  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
options(crayon.enabled = TRUE, width = 75, cli.width = 75)

knit_print.grViz <- function(x, ...) {
  x %>%
    DiagrammeRsvg::export_svg() %>%
    c("`````{=html}\n", ., "\n`````\n") %>%

This draft describes update operations on tables and dm objects. The generics for the table operations can be private in dm for now and move to dplyr later. Contains parts from


In dplyr, operations on tables in dplyr are generally transient or ephemeral. Resulting table objects must be stored in a new object, otherwise they are lost. All operations by default return a new table object that is disconnected from the original.


The operations are modeled after existing database statements, with the exception of the new "patch".

All operations would either take multiple named inputs or a single unnamed data frame. Additional restrictions and options may apply on other backends, these will be specified with arguments that start with a dot. For extensibility, named inputs that start with a dot are silently discarded.

All operations require specification of a .key argument. Unlike by with joins, the .key argument is mandatory, because RHS column names must be a subset of the LHS column names. Keys must have the same name in the target and the input. If the table container knows its keys (e.g., grouped data frames or data.table), .key may be omitted.

Both target table and source columns/table must be compatible:

Mutable backends

Some mutable backends, most notably databases, Google sheets and data.table, permit in-place update of the source data. Update operations on mutable backends should optionally allow updating the source data. Because this is a potentially destructive exception from the dplyr guarantees, in-place updates must be "opt in". The default result always will be a "lazy" table. This allows previewing the results of an update operation before materializing.

On these backends, the following additional operations are useful:

Databases will require that the data is already on the database or ask the user to supply a copy argument.

On mutable backends, update operations return the input, invisibly, if the update was carried out in-place.



Operations on a dm object are generally transient or ephemeral. Resulting dm or table objects must be stored in a new object, otherwise they are lost.


Logic of operation

API draft

dm_insert <- function(target_dm, dm, ..., dry_run = FALSE) {

  dm_persist(target_dm, dm, operation = tbl_insert, top_down = TRUE, dry_run = dry_run)

dm_update <- function(target_dm, dm, ..., dry_run = FALSE) {

  dm_persist(target_dm, dm, operation = tbl_update, top_down = TRUE, dry_run = dry_run)

dm_upsert <- function(target_dm, dm, ..., dry_run = FALSE) {

  dm_persist(target_dm, dm, operation = tbl_upsert, top_down = TRUE, dry_run = dry_run)

dm_delete <- function(target_dm, dm, ..., dry_run = FALSE) {

  dm_persist(target_dm, dm, operation = tbl_delete, top_down = FALSE, dry_run = dry_run)

dm_truncate <- function(target_dm, dm, ..., dry_run = FALSE) {

  dm_persist(target_dm, dm, operation = tbl_truncate, top_down = FALSE, dry_run = dry_run)

dm_persist <- function(target_dm, dm, operation, top_down, dry_run = FALSE) {
  dm_check_persist(target_dm, dm)

  dm_run_persist(target_dm, dm, operation, top_down, dry_run)

dm_check_persist <- function(target_dm, dm) {

  check_same_src(target_dm, dm)
  walk2(dm_get_tables(target_dm), dm_get_tables(dm), check_columns_superset)
  check_keys_compatible(target_dm, dm)

dm_run_persist <- function(target_dm, dm, operation, top_down, dry_run) {
  # topologically sort tables
  # run operation(target_tbl, source_tbl, dry_run = dry_run) for each table
  # operation() always returns tbl, only need to patch if not the same tbl
  # new_tables is list of non-NULL operation() values

  target_dm %>%

dm_patch_tbl <- function(dm, ...) {

  new_tables <- list2(...)

  # FIXME: Better error message for unknown tables

  def <- dm_get_def(dm)
  idx <- match(names(new_tables), def$table)
  def[idx, "data"] <- unname(new_tables)

krlmlr/dm documentation built on April 19, 2024, 5:23 p.m.