plotCorrplot: Plot correlation plot

plotCorrplotR Documentation

Plot correlation plot


Plot correlation plot


plotCorrplot(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'Correlation'
  method_corr = "pearson",
  across = NULL,
  across_subset = NULL,
  variables_subset = NULL,
  relevel = FALSE,
  pval_threshold = NULL,
  type = "lower",
  diagonal = TRUE,
  color_low = "darkred",
  color_high = "steelblue",
  color_limits = c(-1, 1),
  shape = "tile",
  size_by_corr = TRUE,
  size_max = 15,
  size_limits = c(-1, 1),
  display_values = TRUE,
  values_alpha = 0.9,
  values_color = "black",
  values_digits = 2,
  values_size = 4,
  display_grid = TRUE,
  grid_color = "grey",
  grid_size = 0.5,
  nrow = NULL,
  ncol = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE

## S4 method for signature 'Analysis'
  method_corr = "pearson",
  across = NULL,
  across_subset = NULL,
  variables_subset = variables_subset,
  relevel = FALSE,
  pval_threshold = 0.05,
  type = "lower",
  diagonal = TRUE,
  color_low = "darkred",
  color_high = "steelblue",
  color_limits = c(-1, 1),
  shape = "tile",
  size_by_corr = TRUE,
  size_max = 15,
  size_limits = c(-1, 1),
  display_value = TRUE,
  values_alpha = 0.9,
  values_color = "black",
  values_digits = 2,
  values_size = 4,
  display_grid = TRUE,
  grid_color = "grey",
  grid_size = 0.5,
  nrow = NULL,
  ncol = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



Any object for whose class a method has been defined.


Character value or NULL. If character, specifies the name of the grouping variable that contains the group assignment across which results are displayed. If NULL, no grouping is done.


Character vector, list of two character vectors or NULL. If character, specifies the subset of variable names that is included in the plot on both axes.

If list, character vector named x is used to subset x-axis and character vector named y is used to subset y-axis.

To exclude single variables the variable name can be provided prefixed with a '-'.

Ignored if NULL.


Logical value. If set to TRUE the input order of across.subset and variables determines the order in which the groups of interest are displayed.


Numeric value or NULL. If numeric, denotes the maximum p-value to be considered as significant. Must no be higher than 0.05.


Character value. Denotes how the underlying correlation matrix is handled. If type = 'complete', the matrix is let as is. If type = 'lower', the part below the diagonal is used. The upper part is set to NA. If type = 'upper, the part above the diagonal is used. the lower part is set to NA.


Logical value. Indicates if the diagonal values of the matrices are kept ( = TRUE) or set to NA (= FALSE). Ignored if type = 'complete'.

color_low, color_high

Character values. Specifies the colors that are used to generate the color spectrum with which the gradient from negative color_low) to positive correlation (color_high) is displayed.


Character value. Specifies the shape of the geometric objects with which the variable pairs are displayed. Either 'circle', 'rect' or 'tile'.


Logical value. If TRUE, size is used in addition to coloring to indicate the correlation. Ignored if shape = 'tile'

size_limits, color_limits

Numeric vectors. Used to set the limits of the scales.


Logical. If TRUE, correlation values are displayed as numbers.

values_alpha, values_size

Numeric values. Denote transparency and size of the displayed values.


Character value. Denotes the color in which the values are displayed.


Numeric value. Denotes the number of digits to which the displayed values are rounded.


Logical. If set to TRUE informative messages regarding the computational progress will be printed.

(Warning messages will always be printed.)


A ggplot.

kueckelj/confuns documentation built on June 28, 2024, 9:19 a.m.