Man pages for lampk/taskeR
Managing Tasks with RStudio

copy_snippetsTo copy snippets to computers
extract_infoTo extract a specific property of a task
extract_taskTo extract all task from an .Rmd file
file.choose2A modify version of file.choose
get_taskTo get all properties of all task from an .Rmd file and...
ggplot_colorTo pick default ggplot colors
helloHello, World!
insert_date_addinAddin to insert date
manage_task_addinAddin to manage all tasks
plot_taskTo plot a task.summary object
report_taskTo summarize a task.summary object
split_taskTo split task vector into a list of tasks
summarize_taskTo summarize tasks from a data frame of all tasks
lampk/taskeR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:34 p.m.