knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE, fig.height=3, fig.width = 7, comment=NULL, eval=F, tidy=F, width=80, message = F, warning= F)


Lending Club (LC) publishes data on all of the loans issued on their platform since 2007. The data is updated on a quarterly basis- roughly 6 weeks after the quarter close. The LendingClubData package contains a dataset with this historical data. It will be updated as new data is published. The following is the code used to obtain the public data from Lending Club.

Links<- character()
  Links[1]<-  "LoanStats3a.csv" 
  Links[2]<-  "LoanStats3b.csv"
  Links[3]<-  "LoanStats3c.csv"
  Links[4]<-  "LoanStats3d.csv"
  Links[5]<-  "LoanStats_2016Q1.csv"
  Links[6]<-  "LoanStats_2016Q2.csv"
  Links[7]<-  "LoanStats_2016Q3.csv"
  Links[8]<-  "LoanStats_2016Q4.csv"
  Links[9]<-  "LoanStats_2017Q1.csv"
  Links[10]<- "LoanStats_2017Q2.csv"
  Links[11]<- "LoanStats_2017Q3.csv"

The member data includes additional variables but Lending Club put those files behind a signed URL. I haven't yet figured out if its possible to get past the signature barrier much less get the code together. In order to assemble the member data, I've downloaded it manually to a folder I've called downloads.

zips<- dir("../downloads") 
lapply(paste0("../downloads/",zips), unzip, exdir="../downloads")
datfiles<- grep("csv$",dir("../downloads"), value=T)

df_list<- lapply(paste0("../downloads/",datfiles), Prep_Loan_Data)

dat<- plyr::rbind.fill(df_list)

There are non-ASCII characters that are converted to ASCII encoding.

dat$emp_title<- stringi::stri_trans_general(dat$emp_title, "Any-Null")
dat$desc<- stringi::stri_trans_general(dat$desc, "Any-Null")

The dataset is too big to be hosted on Github as a single file, even compressed as an .rda file. To get around this limitation, I have split the dataset into seperate data frames by year and then created the \code{IssuedLoans()} function which combines them again. This also affords the opportunity to provide a subset of years to retrieve instead of pulling the entire historical record.

dat$issue_year<- format(dat$issue_d, "%Y")
dat_by_year<- split(dat, dat$issue_year)
names(dat_by_year)<- paste0("LendingClubData_", names(dat_by_year))

no_years<- 1:length(dat_by_year)

for (i in no_years){
    var_name<- names(dat_by_year)[[i]]
    assign(eval(var_name), dat_by_year[[i]])
    save(list=c(var_name), file=paste0("../data/", var_name, ".rda"))

rm(dat_by_year, dat, df_list)

You can call the dataset with this function:


kuhnrl30/LendingClubData documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:05 p.m.