Man pages for laurenmh/codyn
Community Dynamics Metrics

abundance_changeSpecies Abundance Changes
abundance_differenceAbundance Differences
codyn-packageCommunity Dynamics Metrics
collins08Konza data from Collins et al. 2008
community_diversityCommunity Diversity
community_stabilityCommunity Stability
community_structureCommunity Structure
confint.cyclic_shiftConfidence Intervals from a Cyclic Shift Permutation
curve_changeCurve Change
curve_differenceCurve Difference
cyclic_shiftCyclic Shift Permutations
knz_001dData from Konza Prairie, watershed 001d
mean_rank_shiftMean Rank Shifts
multivariate_changeUsing dissimilarity-based measures to calculate changes in...
multivariate_differenceUsing dissimilarity-based measures to calculate differences...
pplotsPhosphorus plots data from Avolio et al. 2014
RAC_changeRank Abundance Curve Changes
RAC_differenceRank Abundance Curve Differences
rank_shiftMean Rank Shifts
rate_changeRate of community change over successive time intervals
rate_change_intervalDifferences in community composition over successive time lag...
synchronySpecies synchrony
turnoverSpecies Turnover
variance_ratioVariance Ratio
laurenmh/codyn documentation built on Dec. 5, 2020, 3:41 p.m.