Man pages for langcog/langcog
Language and Cognition Lab Things

ci_lowerConfidence interval (lower)
ci_upperConfidence interval (upper)
clmFitting linear models under constraints
ezLevHelper function for levels, from the ez package
get_starsSignificance stars
ggcorplotUsing ggplot2 to plot matrix of correlations
langcoglangcog: Language and Cognition Lab Things
multi_boot_standardNonparemetric bootstrap and empirical central tendency for...
predict.clmPredict method for constrained linear model fits
predictdf.clmPrediction data frame for constrained linear model fits
scaleScale a matrix with no attributes
scale_colour_solarizedsolarized colour palette for ggplot2
semStandard error of the mean
solarized_palettesolarized colour palette
theme_mikabrggplot2 theme
langcog/langcog documentation built on March 28, 2024, 9:52 a.m.