrement
    <chr>      <keys> <lgl>        
  1 dm_table_4 c      FALSE

  # A tibble: 1 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols parent_table parent_key_cols on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>        <chr>        <keys>          <chr>    
  1 dm_table_1  a             dm_table_4   c               no_action

dm_rm_fk() works with partial matching

  dm_for_filter() %>% dm_rm_fk(tf_5) %>% get_all_keys()
  Removing foreign keys: %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_5, l, tf_4) %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_5, m, tf_6, n))
  # A tibble: 6 x 3
    table pk_col autoincrement
    <chr> <keys> <lgl>        
  1 tf_1  a      TRUE         
  2 tf_2  c      FALSE        
  3 tf_3  f, f1  FALSE        
  4 tf_4  h      FALSE        
  5 tf_5  k      FALSE        
  6 tf_6  o      FALSE

  # A tibble: 3 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols parent_table parent_key_cols on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>        <chr>        <keys>          <chr>    
  1 tf_2        d             tf_1         a               no_action
  2 tf_2        e, e1         tf_3         f, f1           no_action
  3 tf_4        j, j1         tf_3         f, f1           no_action

  dm_for_filter() %>% dm_rm_fk(columns = l) %>% get_all_keys()
  Removing foreign keys: %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_5, l, tf_4)
  # A tibble: 6 x 3
    table pk_col autoincrement
    <chr> <keys> <lgl>        
  1 tf_1  a      TRUE         
  2 tf_2  c      FALSE        
  3 tf_3  f, f1  FALSE        
  4 tf_4  h      FALSE        
  5 tf_5  k      FALSE        
  6 tf_6  o      FALSE

  # A tibble: 4 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols parent_table parent_key_cols on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>        <chr>        <keys>          <chr>    
  1 tf_2        d             tf_1         a               no_action
  2 tf_2        e, e1         tf_3         f, f1           no_action
  3 tf_4        j, j1         tf_3         f, f1           no_action
  4 tf_5        m             tf_6         n               no_action

  dm_for_filter() %>% dm_rm_fk(columns = c(e, e1)) %>% get_all_keys()
  Removing foreign keys: %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_2, c(e, e1), tf_3)
  # A tibble: 6 x 3
    table pk_col autoincrement
    <chr> <keys> <lgl>        
  1 tf_1  a      TRUE         
  2 tf_2  c      FALSE        
  3 tf_3  f, f1  FALSE        
  4 tf_4  h      FALSE        
  5 tf_5  k      FALSE        
  6 tf_6  o      FALSE

  # A tibble: 4 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols parent_table parent_key_cols on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>        <chr>        <keys>          <chr>    
  1 tf_2        d             tf_1         a               no_action
  2 tf_4        j, j1         tf_3         f, f1           no_action
  3 tf_5        l             tf_4         h               cascade  
  4 tf_5        m             tf_6         n               no_action

  dm_for_filter() %>% dm_rm_fk(ref_table = tf_3) %>% get_all_keys()
  Removing foreign keys: %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_2, c(e, e1), tf_3) %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_4, c(j, j1), tf_3)
  # A tibble: 6 x 3
    table pk_col autoincrement
    <chr> <keys> <lgl>        
  1 tf_1  a      TRUE         
  2 tf_2  c      FALSE        
  3 tf_3  f, f1  FALSE        
  4 tf_4  h      FALSE        
  5 tf_5  k      FALSE        
  6 tf_6  o      FALSE

  # A tibble: 3 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols parent_table parent_key_cols on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>        <chr>        <keys>          <chr>    
  1 tf_2        d             tf_1         a               no_action
  2 tf_5        l             tf_4         h               cascade  
  3 tf_5        m             tf_6         n               no_action

  dm_for_filter() %>% dm_rm_fk(ref_columns = c(f, f1)) %>% get_all_keys()
  Removing foreign keys: %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_2, c(e, e1), tf_3) %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_4, c(j, j1), tf_3)
  # A tibble: 6 x 3
    table pk_col autoincrement
    <chr> <keys> <lgl>        
  1 tf_1  a      TRUE         
  2 tf_2  c      FALSE        
  3 tf_3  f, f1  FALSE        
  4 tf_4  h      FALSE        
  5 tf_5  k      FALSE        
  6 tf_6  o      FALSE

  # A tibble: 3 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols parent_table parent_key_cols on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>        <chr>        <keys>          <chr>    
  1 tf_2        d             tf_1         a               no_action
  2 tf_5        l             tf_4         h               cascade  
  3 tf_5        m             tf_6         n               no_action

  dm_for_filter() %>% dm_rm_fk() %>% get_all_keys()
  Removing foreign keys: %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_2, d, tf_1) %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_2, c(e, e1), tf_3) %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_4, c(j, j1), tf_3) %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_5, l, tf_4) %>%
    dm_rm_fk(tf_5, m, tf_6, n))
  # A tibble: 6 x 3
    table pk_col autoincrement
    <chr> <keys> <lgl>        
  1 tf_1  a      TRUE         
  2 tf_2  c      FALSE        
  3 tf_3  f, f1  FALSE        
  4 tf_4  h      FALSE        
  5 tf_5  k      FALSE        
  6 tf_6  o      FALSE

  # A tibble: 0 x 5
  # i 5 variables: child_table <chr>, child_fk_cols <keys>, parent_table <chr>,
  #   parent_key_cols <keys>, on_delete <chr>

dm_enum_fk_candidates() works as intended?

  dm_nycflights13() %>% dm_enum_fk_candidates(flights, airports) %>% mutate(why = if_else(
    why != "", "<reason>", ""))
  # A tibble: 19 x 3
     columns        candidate why       
     <keys>         <lgl>     <chr>     
   1 origin         TRUE      ""        
   2 year           FALSE     "<reason>"
   3 month          FALSE     "<reason>"
   4 day            FALSE     "<reason>"
   5 dep_time       FALSE     "<reason>"
   6 sched_dep_time FALSE     "<reason>"
   7 dep_delay      FALSE     "<reason>"
   8 arr_time       FALSE     "<reason>"
   9 sched_arr_time FALSE     "<reason>"
  10 arr_delay      FALSE     "<reason>"
  11 carrier        FALSE     "<reason>"
  12 flight         FALSE     "<reason>"
  13 tailnum        FALSE     "<reason>"
  14 dest           FALSE     "<reason>"
  15 air_time       FALSE     "<reason>"
  16 distance       FALSE     "<reason>"
  17 hour           FALSE     "<reason>"
  18 minute         FALSE     "<reason>"
  19 time_hour      FALSE     "<reason>"

can add foreign key with cascade

  dm(a = tibble(x = 1), b = tibble(x = 1)) %>% dm_add_fk(a, x, b, x, on_delete = "cascade") %>%
  # A tibble: 1 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols parent_table parent_key_cols on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>        <chr>        <keys>          <chr>    
  1 a           x             b            x               cascade

bogus arguments are rejected

  dm(a = tibble(x = 1), b = tibble(x = 1)) %>% dm_add_fk(a, x, b, x, on_delete = "bogus")
  Error in `dm_add_fk()`:
  ! `on_delete` must be one of "no_action" or "cascade", not "bogus".
  dm(a = tibble(x = 1), b = tibble(x = 1)) %>% dm_add_fk(a, x, b, x, on_delete = letters)
  Error in `dm_add_fk()`:
  ! `on_delete` must be one of "no_action" or "cascade", not "a".

dm_get_all_fks() with parent_table arg

  nyc_comp() %>% dm_get_all_fks(weather)
  # A tibble: 1 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols     parent_table parent_key_cols   on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>            <chr>        <keys>            <chr>    
  1 flights     origin, time_hour weather      origin, time_hour no_action
  nyc_comp() %>% dm_get_all_fks(c("airlines", "weather"))
  # A tibble: 2 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols     parent_table parent_key_cols   on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>            <chr>        <keys>            <chr>    
  1 flights     carrier           airlines     carrier           no_action
  2 flights     origin, time_hour weather      origin, time_hour no_action
  nyc_comp() %>% dm_get_all_fks(ends_with("ports"))
  # A tibble: 1 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols parent_table parent_key_cols on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>        <chr>        <keys>          <chr>    
  1 flights     dest          airports     faa             no_action
  nyc_comp() %>% dm_get_all_fks(everything())
  # A tibble: 4 x 5
    child_table child_fk_cols     parent_table parent_key_cols   on_delete
    <chr>       <keys>            <chr>        <keys>            <chr>    
  1 flights     carrier           airlines     carrier           no_action
  2 flights     dest              airports     faa               no_action
  3 flights     tailnum           planes       tailnum           no_action
  4 flights     origin, time_hour weather      origin, time_hour no_action

dm_get_all_fks() with parent_table arg fails nicely

Can't subset tables that don't exist.
x Table `timetable` doesn't exist.

krlmlr/dm documentation built on April 19, 2024, 5:23 p.m.