knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Let's make an app!

Excited to make an app to explore data together? You've come to the right place.

burro has a function called build_shiny_app that will do most of the building for you. Let's run through that process. Here's the steps required to build an app.

Steps in Making a burro App

  1. Make a new project
  2. Load your Data (and data dictionary in)
  3. Choose your Covariates
  4. Choose your outcome variable
  5. Build App
  6. Deploy to

1. Make a New Project

In RStudio, make a new project by going to File >> New Project and Choose "New Folder". Name the folder what you want your app to be named.


Let's name our project "diamonds".

2. Load in Your Data

We're going to use the diamonds dataset from the ggplot2 package. In the console, type the following:


3. Choose your covariates

Your dataset may have too many covariates. Here's your chance to whittle them down.


We're going to specify our covariates as

covars <- c("carat", "cut", "color", "clarity", "depth", "table", "price")

4. Choose your outcome

You'll now need to choose your outcome variable, which currently needs to be a factor (categorical) variable. All of the visualizations in burro are in terms of this outcome.

We're going to focus on the cut type of the diamond.

outcome <- "cut"

5. Build your app!

With everything specified, we can now build our app in our current project.

build_shiny_app(dataset = diamonds, covariates=covars, outcome_var=outcome)

Check to make sure that there's an app.R in your main project folder and there is a dataset.rds file in your data folder inside your project.

Open the app.R file and hit the Run App button. Your app should pop up. Try it out!

6. Deploy to

Your burro project is now ready to be deployed to a Shiny Server! We'll focus on because it's free. You'll need to follow the directions here: (signing up, installing the rsconnect package, setting it up) to get started.

Once all that is setup, you can hit the "Publish" button or use deployApp() to publish it to your account.

7. Send your URL out and have a data scavenger hunt!

Your burro app is now ready to share at your url. Send it out and have a data scavenger hunt!

laderast/burro documentation built on July 19, 2020, 10:51 p.m.