knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, comment = "#>", fig.height = 5, fig.width = 7)

Berkeley Growth Study data

# Load female growth data from the Berkeley growth study
t <- fda::growth$age
y <- fda::growth$hgtf
m <- nrow(y)
n <- ncol(y)

# Specify age rage for controlling boundary points
t_range <- c(0, 20)
t <- replicate(n, t, simplify = FALSE)
y <- lapply(1:n, function (x) y[, x])

Matern covariance

# Set up basis function
kts <- seq(t_range[1], t_range[2], length = 15)
basis_fct <- make_basis_fct(kts = kts, type = 'increasing', intercept = TRUE,
                     control = list(boundary = t_range))

# Set up warp function
tw <- seq(t_range[1], t_range[2], length = 6)
warp_fct <- make_warp_fct('smooth', tw, control = list(wright = 'extrapolate'))
mw <- attr(warp_fct, 'mw')

# Set up covariance functions
warp_cov_par <- c(tau = 10)
warp_cov <- make_cov_fct(Brownian, noise = FALSE, param = warp_cov_par, type = 'motion', 
                         range = t_range)

amp_cov_par <- c(scale = 200, range = 10, smoothness = 3)
amp_cov <- make_cov_fct(Matern, noise = TRUE, param = amp_cov_par)

# Estimate in the model

# Bounds of parameters
# NOTE: Prediction of velocities is only meaningful
#       when the smoothness parameter is > 0.5
lower <- c(1e-2, 1e-2, 0.5001, 1e-2)
upper <- c(1000, Inf, Inf, Inf)

res <- pavpop(y, t, basis_fct, warp_fct, amp_cov, warp_cov, homeomorphisms = 'soft',
              like_optim_control = list(lower = lower, upper = upper))
# Plot results

t_p <- seq(range(t)[1], range(t)[2], length = 100)

# Functional fixed effect
theta <- basis_fct(t_p) %*% res$c

# Display data with predictions
plot(t_p, theta, ylim = range(y), type = 'n', main = 'Original heights and predicted',
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Height (cm)')
for (i in 1:n) {
  points(t[[i]], y[[i]], pch = 19, cex = 0.3, col = rainbow(n)[i])
  lines(t_p, predict_curve(t_p, t[[i]], y[[i]], basis_fct, res$c, warp_fct, res$w[, i], 
                           amp_cov, res$amp_cov_par),
        lwd = 0.5, col = rainbow(n)[i])

lines(t_p, theta, ylim = range(y), lwd = 2, lty = 2)

# Compute and display growth velocities
plot(t_p, t_p, ylim = c(0, 23), type = 'n', main = 'Predicted growth velocities',
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Growth velocity (cm/year)')
for (i in 1:n) {
  lines(t_p, predict_curve(t_p, t[[i]], y[[i]], basis_fct, res$c, warp_fct, res$w[, i], 
                           amp_cov, res$amp_cov_par, deriv = TRUE),
        lwd = 0.5, col = rainbow(n)[i])

# Display predicted warping functions
plot(t_p, t_p, type = 'l', lwd = 2, lty = 2, main = 'Warping functions', 
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Biological age (years)')
for (i in 1:n) lines(t[[i]], warp_fct(res$w[,i], t[[i]]), lwd = 0.4, col = rainbow(n)[i])

# Display estimated warp covariance
res$sigma^2 * warp_cov(tw[2:(mw + 1)], param = res$warp_cov_par)

Random B-spline basis model

# Set up amplitude function and covariance
amp_fct <- make_basis_fct(df = 10, type = 'B-spline', intercept = TRUE, control = list(boundary = t_range))
# amp_cov <- make_cov_fct(id_cov, noise = FALSE, param = 300)
amp_cov <- make_cov_fct(diag_cov, noise = FALSE, param = rep(10, attr(amp_fct, 'df')))

# Estimate in the model

res <- pavpop(y, t, basis_fct, warp_fct, amp_cov, warp_cov, amp_fct, homeomorphisms = 'soft')

# Plot results

# Functional fixed effect
theta <- basis_fct(t_p) %*% res$c

# Display data with predictions
plot(t_p, theta, ylim = range(y), type = 'n', main = 'Original heights and predicted',
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Height (cm)')
for (i in 1:n) {
  points(t[[i]], y[[i]], pch = 19, cex = 0.3, col = rainbow(n)[i])
  lines(t_p, predict_curve(t_p, t[[i]], y[[i]], basis_fct, res$c, warp_fct, res$w[, i], 
                           amp_cov, res$amp_cov_par, amp_fct = amp_fct),
        lwd = 0.5, col = rainbow(n)[i])

lines(t_p, theta, ylim = range(y), lwd = 2, lty = 2)

# Compute and display growth velocities
plot(t_p, t_p, ylim = c(0, 23), type = 'n', main = 'Predicted growth velocities',
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Growth velocity (cm/year)')
for (i in 1:n) {
  lines(t_p, predict_curve(t_p, t[[i]], y[[i]], basis_fct, res$c, warp_fct, res$w[, i], 
                           amp_cov, res$amp_cov_par, amp_fct = amp_fct, deriv = TRUE),
        lwd = 0.5, col = rainbow(n)[i])

# Display predicted warping functions
plot(t_p, t_p, type = 'l', lwd = 2, lty = 2, main = 'Warping functions', 
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Biological age (years)')
for (i in 1:n) lines(t[[i]], warp_fct(res$w[,i], t[[i]]), lwd = 0.4, col = rainbow(n)[i])

# Display estimated warp covariance
res$sigma^2 * warp_cov(tw[2:(mw + 1)], param = res$warp_cov_par)

Random intercept model

# Set up amplitude function and covariance
amp_fct <- make_basis_fct(type = 'intercept')
amp_cov <- make_cov_fct(id_cov, noise = FALSE, param = 300)

# Estimate in the model

res <- pavpop(y, t, basis_fct, warp_fct, amp_cov, warp_cov, amp_fct, homeomorphisms = 'soft')

# Plot results

# Functional fixed effect
theta <- basis_fct(t_p) %*% res$c

# Display data with predictions
plot(t_p, theta, ylim = range(y), type = 'n', main = 'Original heights and predicted',
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Height (cm)')
for (i in 1:n) {
  points(t[[i]], y[[i]], pch = 19, cex = 0.3, col = rainbow(n)[i])
  lines(t_p, predict_curve(t_p, t[[i]], y[[i]], basis_fct, res$c, warp_fct, res$w[, i], 
                           amp_cov, res$amp_cov_par, amp_fct = amp_fct),
        lwd = 0.5, col = rainbow(n)[i])

lines(t_p, theta, ylim = range(y), lwd = 2, lty = 2)

# Compute and display growth velocities
plot(t_p, t_p, ylim = c(0, 23), type = 'n', main = 'Predicted growth velocities',
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Growth velocity (cm/year)')
for (i in 1:n) {
  lines(t_p, predict_curve(t_p, t[[i]], y[[i]], basis_fct, res$c, warp_fct, res$w[, i], 
                           amp_cov, res$amp_cov_par, amp_fct = amp_fct, deriv = TRUE),
        lwd = 0.5, col = rainbow(n)[i])

# Display predicted warping functions
plot(t_p, t_p, type = 'l', lwd = 2, lty = 2, main = 'Warping functions', 
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Biological age (years)')
for (i in 1:n) lines(t[[i]], warp_fct(res$w[,i], t[[i]]), lwd = 0.4, col = rainbow(n)[i])

# Display estimated warp covariance
res$sigma^2 * warp_cov(tw[2:(mw + 1)], param = res$warp_cov_par)

Random intercept model with free warp covariance

# Set up amplitude function and covariance
amp_fct <- make_basis_fct(type = 'intercept')
amp_cov <- make_cov_fct(id_cov, noise = FALSE, param = 300)

# Set warp covariance to be free
warp_cov <- make_cov_fct(unstr_cov, noise = FALSE, param = c(rep(10, mw), rep(0, mw * (mw - 1) / 2)))

# Estimate in the model

res <- pavpop(y, t, basis_fct, warp_fct, amp_cov, warp_cov, amp_fct, homeomorphisms = 'soft')

# Plot results

# Functional fixed effect
theta <- basis_fct(t_p) %*% res$c

# Display data with predictions
plot(t_p, theta, ylim = range(y), type = 'n', main = 'Original heights and predicted',
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Height (cm)')
for (i in 1:n) {
  points(t[[i]], y[[i]], pch = 19, cex = 0.3, col = rainbow(n)[i])
  lines(t_p, predict_curve(t_p, t[[i]], y[[i]], basis_fct, res$c, warp_fct, res$w[, i], 
                           amp_cov, res$amp_cov_par, amp_fct = amp_fct),
        lwd = 0.5, col = rainbow(n)[i])

lines(t_p, theta, ylim = range(y), lwd = 2, lty = 2)

# Compute and display growth velocities
plot(t_p, t_p, ylim = c(0, 23), type = 'n', main = 'Predicted growth velocities',
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Growth velocity (cm/year)')
for (i in 1:n) {
  lines(t_p, predict_curve(t_p, t[[i]], y[[i]], basis_fct, res$c, warp_fct, res$w[, i], 
                           amp_cov, res$amp_cov_par, amp_fct = amp_fct, deriv = TRUE),
        lwd = 0.5, col = rainbow(n)[i])

# Display predicted warping functions
plot(t_p, t_p, type = 'l', lwd = 2, lty = 2, main = 'Warping functions', 
     xlab = 'Age (years)', ylab = 'Biological age (years)')
for (i in 1:n) lines(t[[i]], warp_fct(res$w[,i], t[[i]]), lwd = 0.4, col = rainbow(n)[i])

# Display estimated warp covariance
res$sigma^2 * warp_cov(1:mw, param = res$warp_cov_par)

larslau/pavpop documentation built on June 14, 2019, 2:18 p.m.