  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"



Lifecycle: stable rcc CRAN_Status_Badge Codecov test coverage

This package helps accessing files relative to a project root to stop the working directory insanity. It is a low-level helper package for the here package.



The rprojroot package works best when you have a "project": all related files contained in a subdirectory that can be categorized using a strict criterion. Let's create a package for demonstration.

dir <- tempfile()
pkg <- usethis::create_package(dir)

R packages satisfy the is_r_package criterion. A criterion is an object that contains a find_file() function. With pkg as working directory, the function works like file.path(), rooted at the working directory:

is_r_package$find_file("tests", "testthat")

This works identically when starting from a subdirectory:

setwd(file.path(pkg, "R"))
is_r_package$find_file("tests", "testthat")

There is one exception: if the first component passed to find_file() is already an absolute path. This allows safely applying this function to paths that may be absolute or relative:

setwd(file.path(pkg, "R"))
path <- is_r_package$find_file()
is_r_package$find_file(path, "tests", "testthat")

As long as you are sure that your working directory is somewhere inside your project, you can retrieve the project root.

Installation and further reading

Install the package from CRAN:


See the documentation for more detail.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the rprojroot project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

krlmlr/rprojroot documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 9:23 a.m.