License: GPL

BASS is an R package for fitting Bayesian Adaptive Spline Surface models available on CRAN with a development version available on GitHub. BASS models most closely resemble Bayesian multivariate adaptive regression splines (Bayesian MARS).

To install the development version, use

# install.packages("devtools")

Examples of uses are in Francom et al. (2018) and Francom et al. (2019) and explicit code examples are given in the R package vignette.


Francom, Devin, Bruno Sansó, Vera Bulaevskaya, Donald Lucas, and Matthew Simpson. 2019. “Inferring Atmospheric Release Characteristics in a Large Computer Experiment Using Bayesian Adaptive Splines.” *Journal of the American Statistical Association*. .
Francom, Devin, Bruno Sansó, Ana Kupresanin, and Gardar Johannesson. 2018. “Sensitivity analysis and emulation for functional data using Bayesian adaptive splines.” *Statistica Sinica*. .

lanl/BASS documentation built on May 15, 2024, 6:40 p.m.