matter-options: Options for "matter" Objects

matter-optionsR Documentation

Options for “matter” Objects


The matter package provides the following options:

  • options(matter.compress.atoms=3): The compression ratio threshold to be used to determine when to compress atoms in a matter object. Setting to 0 or FALSE means that atoms are never compressed.

  • options(matter.default.nchunks=20L): The default number of chunks to use when iterating over matter objects.

  • options(matter.default.verbose=FALSE): The default verbosity for printing progress messages.

  • options(matter.matmul.bpparam=NULL): An optional BiocParallelParam passed to bplapply used when performing matrix multiplication with matter_mat and sparse_mat objects.

  • options( Should a preview of the beginning of the data be displayed when the object is printed?

  • options( The number of elements, rows, and/or columns to be displayed by the object preview.

  • options(matter.coerce.altrep=FALSE): When coercing matter objects to native R objects (such as matrix), should a matter-backed ALTREP object be returned instead? The initial coercion will be cheap, and the result will look like a native R object. This does not guarantee that the full data is never read into memory. Not all functions are ALTREP-aware at the C-level, so some operations may still trigger the full data to be read into memory. This should only ever happen once, as long as the object is not duplicated, though.

  • options(matter.wrap.altrep=FALSE): When coercing to a matter-backed ALTREP object, should the object be wrapped in an ALTREP wrapper? (This is always done in cases where the coercion preserves existing attributes.) This allows setting of attributes without triggering a (potentially expensive) duplication of the object when safe to do so.

  • options(matter.dump.dir=tempdir()): Temporary directory where matter object files should be dumped when created without user-specified file paths.

kuwisdelu/matter documentation built on July 16, 2024, 1:28 p.m.