diversity-metrics: Diversity metrics

diversity-metricsR Documentation

Diversity metrics


A range of functions to calculate well known landcover diversity metrics


## S3 method for class 'winmove'
shdi(x, lc_class, d, type, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
shdi(x, lc_class, ...)

## S3 method for class 'winmove'
shei(x, lc_class, d, type, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
shei(x, lc_class, ...)



numeric, winmove. The data over which to calculate the diversity metrics


numeric. The class values to include in the diversity metric calculation


numeric. If type=circle, the radius of the circle (in units of the CRS). If type=rectangle the dimension of the rectangle (one or two numbers)


character. The shape of the moving window


further arguments passed to or from other methods


Currently provided diversity metrics are Shannon diversity and Shannon evenness. Open a new issue (https://github.com/laurajanegraham/grainchanger/issues) to request additional diversity metrics.


If class(x) == "winmove", a smoothed raster with the diversity metric calculated within the specified moving window

If class(x) == "numeric", a single value representing the diversity metric in x


McGarigal, K. and Marks, B.J., 1995. FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying landscape structure. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-351. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 122 p, 351.


# load required data

# convert data to object of class winmove
cat_ls <- new("winmove", cat_ls)

# calculate Shannon diversity in a rectangular window of dimension 5
d <- shdi(cat_ls, d = 5, type = "rectangle", lc_class = 1:4)

# convert data to object of class numeric
cat_ls <- raster::values(cat_ls)

# calculate Shannon evenness
d <- shei(cat_ls, lc_class = 1:4)

laurajanegraham/winmoveR documentation built on June 4, 2023, 3:15 p.m.