
Defines functions waic_diff waic_all .gibbs_sldax_cpp .gibbs_mlr_cpp .gibbs_logistic_cpp .est_thetad .est_betak .draw_thetad .draw_theta .draw_betak .draw_beta .count_topic_word

Documented in waic_all waic_diff

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#' @title Count topic-word co-occurences in corpus.
#' Computes topic-word co-occurence matrix for a corpus of \eqn{D} documents
#' with the maximum length of a document in the corpus equal to max(\eqn{N_d})
#' and a vocabulary of \eqn{V} unique terms in the corpus.
#' Indices in `doc_topic` and `doc_word` where no word exists in the
#' document must be set to 0.
#' @name count_topic_word
#' @param K The number of topics.
#' @param V The number of terms in the corpus vocabulary.
#' @param doc_topic A \eqn{D} x max(\eqn{N_d}) matrix of topic assignments for
#'   the corpus.
#' @param doc_word A \eqn{D} x max(\eqn{N_d}) matrix of words for corpus.
#' @return A \eqn{K} x \eqn{V} matrix of topic-word co-occurence counts.
#' @noRd
.count_topic_word <- function(K, V, doc_topic, doc_word) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_count_topic_word`, K, V, doc_topic, doc_word)

#' @title Sample \eqn{B} from full conditional distribution
#' @name draw_beta
#' @param wz_co A K x V matrix of counts of word-topic co-occurrences
#'   (topics: columns; words: rows).
#' @param gamma_ The hyperparameter on the Dirichlet prior for \eqn{\beta_k}.
#' @return A K x V matrix \eqn{B}.
#' @noRd
.draw_beta <- function(wz_co, gamma_) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_draw_beta`, wz_co, gamma_)

#' @title Sample \eqn{\beta_k} from full conditional distribution
#' @name draw_betak
#' @param wz_co A V x 1 vector of counts of the draws of each word for topic
#'   k over all documents.
#' @param gamma_ The hyperparameter for the Dirichlet priors on \eqn{\beta_k}.
#' @return A V x 1 vector of estimates for \eqn{\beta_k}.
#' @noRd
.draw_betak <- function(wz_co, gamma_) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_draw_betak`, wz_co, gamma_)

#' @title Sample \eqn{\Theta} from full conditional distribution
#' @name draw_theta
#' @param z_count A D x K matrix of counts of topic draws (columns) in
#'   documents (rows).
#' @param alpha_ The hyperparameter on the Dirichlet prior for \eqn{\theta_d}.
#' @return A D x K matrix \eqn{\Theta}.
#' @noRd
.draw_theta <- function(z_count, alpha_) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_draw_theta`, z_count, alpha_)

#' @title Sample \eqn{\theta_d} from full conditional distribution
#' @name draw_thetad
#' @param z_count A K x 1 vector of counts of topic draw in document d.
#' @param alpha_ The hyperparameter on the Dirichlet prior for \eqn{\theta_d}.
#' @return A K x 1 vector draw of \eqn{\theta_d}.
#' @noRd
.draw_thetad <- function(z_count, alpha_) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_draw_thetad`, z_count, alpha_)

#' @title Estimate \eqn{\beta_k}
#' @name est_betak
#' @param wz_co A V x 1 vector of counts of the draws of each word for topic
#'   k over all documents.
#' @param gamma_ The hyperparameter for the Dirichlet priors on \eqn{\beta_k}.
#' @return A V x 1 vector of estimates for \eqn{\beta_k}.
#' @noRd
.est_betak <- function(wz_co, gamma_) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_est_betak`, wz_co, gamma_)

#' @title Estimate \eqn{\theta_d}
#' @name est_thetad
#' @param z_count A K x 1 vector of counts of topic draw in document d.
#' @param alpha_ The hyperparameter on the Dirichlet prior for \eqn{\theta_d}.
#' @return A K x 1 vector of estimate for \eqn{\theta_d}.
#' @noRd
.est_thetad <- function(z_count, alpha_) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_est_thetad`, z_count, alpha_)

#' @title Collapsed Gibbs sampler for logistic regression
#' @name gibbs_logistic_cpp
#' @param m The number of iterations to run the Gibbs sampler.
#' @param burn The number of iterations to discard as the burn-in period.
#' @param thin The period of iterations to keep after the burn-in period
#'   (default: `1`).
#' @param y A D x 1 vector of binary outcomes (0/1) to be predicted.
#' @param x A D x p matrix of additional predictors (no column of 1s for
#'   intercept).
#' @param mu0 A (p + 1) x 1 mean vector for the prior on the regression coefficients.
#' @param sigma0 A (p + 1) x (p + 1) variance-covariance matrix for the prior
#'   on the regression coefficients.
#' @param eta_start A (p + 1) x 1 vector of starting values for the
#'   regression coefficients.
#' @param proposal_sd The proposal standard deviation for drawing the
#'   regression coefficients, N(0, `proposal_sd`) (default: `2.38, ..., 2.38`).
#' @param verbose Should parameter draws be output during sampling? (default:
#'   `false`).
#' @param display_progress Show progress bar? (default: `false`). Do not use
#'   with `verbose = true`.
#' @return An object of class Logistic.
#' @noRd
.gibbs_logistic_cpp <- function(m, burn, thin, y, x, mu0, sigma0, eta_start, proposal_sd, verbose = FALSE, display_progress = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_gibbs_logistic_cpp`, m, burn, thin, y, x, mu0, sigma0, eta_start, proposal_sd, verbose, display_progress)

#' @title Collapsed Gibbs sampler for multiple linear regression
#' @name gibbs_mlr_cpp
#' @param m The number of iterations to run the Gibbs sampler.
#' @param burn The number of iterations to discard as the burn-in period.
#' @param thin The period of iterations to keep after the burn-in period
#'   (default: `1`).
#' @param y A D x 1 vector of outcomes to be predicted.
#' @param x A D x (p + 1) matrix of additional predictors.
#' @param mu0 A (p + 1) x 1 mean vector for the prior on the regression
#'   coefficients.
#' @param sigma0 A (p + 1) x (p + 1) variance-covariance matrix for the
#'   prior on the regression coefficients.
#' @param eta_start A (p + 1) x 1 vector of starting values for the
#'   regression coefficients.
#' @param a0 The shape parameter for the prior on sigma2 (default: `0.001`)
#' @param b0 The scale parameter for the prior on sigma2 (default: `0.001`)
#' @param verbose Should parameter draws be output during sampling? (default:
#'   `false`).
#' @param display_progress Show progress bar? (default: `false`). Do not use
#'   with `verbose = true`.
#' @return An object of class `Mlr`.
#' @noRd
.gibbs_mlr_cpp <- function(m, burn, thin, y, x, mu0, sigma0, eta_start, a0 = 0.001, b0 = 0.001, verbose = FALSE, display_progress = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_gibbs_mlr_cpp`, m, burn, thin, y, x, mu0, sigma0, eta_start, a0, b0, verbose, display_progress)

#' @title Collapsed Gibbs sampler for the SLDAX model
#' @name gibbs_sldax_cpp
#' @param m The number of iterations to run the Gibbs sampler.
#' @param burn The number of iterations to discard as the burn-in period.
#' @param thin The period of iterations to keep after the burn-in period
#'   (default: `1`).
#' @param y A D x 1 vector of binary outcomes (0/1) to be predicted.
#' @param x A D x p matrix of additional predictors (no column of 1s for
#'   intercept).
#' @param docs A D x max(\eqn{N_d}) matrix of word indices for all documents.
#' @param V The number of unique terms in the vocabulary.
#' @param K The number of topics.
#' @param model An integer denoting the type of model to fit.
#' @param mu0 A K x 1 mean vector for the prior on the regression coefficients.
#' @param sigma0 A (K + p + 1) x (K + p + 1) variance-covariance matrix for the
#'   prior on the regression coefficients. The first p + 1 columns/rows
#'   correspond to predictors in X, while the last K columns/rows correspond to
#'   the K topic means.
#' @param a0 The shape parameter for the prior on sigma2.
#' @param b0 The scale parameter for the prior on sigma2.
#' @param eta_start A (K + p) x 1 vector of starting values for the
#'   regression coefficients. The first p elements correspond to predictors
#'   in X, while the last K elements correspond to the K topic means.
#' @param constrain_eta A logical (default = `false`): If `true`, the
#'   regression coefficients will be constrained so that they are in descending
#'   order; if `false`, no constraints will be applied.
#' @param sample_beta A logical (default = `true`): If `true`, the
#'   topic-vocabulary distributions are sampled from their full conditional
#'   distribution.
#' @param sample_theta A logical (default = `true`): If `true`, the
#'   topic proportions are sampled from their full conditional distribution.
#' @param alpha_ The hyper-parameter for the prior on the topic proportions
#'   (default: `1.0`).
#' @param gamma_ The hyper-parameter for the prior on the topic-specific
#'   vocabulary probabilities (default: `1.0`).
#' @param proposal_sd The proposal standard deviation for drawing the
#'   regression coefficients, N(0, `proposal_sd`) (default: `0.2`).
#' @param interaction_xcol The column number of the design matrix for the
#' additional predictors for which an interaction with the \eqn{K} topics is
#' desired (default: `-1L`, no interaction). Currently only supports a
#' single continuous predictor or a two-category categorical predictor
#' represented as a single dummy-coded column.
#' @param return_assignments A logical (default = `false`): If
#'   `true`, returns an N x \eqn{max N_d} x M array of topic assignments
#'   in slot `@topics`. CAUTION: this can be memory-intensive.
#' @param verbose Should parameter draws be output during sampling? (default:
#'   `false`).
#' @param display_progress Show progress bar? (default: `false`). Do not use
#'   with `verbose = true`.
#' @noRd
.gibbs_sldax_cpp <- function(docs, V, m, burn, thin, K, model, y, x, mu0, sigma0, a0, b0, eta_start, proposal_sd, interaction_xcol = -1L, alpha_ = 1.0, gamma_ = 1.0, constrain_eta = FALSE, sample_beta = TRUE, sample_theta = TRUE, return_assignments = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, display_progress = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_gibbs_sldax_cpp`, docs, V, m, burn, thin, K, model, y, x, mu0, sigma0, a0, b0, eta_start, proposal_sd, interaction_xcol, alpha_, gamma_, constrain_eta, sample_beta, sample_theta, return_assignments, verbose, display_progress)

#' @title Contribution to effective number of parameters for WAIC from observation y_d
#' @name pwaic_d
#' @param like_pred A m x 1 vector of predictive likelihoods (NOT log-likelihoods).
#' @return The contribution of y_d (its predictive posterior likelihood variance)
#'   to the effective number of parameters.
#' @noRd

#' @title WAIC for observation y_d
#' @name waic_d
#' @param like_pred A m x 1 vector of predictive likelihoods (NOT log-likelihoods) for y_d.
#' @param p_effd The contribution to the effective number of parameters from
#'   obs y_d.
#' @return WAIC contribution for observation d (on deviance scale).

#' @title Compute WAIC for all outcomes.
#' @name waic_all
#' @param iter The length of the sampled chain.
#' @param l_pred A `iter` x D matrix of predictive likelihoods (NOT log-likelihoods).
#' @return Vector of (1) WAIC for model, (2) standard error for WAIC, and (3)
#'   the effective number of parameters.
#' @examples
#' data(teacher_rate)
#' fit_mlr <- gibbs_mlr(rating ~ grade, data = teacher_rate, m = 5)
#' waic_all(iter = 5, t(lpd(fit_mlr)))
#' @export
waic_all <- function(iter, l_pred) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_waic_all`, iter, l_pred)

#' @title Compute difference (WAIC1 - WAIC2) in WAIC and its SE for two models.
#' @name waic_diff
#' @param l_pred1 A m1 x D matrix of predictive likelihoods (NOT log-likelihoods) from model 1.
#' @param l_pred2 A m2 x D matrix of predictive likelihoods (NOT log-likelihoods) from model 2.
#' @return A vector of (1) the difference in WAIC (on the deviance scale)
#'   between models and (2) the standard error of the difference in WAIC.
#' @examples
#' data(teacher_rate)
#' fit_mlr <- gibbs_mlr(rating ~ grade, data = teacher_rate, m = 100)
#' fit_mlr2 <- gibbs_mlr(rating ~ grade + I(grade^2), data = teacher_rate, m = 100)
#' # Returns (1) D = WAIC(fit_mlr2) - WAIC(fit_mlr) and (2) SE(D)
#' #   Suggests that a linear relationship is preferable
#' waic_diff(t(lpd(fit_mlr2)), t(lpd(fit_mlr)))
#' @export
waic_diff <- function(l_pred1, l_pred2) {
    .Call(`_psychtm_waic_diff`, l_pred1, l_pred2)
ktw5691/psychtm documentation built on Nov. 3, 2021, 9:10 a.m.