Man pages for lasy/alto
Aligns Topics across LDA Models

align_graphAlignment between Pairs of Topics
alignment-classAlignment Class Definition
align_topicsAlign topics from distinct LDA models
compute_number_of_pathsComputes the number of paths
compute_strain_switching_scores_of_model*DRAFT* Computes strain switching scores for topic pairs
discrepancyDiscrepancy for ordering words in plot_betas
dot-check_paramsCheck validity of arguments arguments to run_lda_models
dot-set_lda_seedSet LDAControl seed
kl_divKL Divergence of Categoricals
kl_matPairwise KL divergences
models-alignment-methodExtract Models underlying Alignment
n_models-alignment-methodNumber of Models Method for Alignment Class
n_topics-alignment-methodNumber of Topics Method for Alignment Class
plot_alignmentVisualize alignments between topics of distinct LDA models
plot-alignment-missing-methodPlot Method for Alignment Class
plot_betaPlot Topics Heatmap
plot_number_of_pathsPlots the number of paths
product_weightsProduct Weights between a Model Pair
remove_summariesRemoves the refinement scores from the last set of models
run_lda_modelsRun LDA models for specified values of hyper-parameters.
setup_edgesEdgelists for Default Alignments
show-alignment-methodShow Method for Alignment Class
topic_coherenceComputes the coherence score of a topic
topic_refinementComputes the refinement score of a topic
topics-alignment-methodExtract List of Topics and their Summaries
transport_weightsTransport Weights between Model Pair
trim_betasFilter to words of interest
vm_dataVaginal microbiome data from "Replication and refinement of a...
weights-alignment-methodWeights Accessor for Alignment Class
lasy/alto documentation built on June 23, 2024, 6:45 a.m.