agridat: Datasets from agricultural experiments

agridatR Documentation

Datasets from agricultural experiments


This package contains datasets from publications relating to agriculture, including field crops, tree crops, animal studies, and a few others.


If you use these data, please cite both the agridat package and the original source of the data.

Abbreviations in the 'other' column include: xy = coordinates, pls = partial least squares, rsm = response surface methodology, row-col = row-column design, ts = time series,

Uniformity trials with a single genotype

name dimensions other model
ansari.wheat.uniformity 96 x 8 xy
bailey.cotton.uniformity 8 x 20 xy, 5 envts
baker.barley.uniformity 3 x 19 xy, 10 years
baker.strawberry.uniformity 10 x 50 xy
baker.wheat.uniformity 12 x 12 xy
bancroft.peanut.uniformity 6 x 18 xy, 2 blocks 8 x 28 xy
batchelor.lemon.uniformity 14 x 16 xy
batchelor.navel1.uniformity 20 x 50 xy
batchelor.navel2.uniformity 15 x 33 xy
batchelor.valencia.uniformity 12 x 20 xy
batchelor.walnut.uniformity 10 x 28 xy
beckett.maize.uniformity 6 x 19 xy
bose.multi.uniformity 15 x 26 xy, 3 years
bradley.multi.uniformity 10 x 11 xy
bryan.corn.uniformity 6 x 48 xy
christidis.cotton.uniformity 16 x 16 xy, 4 blocks
christidis.wheat.uniformity 12 x 24 xy
coombs.rice.uniformity 3 x 18 xy
dasilva.soybean.uniformity 24 x 48 xy
davies.pasture.uniformity 19 x 40 xy
day.wheat.uniformity 31 x 100 xy
draper.safflower.uniformity 18 x 16 xy, 2 expt smith
ducker.groundnut.uniformity 44 x 5 xy
eden.tea.uniformity 12 x 12 xy
evans.sugarcane.uniformity 142 x 5 xy
forster.wheat.uniformity 10 x 16 xy
garber.multi.uniformity 6 x 45 xy, 5 years/crops
gomez.rice.uniformity 18 x 36 xy aov,smith
gorski.oats.uniformity 10 x 20, 15 x 20 xy
goulden.barley.uniformity 48 x 48 xy
hansen.multi.uniformity 6 x 5, 16 x 8 xy, 4-5 yr splom
haritonenko.sugarbeet.uniformity 4 x 104 xy
harris.multi.uniformity 2 x 23 xy, 23 crops corrgram
hartman.tomato.uniformity 12 x 32 xy
heath.cabbage.uniformity 6 x 8 xy
heath.radish.uniformity 10 x 10 xy
holtsmark.timothy.uniformity 6 x 40 xy
hutchinson.cotton.uniformity 36 x 42 xy
igue.sugarcane.uniformity 36 x 42 xy
immer.sugarbeet.uniformity 10 x 60 xy, 3 traits, 2 yr
iyer.wheat.uniformity 25 x 80 xy
jegorow.oats.uniformity 8 x 30 xy
jones.corn.uniformity 12 x 12 xy
jurowski.wheat.uniformity 4 x 40 xy
kadam.millet.uniformity 8 x 20 xy, 2 expts
kalamkar.potato.uniformity 6 x 96 xy
kalamkar.wheat.uniformity 16 x 80 xy, 2 traits
kempton.barley.uniformity 7 x 28 xy
kerr.sugarcane.uniformity 12 x 12 xy , 4 fields
khan.brassica.uniformity 18 x 18 xy, 2 fields
khin.rice.uniformity 30 x 36 xy
kiesselbach.oats.uniformity 3 x 69 xy
kotowski.potato.uniformity 12 x 4, 26 x 4 xy
kristensen.barley.uniformity 22 x 11 xy
kulkarni.sorghum.uniformity 4 x 40 xy, 3 years
lander.multi.uniformity 5 x 39 xy, 4 years
larsen.timothy.uniformity 12 x 80 xy
laycock.tea.uniformity 6 x 9 xy, 2 locations
lehmann.millet.uniformity 6 x 22 xy, 3 years
lehmann.rice.uniformity 2 x 17 xy, 4 years
lessman.sorghum.uniformity 46 x 60 xy
li.millet.uniformity 6 x 100 xy
loesell.bean.uniformity 21 x 90 xy
lord.rice.uniformity 5 x 14 xy, 8 fields
love.cotton.uniformity 16 x 10 xy
love.sugarcane.uniformity 20 x 20 xy
lyon.potato.uniformity 34 x 6 xy
magistad.pineapple.uniformity 5 x 5 xy
masood.rice.uniformity 12 x 24 xy
mcclelland.corn.uniformity 2 x 44 xy
mckinstry.cotton.uniformity 24 x 20 xy
mercer.mangold.uniformity 10 x 20 xy
mercer.wheat.uniformity 25 x 20 xy, 2 traits spplot
montgomery.wheat.uniformity 14 x 16 xy, 2 years lm
moore.polebean.uniformity 12 x 12 xy
moore.bushbean.uniformity 24 x 24 xy
moore.sweetcorn.uniformity 24 x 12 xy
moore.carrot.uniformity 24 x 12 xy
moore.springcauliflower.uniformity 12 x 20 xy
moore.fallcauliflower.uniformity 12 x 20 xy
nagai.strawberry.uniformity 18 x 24 xy
nair.turmeric.uniformity 72 x 12 xy
narain.sorghum.uniformity 10 x 16 xy
nonnecke.peas.uniformity 15 x 18 xy, 2 traits
nonnecke.sweetcorn.uniformity 32 x 18 xy, 3 loc
obsi.potato.uniformity 63 x 26, 49 x 19 xy
odland.soybean.uniformity 25 x 42 xy
odland.soyhay.uniformity 28 x 55 xy 32 x 36 xy, 5 yr
panse.cotton.uniformity 32 x 40 xy 10 x 27 xy, 6 yr
piepho.barley.uniformity 30 x 36 xy
polson.safflower.uniformity 52 x 33 xy smith
rangaswamy.groundnut.uniformity 8 x 12 xy
robinson.peanut.uniformity 16 x 36 xy
roemer.sugarbeet.uniformity 2 x 48 xy
saunders.maize.uniformity 5 x 300 xy, 2 year
sawyer.multi.uniformity 8 x 6 xy, 3 year
sayer.sugarcane.uniformity 8 x 136, 8 x 121 xy, 2 year
shafi.tomato.uniformity 10 x 20 xy
siao.cotton.uniformity 12 x 22 xy
smith.beans.uniformity 18 x 12, 16 x 15 xy, 2 yr, 2 crops
smith.corn.uniformity 6 x 20 xy, 3 years rgl
smith.wheat.uniformity 36 x 30 xy, 2 traits
stephens.sorghum.uniformity 100 x 20 xy
stickler.sorghum.uniformity 20 x 20 xy, 4 expts, 2 years 11 x 18 xy
strickland.grape.uniformity 5 x 31 xy
strickland.peach.uniformity 8 x 18 xy
strickland.tomato.uniformity 30 x 6 xy
summerby.multi.uniformity 35 x 5 xy 5 years
tulaikow.wheat.uniformity 24 x 10, 15 x 16 xy 5 years
vishnaadevi.rice.uniformity 12 x 24 xy
wassom.brome.uniformity 36 x 36 xy, 3 expts
wiebe.wheat.uniformity 12 x 125 xy medianpolish, loess
wiedemann.safflower.uniformity 54 x 33 xy smith
williams.barley.uniformity 48 x 15 xy loess
williams.cotton.uniformity 24 x 12 xy loess
wyatt.multi.uniformity 43 x 3 xy

Yield monitor

name reps years trt other model
gartner.corn xy,ym
lasrosas.corn 3 2 6 xy,ym lm
kayad.alfalfa 4 xy,ym


name gen years trt other model
alwan.lamb 34 2 ordinal clmm
becker.chicken 5,12 heritability lmer
crampton.pig 5 2 cov lm
brandt.switchback 10 2 aov
depalluel.sheep 4 4 latin
diggle.cow 4 ts
foulley.calving ordinal polr
goulden.eggs controlchart
harvey.lsmeans 3,3 lm
harville.lamb 5 lmer
henderson.milkfat nls,lm,glm,gam
holland.arthropods 5
ilri.sheep 4 6 diallel lmer, asreml
kenward.cattle 2 asreml
lucas.switchback 12 3 aov
mead.lamb 3 3 glm
patterson.switchback 12 4 aov
urquhart.feedlot 11 3 lm
woodman.pig 3 cov lm
zuidhof.broiler ts


name gen loc reps years trt other model
box.cork repeated radial, asreml
devries.pine 4 3,3 xy,graeco aov
harris.wateruse 2 2 repeated asreml,lme
hanover.whitepine 7*4 4 heritability lmer
johnson.douglasfir xy
lavoranti.eucalyptus 70 7 svd 4 6 cov lm,lmer
williams.trees 37 6 2

Field and horticulture crops

name gen loc reps years trt other model
acorsi.grayleafspot 36 9 2 5 nonnormal gnm,ammi
adugna.sorghum 28 13 5
aastveit.barley 15 9 yr*gen~yr*trt pls
allcroft.lodging 32 7 percent tobit 2 5 24 split-split lmer
ars.earlywhitecorn96 60 9 6 traits dotplot
australia.soybean 58 4 2 4-way, 6 traits biplot
bachmaier.nitrogen 4 2,11 quadratic lm
barrero.maize 847 16 4 11 6 gain,asreml
battese.survey 12 1-5 2 lmer
beall.webworms 15 2,2 xy, split-block glm poisson,nb
beaven.barley 8 20 xy
belamkar.augmented 273 8 xy, incblock asreml
besag.bayesian 75 3 xy asreml
besag.beans 6 4*6 xy lm,competition
besag.checks 2 xy
besag.elbatan 50 3 xy lm, gam
besag.endive xy,binary autologistic
besag.met 64 6 3 xy, incblock asreml, lme
besag.triticale 3 2,2,3 xy lm, asreml
bliss.borers 4 glm
blackman.wheat 12 7 2 biplot
bond.diallel 6*6 9 diallel
bridges.cucumber 4 2 4 xy, latin, hetero asreml
brandle.rape 5 9 3 lmer
buntaran.wheat 30 18 2 alpha asreml
burgueno.alpha 15 3 xy, alpha asreml,lmer
burgueno.rowcol 64 2 xy, row-col asreml,lmer
burgueno.unreplicated 280 xy asreml
butron.maize 49 3 2 diallel,pedigree biplot,asreml
caribbean.maize 17 4 3
carmer.density 8 4 nls,nlme
carlson.germination 15 8 glm
chakravertti.factorial 3 3 3,5,3,3 factorial aov
chinloy.fractionalfactorial 9 1/3 3^5 = 3,3,3,3 xy,factorial aov
christidis.competition 9 5 xy
cochran.beets 6 7
cochran.bib 13 13 bib aov, lme
cochran.crd 7 xy, crd aov
cochran.factorial 2 2,2,2,2 = 2^4 factorial aov
cochran.latin 6 6 xy, latin aov
cochran.lattice 5 16 xy, latin lmer
cochran.wireworms 5 5 xy, latin glm
cochran.eelworms 4 5 xy aov
connolly.potato 20 4 xy, competition lm
cornelius.maize 9 20 svd
corsten.interaction 20 7
cramer.cucumber 8 pathcoef
crossa.wheat 18 25 ammi
crowder.seeds 2 21 2 glm,INLA,jags
cox.stripsplit 4 3,4,2 split-block aov
cullis.earlygen 532 xy asreml
damesa.maize 22 4 3 xy,incblock,twostage asreml
dasilva.maize 55 9 3
darwin.maize 12 2 t.test
davidian.soybean 2 3 nlme
denis.missing 5 26 lme
denis.ryegrass 21 7 aov
digby.jointregression 10 17 4 lm
durban.competition 36 3 xy, competition lm
durban.rowcol 272 2 xy lm, gam, asreml
durban.splitplot 70 4 2 xy lm, gam, asreml
eden.potato 4 3 4-12 xy, rcb, latin aov
eden.nonnormal 4 4 aov
edwards.oats 80 5 3 7
engelstad.nitro 2 5 6 rsm1 nls quadratic plateau
fan.stability 13 10 2 3-way stability
federer.diagcheck 122 xy lm, lmer, asreml
federer.tobacco 8 7 xy lm
fisher.barley 5 6 2
fisher.latin 5 5 xy,latin lm
fox.wheat 22 14 lm 2 8 tost 7 7 4 12 ammi
george.wheat 211 9 4 15
giles.wheat 19 13 2 traits gnm
gilmour.serpentine 108 3 xy, serpentine asreml
gilmour.slatehall 25 6 xy asreml
gomez.fractionalfactorial 2 1/2 2^6 = 2,2,2,2,2,2 xy,factorial lm
gomez.groupsplit 45 3 2 xy, 3 gen groups aov
gomez.heteroskedastic 35 3 hetero
gomez.multilocsplitplot 2 3 3 rsm1,nitro aov, lmer
gomez.nitrogen 4 8 aov, contrasts
gomez.nonnormal1 4 9 log10 lm
gomez.nonnormal2 14 3 sqrt lm
gomez.nonnormal3 12 3 arcsin lm
gomez.seedrate 4 6 rate lm
gomez.splitplot.subsample 3 8,4 subsample aov
gomez.splitsplit 3 3 xy, nitro, mgmt aov, lmer
gomez.stripplot 6 3 xy, nitro aov
gomez.stripsplitplot 6 3 xy, nitro aov
gomez.wetdry 3 2 5 nitro lmer
gotway.hessianfly 16 4 xy lmer
goulden.latin 5 5 xy, latin lm
goulden.splitsplit 2 4 2*5 xy, split aov
graybill.heteroskedastic 4 13 hetero
gregory.cotton 2 4*3*2*2 polar
grover.diallel 4 6*6 diallel lmDiallel
grover.rcb.subsample 4 2 9 subsample aov
gumpertz.pepper xy glm
hadasch.lettuce 89 3 3 markers asreml
hanks.sprinkler 3 3 xy asreml
hayman.tobacco 8 2 2 diallel asreml
hazell.vegetables 4 6 linprog
heady.fertilizer 2 9*9 rsm2 lm,rgl
hernandez.nitrogen 5 4 rsm1 lm, nls 14 4 asreml
holshouser.splitstrip 4 4 2*4 rsm1,pop lmer
huehn.wheat 20 10 huehn
hughes.grapes 3 6 binomial lmer, aod, glmm
hunter.corn 12 3 1 rsm1 xyplot
ivins.herbs 13 6 2 traits lm, friedman 3 4 3 binomial glmer
jansen.carrot 16 3 2 binomial glmer
jansen.strawberry 12 4 ordinal mosaicplot
jayaraman.bamboo 6 2 3 heritability lmer
jenkyn.mildew 9 4 lm
john.alpha 24 3 xy, alpha lm, lmer
johnson.blight 2 logistic
kang.maize 17 4 3 2,4
kang.peanut 10 15 4 gge
karcher.turfgrass 4 2,4 ordinal polr
keen.potatodamage 6 4 2,3,8 ordinal mosaicplot,clmm
kempton.competition 36 3 xy, competition lme AR1
kempton.rowcol 35 2 xy, row-col lmer
kling.augmented 53 6 xy, augmented lmer
kempton.slatehall 25 6 xy asreml, lmer
kirk.potato 21 15 xy
lee.potatoblight 337 4 11 xy, ordinal, repeated
lehner.soybeanmold 35 4 11 metafor, lmer
lillemo.wheat 24 13 7 qq medpolish, huehn
lin.superiority 33 12 superiority
lin.unbalanced 33 18 superiority
linder.wheat 9 7 4 gge
little.splitblock 4 4,5 xy, split-block aov
lonnquist.maize 11 diallel asreml
lyons.wheat 12 4
lu.stability 5 6 huehn
mcconway.turnip 2 4 2,4 hetero aov, lme
mcleod.barley 8 6 aggregate
mead.cauliflower 2 poisson glm
mead.cowpea.maize 3,2 3 4 intercrop
mead.germination 4 4,4 binomial glm
mead.strawberry 8 4
mead.turnip 3 5,4 aov
miguez.biomass 3 4 6 10
minnesota.barley.yield 22 6 10 dotplot
omer.sorghum 18 6 4 jags
onofri.winterwheat 8 3 7 ammi
ortiz.tomato 15 18 16 env*gen~env*cov pls
pacheco.soybean 18 11 ammi
payne.wheat 20 6 rotation asreml
pederson.lettuce.repeated 18 3 nlme
perry.springwheat 28 5 4 gain lm,lmer,asreml
petersen.sorghum.cowpea 2 4 7 4 intercrop
piepho.cocksfoot 25 7 mumm
ratkowsky.onions lm
reid.grasses 4 3 21 nlme SSfpl
riddle.wheat 25 5 2 xy, latin aov
ridout.appleshoots 30 2,4 zip zeroinfl 4 6
rothamsted.oats 8 9 rcb
ryder.groundnut 5 4 xy, rcb lm
salmon.bunt 10 2 20 betareg
senshu.rice 40 lm,Fieller
shafii.rapeseed 6 14 3 3 biplot
shaw.oats 13 2 5 3 aov
sharma.met 7 3 3 2 FinlayWilkinson
silva.cotton 5 5 5 traits glm,poisson
sinclair.clover 5,5 rsm2,mitzerlich nls,rgl
snedecor.asparagus 4 4 4 split-plot, antedependence
snijders.fusarium 17 3 4 percent glm/gnm,gammi
steptoe.morex.pheno 152 16 10 traits
steptoe.morex.geno 150 223 markers, qtl
streibig.competition 2 3 glm
stroup.nin 56 4 xy asreml
stroup.splitplot 4 asreml, MCMCglmm
student.barley 2 51 6 lmer
tai.potato 8 3 2 tai
talbot.potato 9 12 gen*env~gen*trt pls
tesfaye.millet 47 2 2-3 2 4 xy asreml
theobald.barley 3 5 2 5 rsm1
theobald.covariate 10 7 5 cov jags
thompson.cornsoy 5 33 repeated measures aov
vaneeuwijk.fusarium 20 4 7 3-way aov
vaneeuwijk.drymatter 6 4 7 3-way aov,lmer
vaneeuwijk.nematodes 11 nonnormal,poisson gnm, gammi
vargas.wheat1 7 6 gen*yr~gen*trt, yr*gen~yr*cov pls
vargas.wheat2 8 7 env*gen~env*cov pls
vargas.txe 10 24 yr*trt~yr*cov pls 9 8 3 2 7 rsm1, xy, density asreml
vold.longterm 19 4 rsm1 nls,nlme
vsn.lupin3 336 3 xy asreml
wedderburn.barley 10 9 percent glm/gnm
weiss.incblock 31 6 xy,incblock asreml
weiss.lattice 49 4 xy,lattice lm,asreml
welch.bermudagrass 4,4,4 rsm3, factorial lm, jags
wheatley.carrot 3 11 glm-binomial
yan.winterwheat 18 9 gge,biplot
yang.barley 6 18 biplot
yates.missing 10 3^2 = 3,3 factorial lm, pca
yates.oats 3 6 xy,split,nitro lmer

Time series

name years trt other model lme
broadbalk.wheat 74 17
hessling.argentina 30 temp,precip
kreusler.maize 4 5 plant growth
lambert.soiltemp 1 7
nass.barley 146
nass.corn 146
nass.cotton 146
nass.hay 104
nass.sorghum 93
nass.wheat 146
nass.rice 117
nass.soybean 88
walsh.cottonprice 34 cor


name model
cate.potassium cate-nelson
cleveland.soil loess 2D
harrison.priors nls, prior
nebraska.farmincome choropleth
pearl.kernels chisq
stirret.borers lm, 4 trt
turner.herbicide glm, 4 trt
usgs.herbicides non-detect
wallace.iowaland lm, choropleth
waynick.soil spatial, nitro/carbon


Diallel experiments:

name gen loc reps trt model
bond.diallel 6*6 9
butron.maize 49 3 biplot,asreml
grover.diallel 4 6*6 lmDiallel
hayman.tobacco 8 2 asreml
ilri.sheep 4 6
lonnquist.maize 11 asreml

Factorial experiments:

name gen loc reps years trt other model
chakravertti.factorial 3 3 3,5,3,3 factorial aov
chinloy.fractionalfactorial 9 1/3 3^5 = 3,3,3,3 xy,factorial aov
cochran.factorial 2 2,2,2,2 = 2^4 factorial aov
gomez.fractionalfactorial 2 1/2 2^6 = 2,2,2,2,2,2 xy,factorial lm
welch.bermudagrass 4,4,4 rsm3, factorial lm, jags
yates.missing 10 3^2 = 3,3 factorial lm, pca

Multi-environment trials with multi-genotype,loc,rep,year:

name gen loc reps years trt other model
barrero.maize 847 16 4 11 6 asreml
edwards.oats 80 5 3 7 7 7 4 12 ammi
george.wheat 211 9 4 15
shafii.rapeseed 6 14 3 3 biplot
shaw.oats 13 2 5 3 aov
tesfaye.millet 47 2 2-3 2 4 xy,FA asreml 9 8 3 2 7 rsm1, xy, density asreml

Data with markers: hadasch.lettuce.markers, steptoe.morex.geno

Data with pedigree: butron.maize


Kevin Wright, with support from many people who granted permission to include their data in this package.


J. White and Frits van Evert. (2008). Publishing Agronomic Data. Agron J. 100, 1396-1400.

kwstat/agridat documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 9:44 p.m.