getCorrDf: Obtain correlation data.frame

getCorrDfR Documentation

Obtain correlation data.frame


Extracts correlation results in form of a data.frame that has been constructed by melting a correlation matrix and its corresponding p-values to a data.frame via reshape2::melt().


getCorrDf(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'Correlation'
  method_corr = "pearson",
  across = NULL,
  across_subset = NULL,
  pval_threshold = 0.05,
  type = "complete",
  diagonal = TRUE,
  distinct = FALSE,
  digits = 2,
  verbose = TRUE,
  sep = " & ",

## S4 method for signature 'Analysis'
  method_corr = "pearson",
  across = NULL,
  across_subset = NULL,
  pval_threshold = 0.05,
  type = "complete",
  diagonal = TRUE,
  distinct = FALSE,
  digits = 2,
  verbose = TRUE,
  sep = " & ",

## S4 method for signature 'Analysis'
  method_corr = "pearson",
  across = NULL,
  across_subset = NULL,
  type = "complete",
  diagonal = TRUE,
  flatten = TRUE



Any object for whose class a method has been defined.


Character value. Specifies the discrete variable in the data.frame across which the variables of interest are to be analyzed or displayed.


Numeric value or NULL. If numeric, denotes the maximum p-value to be considered as significant. Must no be higher than 0.05.


Character value. Denotes how the underlying correlation matrix is handled. Three options:

  • 'complete': The matrix stays as is.,

  • 'lower': The part below the diagonal is used. The upper part is set to NA.,

  • 'upper':The part above the diagonal is used. the lower part is set to NA.


Logical value. Indicates if the diagonal values of the matrices are kept ( = TRUE) or set to NA (= FALSE). Ignored if type = 'complete'.


Logical value. If TRUE only one observation per variable pair remains in the output data.frame.


Numeric. Given to base::round() and indicates the number of digits to which the correlation value is rounded. Defaults to 2.


Logical. If set to TRUE informative messages regarding the computational progress will be printed.

(Warning messages will always be printed.)


Character value. Denots the string with which the variable pairs are combined in variable var_pair of the output data.frame.


A data.frame of class corr_df with the following columns:

  • across: Factor or NULL. If factor, the group names of the grouping variable denoted in across.,

  • var1: Factor. First variable of the correlated variable pair.

  • var2: Factor. Second variable of the correlated variable pair.,

  • var_pair:Factor. Combination of var1 and var2,

  • corr: Numeric. The correlation vaule.,

  • pval: Numeric. The corresponding p-value.,

  • emphpval_threshold: Numeric. The denoted p-value threshold.,

  • signif: Logical. Indicates if the p-value of the correlated pair is below the denoted threshold.

  • method_corr: Character. The correlation method.

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