Man pages for ktaylora/landscapeAnalysis
Landscape Analysis

as.owinaccepts an extent object and returns it as an owin object...
calcPatchIsolationCalculate the KNN distance between patches in a binary raster...
cropRasterByPolygonsAccepts a raster and SpatialPolygonDataFrame object, iterates...
extractDensitiesextract quantiles from a continuous raster surface as spatial...
gaussianSmoothingImplements a gaussian smoothing window as specified and...
getGDALtoolByNamebuilt-in (hidden) function that will accept a GDAL tool by...
getPythonPathbuilt-in (hidden) function that will parse the system path...
includebuilt-in (hidden) wrapper function for require that will...
landscapeAnalysis-packageLandscape Analysis
lCalculateLandscapeMetricsa wrapper function that accepts a raster list and applies...
lExtracttakes spatial features (e.g., SpatialPoints) from y= and...
lReclassaccepts a list of rasters and reclasses each raster to a...
metricsListToVectorInternal (hidden) function that parses the list output from...
multiplyExtentan extent multiplier that will expand an extent object by a...
parseLayerDsnbuilt-in (hidden) function that will accept the full path of...
rasterToPolygonsconvert a raster to polygons using either 'R' or 'GDAL'....
readOGRfromPathbuilt-in (hidden) function that will accept the full path of...
spatialPolygonsToGridA quick wrapper funtion for HexPoints2SpatialPolygons(),...
splitExtentWhen working with SDB queries for large areas, we...
subsampleSurfaceAccepts a RasterLayer (and optional input pts=SpatialPoints...
ktaylora/landscapeAnalysis documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:04 p.m.