Man pages for kuhnrl30/Touchdown
Tools interacting the Yahoo Fantasy Football API

DefenseWeekly player Defense statistics (2012-2014)
GenerateURIThis function generates the URI needed to pull the data
GetDataRetrieve stats data
GetGameIDFunction to pull the game meta data
GetSigSets up the OAuth signature credential with the Yahoo API
GetStatsThis function allows you to get player stats from Yahoo...
GetTeamDataFunction to return the team data
KickingWeekly player Kicking statistics (2012-2014)
PassingWeekly player passing statistics (2012-2014)
PuntingWeekly player Punting statistics (2012-2014)
ReturnsWeekly player Punting statistics (2012-2014)
RushingWeekly player Rushing statistics (2012-2014)
ScoreKickingScore the kicking stats
ScorePassingScore the passing statistics
ScoreReceivingScore the receiving stats
ScoreRushingScore the rushing stats
TouchdownTouchdown: A wrapper for the Yahoo Sports API
kuhnrl30/Touchdown documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:06 p.m.