Man pages for krzyklo/ingaasp2rcpp
InGaAsP bandgap and strain

cnstTable with material constants used in model
Eg2PL_f1Conversion of Bandgap into photoluminescence (PL) wavelength...
fig1aInGaAsP X vs Y for fixed strain or bandgap
fig1bInGaAsP Strain vs Bandgap Eg
func4rootFunction for which we want to find roots
ingaasp2rcppingaasp2rcpp brief general documentation
LatticeConstlattice constant from eps_xy and for InP substrate
modPQ_EgStrainData.frame for plotting Eg vs Strain for InGaAsP
modPQ_Eg_XYVectorized Eg from X and Y for InGaAsP
modPQ_eps_xy_f1Vectorized Eg from X and Y for InGaAsP
modPQ_PL2EgTransform vectors of PL in nm into Eg in eV
modPQ_X_EgStrainVectorized Eg from X and Y for InGaAsP
modPQ_XY_EgStrainData.frame for plotting X vs Y for InGaAsP
modPQ_Y_EgStrainVectorized PQ_Y_EgStrain
PL2Eg_f1Convertsion of PL wavelength to bandgap in eV
PQ_Eg_unstrainedUnstrained bandgap Eg in eV from polynomial eq.3
PQ_Eg_XYCalculate Eg from X and Y
PQ_eps_xy_f1InGaAsP Strain in absolute units from X and Y
PQ_X_EgStrainMain function for Eg,Strain -> X,Y
PQ_X_YStrainFinding X molar fraction from Y molar fraction and Strain
PQ_Y_XStrainCalculation of Y from arguments X and Strain using...
krzyklo/ingaasp2rcpp documentation built on Nov. 6, 2021, 7:49 a.m.