

                            #  run_tzar.R



#' Run a function under normal tzar or tzar emulation
#' If you're building a package rather than writing freestanding
#' R code, R will execute all ".R" files in the package's R directory
#' every time the package is built.  This is a problem when using tzar
#' because tzar expects to find and run a file called model.R in the
#' directory with all the other R code for the project.  If the code
#' that builds the package finds that file, it will try to run the code in
#' model.R and there will be code not encapsulated in a function and
#' the builder will blow up when it runs that code.  For example,
#' you might need one or more library() calls in model.R and these
#' are not supposed to be executed inside package code.
#' The way that run_tzar() is going to fake around this is to allow
#' you to to create a model.R by copying the code from some other
#' file into a file called model.R at the time tzar is run and then
#' remove it after tzar finishes.  This behavior is primarily
#' controlled by the boolean argument "copy_model_dot_R_tzar_file".
#' If that flag is TRUE, then run_tzar() will look at other
#' arguments to the function to determine source and destination
#' locations and file names and take care of the copying and cleaning
#' up after the run.
#' If you are working on your project outside of building a package,
#' then it's not a problem to have the model.R code in the same
#' directory as your other R code that tzar expects to run for the
#' project.  In that case, just set the "copy_model_dot_R_tzar_file" to
#' FALSE and all the other arguments related to it will be ignored.
#' NOTE:  Leaving the copying flag turned on does NOT hurt runs
#'        done outside of building a package, so it's recommended
#'        to just leave it turned on and put the code you would
#'        normally put in model.R in model.R.tzar instead and then
#'        let the run_tzar() manage all of that.  This way, you
#'        can use the emulator with the least amount of installation
#'        and management work for you when using the tzar package.

#' @param main_function  name of function to call to run under tzar or tzar emulation
#' @param parameters_yaml_file_path Full path with file name for the
#' project.yaml file
#' @param tzar_emulation_yaml_file_path Full path with file name for the
#' yaml file containing control values for tzar emulation
## @param emulating_tzar boolean with TRUE indicating main_function should be
## run under tzar emulation and FALSE indicating run under normal tzar
## @param main_function  function to call to run under tzar or tzar emulation
## (NOTE: NOT a string), i.e., your main application code
## @param project_path path of R code and project.yaml file for project
## @param emulation_scratch_file_path path of scratch file for passing
## tzarEmulation flag and tzarOutputDir between tzar and mainline function
## @param tzar_jar_name_with_path Path to the jar file to use to run tzar
## @param copy_model_dot_R_tzar_file Boolean flag indicating whether model.R must
## be copied in (e.g., when running inside a package)
## @param model_dot_R_tzar_SRC_dir Path to directory holding the model.R file to
## use to run tzar
## @param model_dot_R_tzar_disguised_filename Name (without path) of the file
## containing the code to be run by tzar as model.R
## @param overwrite_existing_model_dot_R_dest Boolean flag indicating whether
## model.R being copied in should overwrite any existing model.R in destination
## @param required_model_dot_R_filename_for_tzar Name of file that tzar expects to
## find and execute to call user's application code from tzar (currently,
## it's always "model.R")
#' @return Returns nothing    #parameters list of parameters loaded from project.yaml file
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'     #  Most frequent use:
#' run_tzar ()
#'     #  Use with specific project.yaml file other than ./project.yaml
#' run_tzar (parameters_yaml_file_path = "/Users/me/someplace/special_project.yaml")


run_tzar <- function (main_function,
                      parameters_yaml_file_path = "./project.yaml",
                      tzar_emulation_yaml_file_path = "./tzar_emulation.yaml")
            #  Get tzar emulation options from the tzar emulation yaml file.
            #  This yaml file is separate from the tzar project.yaml file
            #  because emulation parameters are irrelevant to tzar itself.
            #  Plus, the project.yaml file is not read until tzar is loaded
            #  and it may contain things like wildcards that the normal
            #  yaml reader couldn't easily handle reading it here.

    tzar_em_params = yaml::yaml.load_file (normalizePath (tzar_emulation_yaml_file_path,

    emulating_tzar              = as_boolean (tzar_em_params$emulating_tzar)

    echo_console_to_temp_file       = as_boolean (tzar_em_params$echo_console_to_temp_file)
    console_out_file_name_with_path = tzar_em_params$console_out_file_name_with_path

    copy_model_dot_R_tzar_file  = as_boolean (tzar_em_params$copy_model_dot_R_tzar_file)

    project_path                = tzar_em_params$project_path
    tzar_jar_name_with_path     = tzar_em_params$tzar_jar_name_with_path
    emulation_scratch_file_name_with_path = tzar_em_params$emulation_scratch_file_name_with_path

    model_dot_R_tzar_SRC_dir =
    model_dot_R_tzar_disguised_filename =
    required_model_dot_R_filename_for_tzar =
    overwrite_existing_model_dot_R_DEST =
                        as_boolean (tzar_em_params$overwrite_existing_model_dot_R_DEST)

    if (emulating_tzar)
            #  Get the full path to the emulation scratch file.
            #  Make sure the path is in canonical form
            #  for the platform in case there is any problem with it.
            #  Set mustWork=FALSE because the file should not be there and
            #  when a file is not there, normalizePath() gives a warning
            #  that we don't want to see.

        emulation_scratch_file_name_with_path =
            normalizePath (emulation_scratch_file_name_with_path,

            #  Often, a run will overflow the console buffer and
            #  important debugging output to the console output will
            #  be lost.  One solution is to tee the console output
            #  to a sink file.  If that option wass requested,
            #  open the sink file now.

        if (echo_console_to_temp_file)
            console_sink_file_info =
                open_sink_file (console_out_file_name_with_path)

        #  If there is no model.R file in the source code area,
        #  copy the template model.R file into the area.
        #  This may happen both with and without emulation,
        #  so be sure to keep this outside the "if(tzar_emulation)
        #  test above.
        #  Note however, this little bit of code does you no good
        #  when running tzar at the command line instead of from
        #  within this code.  In that case, if the model.R code
        #  has been hidden by model.R.tzar, you'll need to copy
        #  it to model.R yourself because the bit of code here
        #  is never seen by command line tzar.

    if (copy_model_dot_R_tzar_file)
        full_model_dot_R_DEST_path =
                copy_model_dot_R_tzar_file_to_src_area (

    #  Ready to make the actual call to tzar from the command line now.

    run_tzar_java_jar (tzar_jar_name_with_path, project_path)

            #  Tzar has now finished doing its run or crashed trying.
            #  There should be a fully laid out tzar output directory now.
            #  If this was a real tzar run (i.e., without emulation),
            #  then there's nothing left to do.
            #  If this is a tzar emulation run, it's now time to:
            #    - Collect parameters set by tzar so we can hand them to the
            #      real code.
            #    - Run the user's real code.
            #    - Clean up the emulation (e.g., renaming various things)

    if (emulating_tzar)
        cat ("\n\nIn run_tzar:  Finished running dummy EMULATION code under tzar.\n",
             "              Ready to go back and run real code outside of tzar...")

                #  Collect parameters, including those built by tzar
                #  during the dummy run, e.g., output directory location.

        parameters = emulate_running_tzar (project_path,

                #  Finally, ready to run the user's code and clean up.
                #  Wrap this in a tryCatch in case there is a fatal
                #  error during the run.
                #  If that happens, you want to be able to save the
                #  console sink file and its important error-related
                #  information and random seed related information.
                #  This file is generally lost if there is no tryCatch
                #  call.

        tryCatch (
            main_function (parameters, emulating_tzar)

            clean_up_after_tzar_emulation (parameters$tzar_in_progress_dir_name,

            cat ("\n\nIn run_tzar:  Finished running tzar WITH emulation...\n")


            error = function (err)
                handle_error_clean_up_after_tzar_emulation_crash (

        } else
        cat ("\n\nIn run_tzar:  Finished running tzar WITHOUT emulation...\n")

        #  Make sure that model.R is removed if you're running inside a
        #  package Build.
        #  This applies even if you're not doing emulation but still
        #  calling tzar from this emulator code with the
        #  emulating_tzar flag set to FALSE.
        #  This has no effect however, if tzar is run from the command
        #  line instead of through this code.

    if (copy_model_dot_R_tzar_file)  file.remove (full_model_dot_R_DEST_path)

langfob/tzar documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:56 p.m.