Man pages for kylebittinger/pheatbuilder
Build a heatmap in stages

factor_gapsCollect gap locations from factor
factor_paletteCreate a named color palette for a factor
pheatBuild a pheatmap object in stages
pheat_annotateAnnotate rows and columns of the heatmap
pheat_annotation_colorSet color palettes for heatmap annotations
pheat_annotation_legendAdjust the legend for annotations in the heatmap
pheat_clusterAdd cluster dendrograms to heatmap
pheat_colorHeatmap color scale
pheat_color_saturatedUse a saturated rainbow color palette for the heatmap
pheat_displaySet display style for heatmap
pheat_legendAdjust the legend for the heatmap
pheat_saveSave the heatmap to a file
print.pheatPrint the heatmap to the screen
vendor_propsMicrobiome of mouse cecum and feces
kylebittinger/pheatbuilder documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 8:45 a.m.