Man pages for kwdoyle/kevtools
Kevin's Useful Functions for Stats, etc.

BetterDropNADrop rows where every column specified is NA
ConvertToTableConvert list-form model outputs into a table
createTimeColcreate uniformity across the datetime columns for all the...
DichotTestTest for differences in dichotomized numeric variables
loadRedcapsource in the latest version of data from a redcap database
MakeCountTablesGet counts and percentages from a table
MakeCountTablesGroupGet counts and percentages from a table split by a grouping...
MakeSQLTempTableCreate a Microsoft SQL Server temporary table
MultiRegressMultiple linear or logistinc regression
PermutationTestRun a permutation test
processREDCapDataConvert REDCap structured data into something actually usable
QualitativeStatisticsCompare qualitative variables between a grouping variable
QuantitativeDemographicsSummary statistics on quantitative variables
QuantitativeDemographicsGroupSummary statistics on quantitative variables per group
QuantitativeStatisticsComparative stats on quantitative variables per group
readDBRead a multi-sheet excel table into a list
readExtendedExcelRead an "extended" excel file
SmoothTimeSeriesClean a time series
sourceEnvsource the most recent file located in a given directory...
UnivariateRegressPerform a univariate regression analysis
kwdoyle/kevtools documentation built on Jan. 4, 2023, 10:32 p.m.