The mpda R package

Lars Snipen


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This package is an implementation of some simple methods for classification based on many predictors, i.e. cases where the number of predictors is in the range, or larger than, the number of samples. It combines methods from the pls package with the classical LDA from the MASS package. It also includes an algorithm for variable selection in this setting, based on the principle algorithm that we published in (eliminator()).

The main idea behind this package is to have simple tools for doing classifications in a multivariate setting without having to tune a lot of parameters. It could also serve as a ‘baseline approach’, i.e. more advanced methods should outcompete these methods, something they not always do!



Start by loading the package and the microbiome data set


This table consists of bacterial samples collected from various body-fluids/parts for 100 persons (rows). The columns Body.fluid indicates this. The samples have been subject to targeted sequencing and taxonomic classification and the remaining columns list bacterial genera and their relative fraction in each sample.

We use the Body.fluid as class labels, and the remaining columns as predictors:

y <- microbiome[,1]                # Class labels
X <- as.matrix(microbiome[,-1])    # Predictors, the bacterial composition

We make a brief inspection of the data:

## y
##   Fecal   Nasal    Oral    Skin Vaginal 
##      20      20      20      20      20
## [1]  100 1005

We can verify there are 5 classes (body fluids), all having 20 samples, and there are 1005 predictors (bacterial genera).

Before we proceed, we only consider the sub-problem with 2 categorical class-labels. This forms the basis for the methods in this package. Let us consider only the first 40 samples from above, those from Oral and Fecal body fluids:

y2 <- y[1:40]
X2 <- X[1:40,]

The pattern recognition problem is as follows: Find a rule that discriminates Oral from Fecal samples based only on the bacterial composition. For this we need a supervised learning algorithm.

The pda() function

This is a simple implementation that combines two commonly used supervised learning methods, working in sequence.

First, the PLS method is used to reduce the dimension of the variable-space from 1005 to something much smaller. Since PLS can only work with numerical responses, the factor response is dummy-coded as 0’s and 1’s. This step uses the plsr() function from the pls-package, with the oscorespls algorithm.

Next, the scores from the PLS-step are used as the alternative predictors in a standard LDA, using the lda() function in the MASS-package. One LDA-model is fitted for each possible choice of dimension.

Here is an example of how to use pda():

trained.pda <- pda(y2, X2, prior = c(1,1), max.dim = 5)

The prior indicates our prior belief in observing the two classes. Usually this is flat (like here), i.e. both classes are equally likely. Since we used max.dim = 5 we get trained PLS-models for 1 to 5 dimensions, and corresponding trained LDA models. The trained.mod object is a list with the following content:

Let us briefly inspect the PLS results of this training:

## Data:    X dimension: 40 1005 
##  Y dimension: 40 1
## Fit method: oscorespls
## Number of components considered: 5
## TRAINING: % variance explained
##        1 comps  2 comps  3 comps  4 comps  5 comps
## X        63.24    68.25    82.45    86.82    89.48
## y.dum    81.91    96.08    96.93    97.87    98.28

This tells us a very large percentage of the response variance is explained, i.e. the two class labels are easy to recognize using the bacterial composition. We also see that already at 2 components we have an almost perfect recognition.

If we have collected new samples, we can now predict the body fluid based on the bacterial composition using the trained model from above. Since we have no such new data, we use the same data again:

pred.pda <- predict(trained.pda, newdata = X2)  # makes predictions for all dimensions
y.hat <- pred.pda[[2]]$Classifications          # we choose dimension 2
confusion.matrix <- table(y2, y.hat)            # compare y.hat to y2
##        y.hat
## y2      Fecal Oral
##   Fecal    20    0
##   Oral      0   20

Here we decided to use the 2-dimension model (pred.pda[[2]]) and compared its Classifications to the actual class labels. We can see the classification was perfect, however, this is not a proper prediction since we used the same data for training.

Regularization - the pdaDim() function

Deciding on the optimal dimension is crucial in any PLS-based method, like pda(). The function pdaDim() may be used to estimate the proper number of dimensions. It will perform a cross-validation, and compute the classification accuracy for all dimensions from this.

When searching systematically the dimensions 1,2,… there is always a maximum accuracy obtained somewhere, and a too small or too large dimension will usually be sub-optimal. However, often many different choices of dimension will give more or less the same accuracy, and it is quite random which of these will produce the maximum value in any given data set. In our regularization we seek the smallest dimension which gives not significantly poorer accuracy than the maximum. This means we get a much more stable selection of dimension.

The regularization is adjusted by the rejection level of the McNemar-test. This test is used to test if a smaller dimension gives significantly poorer accuracy than the maximum. The smaller the rejection level, the harder regularization. Here is an example with the data from above:

pda.dim <- pdaDim(y2, X2, reg = 0.1, prior = c(1,1), max.dim = 5)
## pdaDim:
##   cross-validation...
##    maximum accuracy 1 at 2 dimensions...
##    selected accuracy 0.975 at 1 dimensions

Here we used the default value 0.1 for the regularization parameter reg.

Note that pdaDim() reports maximum accuracy (1.0) was found at 2 dimensions, but with 1 dimension we get accuracy 0.975, which is not significantly poorer, and therefore chosen.

The dimension giving maximum accuracy in the present data set can also be selected, by setting reg = 1.0, which means any (tiny) reductions in accuracy are significantly poorer than the maximum:

pda.dim <- pdaDim(y2, X2, reg = 1.0, prior = c(1,1), max.dim = 5)
## pdaDim:
##   cross-validation...
##    maximum accuracy 1 at 2 dimensions...
##    selected accuracy 1 at 2 dimensions

The object returned by pdaDim() contains the selected dimension in Dimension. See the Help-file for pdaDim() for more details, e.g. the use of cross-validation.

The mpda() function

Let us return to the original microbiome data, where we have 5 different classes. If you have 3 or more classes, you must use the mpda() (multi-pda) function instead of the pda() we saw above. The mpda() will then use pda() on all possible two-class sub problems, i.e. in our case of the 5 body fluids, it will fit 10 different pda models, one for each pair.

Since we now fit several PLS-models, to different data, it seems sub-optimal to specify one dimension to be used all over. It may very well be that dimension 1 is optimal for separating Oral from Fecal, but dimension 2 is optimal for separating Oral from Nasal, etc. Thus, we let mpda() use the pdaDim() to find a proper dimension for each of the pda models. Here is how we train using mpda():

trained.mpda <- mpda(y, X, prior = c(1,1,1,1,1), max.dim = 5)
## mdpa: Response with 5 levels: Fecal Nasal Oral Skin Vaginal 
## The priors: 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 
##    fitting Fecal versus Nasal ...
##    fitting Fecal versus Oral ...
##    fitting Fecal versus Skin ...
##    fitting Fecal versus Vaginal ...
##    fitting Nasal versus Oral ...
##    fitting Nasal versus Skin ...
##    fitting Nasal versus Vaginal ...
##    fitting Oral versus Skin ...
##    fitting Oral versus Vaginal ...
##    fitting Skin versus Vaginal ...

We recognize the prior and max.dim from pda(). The output shows how the various models are trained. We can also specify the reg option used by pdaDm() inside mpda(), see the Help-file for mpda() for more details.

Again we can predict using the trained model and new data, and again we simply use the training data as ‘new data’:

pred.mpda <- predict(trained.mpda, newdata = X)  # makes predictions
y.hat <- pred.mpda$Classifications               # dimensions have been chosen by pdaDim
confusion.matrix <- table(y, y.hat)              # compare y.hat to y
##          y.hat
## y         Fecal Nasal Oral Skin Vaginal
##   Fecal      19     0    0    0       1
##   Nasal       0    18    0    2       0
##   Oral        0     0   20    0       0
##   Skin        0     3    0   17       0
##   Vaginal     0     0    0    0      20

We observe that classifications are good but no longer perfect, which is not surprising given the more complex problem.

The eliminator() function

This function will use pda() and pdaDim() functions repeatedly in a search for a subset of the variables that gives stable and good classification. Note that this works only for pda() not mpda(). Why not? Well, the argument is the same as for not using the same dimension for all sub-models in mpda(); What is optimal for one sub-model may not be optimal for another. It is still possible to utilize the results from eliminator() in the mpda(), as shown below.

We now return to the two-class problem again, separating Oral from Fecal. In the example data we have 1005 variables in X2, but it is more than likely that many of these are of little value for discriminating between the body fluids. Which variables are the important ones? This is the question that the eliminator() deals with.

The basic idea is to start out with all variables (predictors), rank them according to some criterion for importance, and eliminate a fraction of the unimportant ones. This is repeated until there are no unimportant (or 1) variables left. The results of this elimination is then returned, and from this we decide what is the best subset of predictors for our purpose, as shown below.

Here is an example, where we use default regularization, setting reg = 0.1:

elim.obj <- eliminator(y2, X2, reg = 0.1, prior = c(1,1), max.dim = 5)
## The Eliminator:
##    full model has 1005 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 758 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 572 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 432 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 327 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 248 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 189 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 144 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 109 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 83 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 63 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 48 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 36 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 27 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 20 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 15 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 11 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 8 variables, accuracy = 0.975 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 6 variables, accuracy = 0.95 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 5 variables, accuracy = 0.95 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 4 variables, accuracy = 0.95 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 3 variables, accuracy = 0.95 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 2 variables, accuracy = 0.95 using 1 dimensions
##    eliminated to 1 variables, accuracy = 0.875 using 1 dimensions

We notice the elimination runs all the way to only 1 variable is left. But, in order to decide what is optimal we need to inspect the resulting elim.obj. This is a list with two matrices inside it. The first matrix, named Elimination gives us the results we need:

##              N.variables Accuracy   P.value
## Iteration 1         1005    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 2          758    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 3          572    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 4          432    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 5          327    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 6          248    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 7          189    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 8          144    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 9          109    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 10          83    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 11          63    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 12          48    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 13          36    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 14          27    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 15          20    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 16          15    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 17          11    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 18           8    0.975 1.0000000
## Iteration 19           6    0.950 1.0000000
## Iteration 20           5    0.950 1.0000000
## Iteration 21           4    0.950 1.0000000
## Iteration 22           3    0.950 1.0000000
## Iteration 23           2    0.950 1.0000000
## Iteration 24           1    0.875 0.1336144

For each iteration we get listed the number of predictors left, the accuracy achieved in the cross-validation, and the p-value of the McNemar-test. The latter tells us if a drop in performance is significant (small p-value) or not. We notice that at Iteration 24 there is a drop in accuracy from 0.95 to 0.875. The corresponding p-value is around 0.13. It seems like a sensible choice to stop at Iteration 23.

At iteration 23 there are 2 selected variables. The matrix Selected tells us which variables:

##   Bacteroides Streptococcus 
##           133           879

It turns out that only the two genera Bacteroides and Streptococcus is enough to distinguish Oral from Fecal samples in the majority of cases.

Using selections in mpda()

The mpda() takes an option selected which is a matrix of logicals with the same number of columns as X and with one row for each class pair.

Above we used the eliminator() on the pair Oral versus Fecal. Previously, we used mpda() to train a model for all pairs. It is important that we now know the factor levels of the classes we have used. This is stored as an attribute to any trained mpda object:

print(attr(trained.mpda, "Levels"))
## [1] "Fecal"   "Nasal"   "Oral"    "Skin"    "Vaginal"

We note that Fecal has level 1 and Oral has level 3. When specifying the selected variables to mpda() this is done by the option selected. This must be a matrix where each row corresponds to a pair of classes. The first row is the model of class 1 versus 2, then class 1 versus 3,…class 1 versus 5, class 2 versus 3,…,class 4 versus 5. Thus, in our case it is row 2 we specify.

The matrix selected must be a logical matrix have one column for each column in X. We can create it like:

sel.mat <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = length(trained.mpda), ncol = ncol(X))

By using TRUE all over, we select all predictors for all models, i.e. the same as not selecting at all. We now replace row 2 by the selection we got from eliminator():

sel.mat[2,] <- elim.obj$Selected[23,]

Then, we can re-run mpda() with this restriction:

trained.mpda <- mpda(y, X, prior = c(1,1,1,1,1), max.dim = 5, selected = sel.mat)
## mdpa: Response with 5 levels: Fecal Nasal Oral Skin Vaginal 
## The priors: 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 
##    fitting Fecal versus Nasal ...
##    fitting Fecal versus Oral ...
##    fitting Fecal versus Skin ...
##    fitting Fecal versus Vaginal ...
##    fitting Nasal versus Oral ...
##    fitting Nasal versus Skin ...
##    fitting Nasal versus Vaginal ...
##    fitting Oral versus Skin ...
##    fitting Oral versus Vaginal ...
##    fitting Skin versus Vaginal ...

In reality you would most likely run the eliminator() on all pairs of responses, and edit all rows in the selected matrix.

larssnip/mpda documentation built on March 28, 2022, 3:37 p.m.