Man pages for kylebittinger/usedist
Distance Matrix Utilities

dist_between_centroidsCompute the distance between group centroids
dist_getRetrieve distances from a 'dist' object.
dist_groupsCreate a data frame of distances between groups of items.
dist_makeMake a distance matrix using a custom distance function
dist_multi_centroidsMake a new distance matrix of centroid distances between...
dist_setNamesSet the names/labels of a 'dist' object.
dist_subsetExtract parts of a 'dist' object.
dist_to_centroidsCompute distances from each item to group centroids
pivot_to_matrixConvert a data frame in long format to a matrix
usedist-packageusedist: a package for working with distance matrices in R
kylebittinger/usedist documentation built on June 1, 2024, 3:25 p.m.