dot-check_params: Check validity of arguments arguments to run_lda_models

.check_paramsR Documentation

Check validity of arguments arguments to run_lda_models


For each element of the lda_varying_params_lists, we check the varying params and we add the fixed params to the varying params list. The end result is a list of lists. Each sub-list has the element k, method and control.


.check_params(lda_varying_params_lists, lda_fixed_params_list)



(required) a list specifying the parameter for each models that needs to be ran. Currently, supported parameters are "k" (the number of topic), "method" ("VEM" or "Gibbs"), and "control", a list of type LDAcontrol. See topicmodels::LDA for details and below for examples.


(optional) a list specifying the parameters common to all models to be fitted. Values provided by lda_fixed_params_list are overwritten by those provided by lda_varying_params_lists.

lasy/alto documentation built on June 23, 2024, 6:45 a.m.