Man pages for ksauby/modresproc

abbrInsectNamesAbbreviate Insect Column Names
addInsectWeatherColAdd column of Insect x Weather interactions
addTempxPrecipColumnsAdd column of Temperature x Precipitation interactions
addVitalRateColumnAdd Vital Rate Column
AIC_functionReturn table comparing AIC values for multiple models...
BIC_functionReturn table comparing BIC values for multiple models...
cAIC_functionReturn table comparing conditional AIC (cAIC) values for...
cleanAICModelSelectionZIPClean up AIC Model Selection for ZIP Models
cleanBICModelSelectionZIPClean up AIC Model Selection for ZIP Models
constructConfIntConstruct Conf. Intervals
constructConfIntforRandomEffectsConstruct Conf. Intervals for Fecundity Random Effects
constructConfIntforWeatherDataConstruct Conf. Intervals for Fecundity Random Effects
constructConfIntpValueConstruct Conf. Intervals with p-values
convertShorttoLongChange from long to short format, using "Value"
convertShorttoLongXChange fit statistics from long to short format, changing...
createModelSelectionTableBuild table of candidate models
genmod_modelselection_format_parameter_estimates_functionFormat parameters and their estimates for a model selection...
model_selection_converge_results_functionModel selection converge results function
modelselection_format_parameter_estimates_functionFormat parameters and their estimates for a model selection...
movetolastMove certain columns to the end of a dataframe
nlmixed_table_functionBuild table of candidate models
PCA_filter_functionfilter data to make PCA
PCA_in_R_functionRun PCA in R
prcomp_PCA_table_functionBuild a table of PCA results.
ProcessClassLevelsProcess ClassLevels output from SAS
processColumnNamesChange Names of Columns in a Model Selection Table from SAS...
process_FWprecip_PCA_dataProcess Fall/Winter PCA Precipitation data before merging...
processModSelectionColumnNamesChange Names of Model Selection Columns
Process_PCA_EigenvaluesProcess PCA Eigenvalue Results from SAS
process_precip_PCA_dataProcess PCA Precipitation data before merging with survey...
process_SSprecip_PCA_dataProcess Spring/Summer PCA Precipitation data before merging...
processStatisticsColumnNamesChange Names of Statistics Columns
processT1P1ColumnNamesChange Names of Precipitation and Temperature Columns
processWeatherVariablesPaste PCA axis data together
randeffects_converg_status_functionCreate table with the convergence status of multiple SAS...
randeffects_covar_parms_estimates_functionCreate table with the covariance parameter estimates from...
randeffects_G_side_effects_test_functionCreate table with G-side effects test results of multiple SAS...
randeffects_model_results_functionMerge summary statistics from SAS GLIMMIX models to compare...
randeffects_model_selection_functionReturn table comparing SAS GLIMMIX random effects models.
replaceGENMODRowNamesReplace Parameter Names for NLMIXED Output
replaceNLMIXEDnamesGTMNERRReplace Parameter Names for NLMIXED Output for GTMNERR O....
replaceNLMIXEDnamesOstrictaReplace Parameter Names for NLMIXED Output for O. stricta
roundpValuesRound the p-values before constructing confidence intervals
sas_PCA_table_functionCombine PCA results from SAS into a table
sas_PCA_table_namesChange PCA Table names
survival_model_results_function_humifusaCreate table of survival model results
survival_model_results_function_strictaCreate table of survival model results
survival_model_selection_functionCreate table of survival model results
X_functionReturn table comparing SAS GLIMMIX random effects models.
ksauby/modresproc documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:02 p.m.