
# # TODO: Add pi weights to best_like to avoid group collapses (will this ever be a problem?)
# # TODO: Special case clustering: k = 1 for different parameters
# #' Estimate parameters and predict warps for curve data
# #'
# #' This function does likelihood estimation in the model \deqn{y_i(t)=\theta(v(t, w_i))+x_i(t)+\epsilon_i(t)} based on iterative local linearization of the model around predictions of the random warping parameters \eqn{w_i}.
# #' @param y list of \eqn{n} functional observations. Missing values are allowed.
# #' @param t list of time points corresponding to y. Should be scaled to have outer endpoints at 0 and 1.
# #' @param basis_fct basis function to describe the mean function.
# #' @param amp_cov_par amplitude covariance parameters.
# #' @param amp_cov_fct amplitude covariance matrix function.
# #' @param warp_cov_par warp covariance parameters.
# #' @param warp_cov_fct warp covariance matrix function.
# #' @param tw anchor points for the warping parameters.
# #' @param iter two-dimensional numeric consisting of number of outer and inner iterations.
# #' @param use_warp_gradient logical. Should warp prediction use the exact gradient for based optimization?
# #' @param smooth_warp logical. Should warping functions be based on a monotonic cubic spline?
# #' @param homeomorphisms should warps be constrained to be homeomorphisms? Options are: \code{'no'}, \code{'soft'} or \code{'hard'}. 'soft' will project the prediction onto the space of homeomorphisms after each prediction. 'hard' will do the optimiziation in the constrained space (not implemented yet!).
# #' @param n_cores number of cores to use.
# #' @param like_optim_control list of control options for likelihood optimization. Parameters are given as \code{c(amp_cov_par, warp_cov_par)} and options include lower, upper, method, ndev (see \code{\link[stats::optim]{optim}}).
# #' @keywords likelihood estimation
# #' @export
# pavpoc <- function(y, t, basis_fct, warp_fct, amp_cov = NULL, warp_cov = NULL, cluster = list(n_clusters = 1, weights = NULL), iter = c(10, 5, 5), parallel = list(n_cores = 1, parallel_likelihood = FALSE), use_warp_gradient = FALSE, homeomorphisms = 'no', like_optim_control = list()) {
#   n_clust_iter <- iter[1]
#   nouter <- iter[2] + 1
#   if (is.null(amp_cov) & is.null(warp_cov)) nouter <- 1
#   ninner <- iter[3]
#   # Set size parameters
#   n <- length(y)
#   m <- sapply(y, length)
#   k <- cluster$n_clusters
#   # Cluster parameters
#   weights <- cluster$weights
#   # If weights are missing, randomly initialize
#   if (is.null(weights)) {
#     weights <- array(runif(n * k), dim = c(n, k))
#     weights <- weights / rowSums(weights)
#   }
#   pi <- colMeans(weights)
#   # Warp parameters
#   tw <- attr(warp_fct, 'tw')
#   mw <- attr(warp_fct, 'mw')
#   if (all(is.na(tw))) tw <- rep(tw, mw)
#   warp_type <- attr(warp_fct, 'type')
#   if (warp_type != 'piecewise linear' & warp_type != 'smooth') homeomorphisms <- 'no'
#   # Unknown parameters
#   amp_cov_par <- eval(attr(amp_cov, 'param'))
#   warp_cov_par <- eval(attr(warp_cov, 'param'))
#   n_par_amp <- length(amp_cov_par)
#   n_par_warp <- length(warp_cov_par)
#   # Check for same data structures of y and t
#   if (length(t) != n) stop("y and t must have same length.")
#   if (!all(sapply(t, length) == m)) stop("Observations in y and t must have same length.")
#   # Remove missing values
#   for (i in 1:n) {
#     missing_indices <- is.na(y[[i]])
#     y[[i]] <- y[[i]][!missing_indices]
#     t[[i]] <- t[[i]][!missing_indices]
#   }
#   # Update m with cleaned data
#   m <- sapply(y, length)
#   # Register parallel backend
#   registerDoParallel(cores = parallel$n_cores)
#   # Initialize warp parameters
#   w <- array(attr(warp_fct, 'init'), dim = c(mw, n, k))
#   # Build amplitude covariances and inverse covariances
#   inv_amp_cov <- attr(amp_cov, 'inv_cov_fct')
#   inv_amp <- !is.null(attr(amp_cov, 'inv_cov_fct'))
#   S <- Sinv <- list()
#   for (i in 1:n) {
#     # Check if an amplitude covariance is defined
#     if (!is.null(amp_cov)) {
#       S[[i]] <- amp_cov(t[[i]], amp_cov_par)
#       if (inv_amp) {
#         Sinv[[i]] <- inv_amp_cov(t[[i]], amp_cov_par)
#       } else {
#         Sinv[[i]] <- chol2inv(chol(S[[i]]))
#       }
#     } else {
#       S[[i]] <- Sinv[[i]] <- Diagonal(m[i], x = 1)
#     }
#   }
#   # Build warp covariance and inverse
#   if (!is.null(warp_cov)) {
#     C <- warp_cov(tw, warp_cov_par)
#     Cinv <- solve(C)
#   } else {
#     C <- Cinv <- matrix(0, mw, mw)
#   }
#   # Estimate spline weights for all clusters
#   c <- list()
#   for (j in 1:k){
#     c[[j]] <- spline_weights(y, t, warp_fct, w[,, j], Sinv, basis_fct, weights[, j])
#   }
#   # Construct warp derivative
#   dwarp <- list()
#   if (warp_type != 'smooth') {
#     for (i in 1:n) {
#       dwarp[[i]] <- list()
#       for (j in 1:k) {
#         dwarp[[i]][[j]] <- warp_fct(w[, i, j], t[[i]], w_grad = TRUE)
#         if (warp_type == 'piecewise linear') dwarp[[i]][[j]] <- as(dwarp[[i]][[j]], "dgCMatrix")
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   # Initialize best parameters
#   like_best <- Inf
#   w_best <- w
#   c_best <- c
#   amp_cov_par_best <- amp_cov_par
#   warp_cov_par_best <- warp_cov_par
#   # cat('Outer\t:\tInner \t:\tEstimates\n')
#   for (i_clust in 1:n_clust_iter) {
#     halt_iteration <- FALSE
#     cat('\nCluster iteration ', i_clust, '\n')
#     for (iouter in 1:nouter) {
#       if (halt_iteration & iouter != nouter) next
#       # Outer loop
#       if (iouter != nouter) cat(iouter, '\t:\t')
#       # loop over clusters
#       for (j in 1:k) {
#         if (iouter != nouter) cat('\n', j, '\t:\t')
#         # Inner iterations for each cluster
#         for (iinner in 1:ninner) {
#           # Inner loop
#           if (iouter != nouter | nouter == 1) cat(iinner, '\t')
#           # Predict warping parameters for all functional samples
#           if (homeomorphisms == 'hard') {
#             #TODO: constrainOptim
#             stop("Hard homeomorphic constrained optimization for warps is not implemented.")
#           } else {
#             # Convergence criterion for each cluster
#             warp_change <- c(0, 0)
#             # Parallel prediction of warping parameters
#             w_res <- foreach(i = 1:n) %dopar% {
#               gr <- NULL
#               warp_optim_method <- 'Nelder-Mead'
#               ww <- optim(par = w[, i, j], fn = posterior, gr = gr, method = warp_optim_method, warp_fct = warp_fct, t = t[[i]], y = y[[i]], c = c[[j]], Sinv = Sinv[[i]], Cinv = Cinv, basis_fct = basis_fct)$par
#               if (homeomorphisms == 'soft') ww <- make_homeo(ww, tw)
#               return(ww)
#             }
#             for (i in 1:n) {
#               warp_change[1] <- warp_change[1] + sum((w[, i, j] - w_res[[i]])^2)
#               warp_change[2] <- max(warp_change[2], abs(w[, i, j] -  w_res[[i]]))
#               w[, i, j] <- w_res[[i]]
#             }
#             # Update spline weights
#             c[[j]] <- spline_weights(y, t, warp_fct, w[,, j], Sinv, basis_fct, weights[, j])
#             # Break inner iteration if change is small
#             if (warp_change[2] < 1e-2 / sqrt(mw)) break #TODO: Consider other criteria
#           }
#         }
#       }
#       # Likelihood estimation of parameters (outer loop)
#       # Construct residual vector for given warp prediction
#       Zis <- list()
#       r <- list()
#       for (i in 1:n) {
#         Zis[[i]] <- list()
#         r[[i]] <- list()
#         if (warp_type == 'smooth') dwarp[[i]] <- list()
#         for (j in 1:k) {
#           twarped <- warp_fct(w[, i, j], t[[i]])
#           if (!is.null(warp_cov)) {
#             if (warp_type == 'smooth') dwarp[[i]][[j]] <- warp_fct(w[, i, j], t[[i]], w_grad = TRUE)
#             Zis[[i]][[j]] <- matrix(Zi(twarped, dwarp[[i]][[j]], basis_fct, c[[j]]), m[i], mw)
#           } else {
#             Zis[[i]][[j]] <- Matrix(0, m[i], mw)
#           }
#           r[[i]][[j]] <- as.numeric(y[[i]] - basis_fct(twarped) %*% c[[j]] + Zis[[i]][[j]] %*% w[, i, j])
#         }
#       }
#       # Check wheter the final outer loop has been reached
#       if (iouter != nouter) {
#         # Likelihood function
#         like_fct <- function(par) {
#           like_clust(par, n_par = c(n_par_amp, n_par_warp), r = r, Zis = Zis, amp_cov = amp_cov, warp_cov = warp_cov, t = t, tw = tw, observation_weights = weights)
#         }
#         # Likelihood gradient
#         like_gr <- NULL
#         if (parallel$parallel_likelihood) {
#           # Construct parallel gradient
#           like_gr <- function(par) {
#             epsilon <- 1e-5
#             rep(1:length(par), each = 2)
#             res <- foreach(ip = 1:length(par), .combine = 'c') %:%
#               foreach(sign = c(1, -1), .combine= '-') %dopar% {
#                 h <- rep(0, length(par))
#                 h[ip] <- sign * epsilon
#                 return(like_fct(par + h) / (2 * epsilon))
#               }
#             return(res)
#           }
#         } else {
#           # Construct sequential gradient
#           like_gr <- function(par) {
#             epsilon <- 1e-5
#             rep(1:length(par), each = 2)
#             res <- rep(0, length(par))
#             for (ip in  1:length(par)) {
#               for (sign in c(1, -1)) {
#                 h <- rep(0, length(par))
#                 h[ip] <- sign * epsilon
#                 res[ip] <- res[ip] + sign * like_fct(par + h) / (2 * epsilon)
#               }
#             }
#             return(res)
#           }
#         }
#         # Estimate parameters using locally linearized likelihood
#         lower  <- if (is.null(like_optim_control$lower)) rep(1e-5, n_par_amp + n_par_warp) else like_optim_control$lower
#         upper  <- if (is.null(like_optim_control$upper)) rep(Inf, n_par_amp + n_par_warp) else like_optim_control$upper
#         method <- if (is.null(like_optim_control$method)) "L-BFGS-B" else like_optim_control$method
#         ndeps <- if (is.null(like_optim_control$ndeps)) rep(1e-3, n_par_amp + n_par_warp) else like_optim_control$ndeps
#         like_optim <- optim(c(amp_cov_par, warp_cov_par), like_fct, gr = like_gr, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, control = list(ndeps = ndeps, maxit = 20))
#         param <- like_optim$par
#         if (!is.null(amp_cov)) amp_cov_par <- param[1:n_par_amp]
#         if (!is.null(warp_cov)) warp_cov_par <- param[(n_par_amp + 1):length(param)]
#         sigma_sq <- sigmasq_clust(c(amp_cov_par, warp_cov_par), n_par = c(n_par_amp, n_par_warp), r = r, Zis = Zis, amp_cov = amp_cov, warp_cov = warp_cov, t = t, tw = tw, observation_weights = weights)
#         # Compute individual likelihoods
#         ind_like <- array(NA, dim = c(n, k))
#         for (i in 1:n) {
#           for (j in 1:k) {
#             ind_like[i, j] <- ind_like(c(amp_cov_par, warp_cov_par), sigma_sq, c(n_par_amp, n_par_warp), r[[i]][[j]], Zis[[i]][[j]], amp_cov, warp_cov, t[[i]], tw)
#           }
#         }
#         if (like_optim$value - sum(log(pi)) <= like_best) {
#           # Save parameters
#           like_best <- like_optim$value - sum(log(pi))
#           w_best <- w
#           c_best <- c
#           amp_cov_par_best <- amp_cov_par
#           warp_cov_par_best <- warp_cov_par
#           # Update covariances
#           S <- Sinv <- list()
#           for (i in 1:n) {
#             # Check if an amplitude covariance is defined
#             if (!is.null(amp_cov)) {
#               S[[i]] <- amp_cov(t[[i]], amp_cov_par)
#               if (inv_amp) {
#                 Sinv[[i]] <- inv_amp_cov(t[[i]], amp_cov_par)
#               } else {
#                 Sinv[[i]] <- chol2inv(chol(S[[i]]))
#               }
#             } else {
#               S[[i]] <- Sinv[[i]] <- Diagonal(m[i], x = 1)
#             }
#           }
#           if (!is.null(warp_cov)) {
#             C <- warp_cov(tw, warp_cov_par)
#             Cinv <- solve(C)
#           } else {
#             C <- Cinv <- matrix(0, mw, mw)
#           }
#           cat(':\t', param, '\n')
#           cat('Linearized likelihood:\t', like_best, '\n')
#         } else {
#           cat(':\tLikelihood not improved, returning best likelihood estimates.\n')
#           halt_iteration <- TRUE
#         }
#       } else {
#         # TODO: Should in principle be done before warps are updated in the final iteration!
#         # Estimate of sigma if final iteration is reached
#         sigma <- sigmasq_clust(c(amp_cov_par, warp_cov_par), n_par = c(n_par_amp, n_par_warp), r = r, Zis = Zis, amp_cov = amp_cov, warp_cov = warp_cov, t = t, tw = tw, observation_weights = weights)
#       }
#     }
#     for (i in 1:n) weights[i, ] <- pi * ind_like[i, ] / sum(pi * ind_like[i, ])
#     # Update pi
#     pi <- colMeans(weights)
#   }
#   return(list(c = c_best, weights = weights, w = w_best, amp_cov_par = amp_cov_par_best, warp_cov_par = warp_cov_par_best, sigma = sigma, likelihood = like_best, ind_likelihood = ind_like))
# }
larslau/pavpop documentation built on June 14, 2019, 2:18 p.m.