
# # plotDiags.R - 
# # ggplotFL/R/plotDiags.R
# # Copyright 2003-2007 FLR Team. Distributed under the GPL 2 or later
# # Maintainer: Iago Mosqueira, JRC, Laurie Kell, ICCAT
# # $Id:  $
# setGeneric('diags', function(object, ...)
#   standardGeneric('diags'))
# diagPlots=function() list(#### Specification of what is to be plotted in diagnostic plot
# "FLSR"    =data.frame(name=c("Functional Form","Residuals By Year","AR(1) Residuals","Residuals by Predictor","Normal Q-Q Plot","Residuals by Predicted"),
#                       x   =c("x",              "year",             "residual",       "x",                     "qqx",            "yHat"),
#                       y   =c("y",              "residual",         "residualLag",    "residual",              "qqy",            "residual"),
#                       hat =c("yHat",           "ref",              "ref",            "ref",                   "qqHat",          "ref")),
# "seine"   =data.frame(name=c("Functional Form","Residuals By Year","AR(1) Residuals","Residuals by Predictor","Normal Q-Q Plot","Residuals by Predicted"),
#                       x   =c("x",              "year",             "residual",       "x",                     "qqx",            "yHat"),
#                       y   =c("y",              "residual",         "residualLag",    "residual",              "qqy",            "residual"),
#                       hat =c("yHat",           "ref",              "ref",            "ref",                   "qqHat",          "ref")),
# "FLBioDym"=data.frame(name=c("Functional Form","Residuals By Year","AR(1) Residuals","Residuals by Predictor","Normal Q-Q Plot","Residuals by Predicted"),
#                       x   =c("x",              "year",             "residual",       "x",                     "qqx",            "yHat"),
#                       y   =c("y",              "residual",         "residualLag",    "residual",              "qqy",            "residual"),
#                       hat =c("yHat",           "ref",              "ref",            "ref",                   "qqHat",          "ref")),
# "FLSAM"   =data.frame(name=c("Functional Form","Residuals By Year","AR(1) Residuals","Residuals by Predictor","Normal Q-Q Plot","Residuals by Predicted"),
#                       x   =c("x",              "year",             "residual",       "x",                     "qqx",            "yHat"),
#                       y   =c("y",              "residual",         "residualLag",    "residual",              "qqy",            "residual"),
#                       hat =c("yHat",           "ref",              "ref",            "ref",                   "qqHat",          "ref")),
# "FLXSA"   =data.frame(name=c("Functional Form","Residuals By Year","AR(1) Residuals","Residuals by Predictor","Normal Q-Q Plot","Residuals by Predicted"),
#                       x   =c("x",              "year",             "residual",       "x",                     "qqx",            "yHat"),
#                       y   =c("y",              "residual",         "residualLag",    "residual",              "qqy",            "residual"),
#                       hat =c("yHat",           "ref",              "ref",            "ref",                   "qqHat",          "ref")))
# ## local function to calculated expected QQ line
# qqLine <- function(x,y){ 
#   qtlx <- quantile(x, prob=c(0.25,0.75), na.rm=T)
#   qtly <- quantile(y, prob=c(0.25,0.75), na.rm=T)
#   a <- (qtly[1]- qtly[2]) / (qtlx[1] - qtlx[2])
#   b <- qtly[1] - qtlx[1] * a
#   res <- c(a,b)
#   names(res) <- NULL
#   names(res) <- c("a","b")
#  return(res)}
# ## creates plotting df
# reform=function(x,y,hat,name,object) 
#              data.frame("name"=name,
#                         "x"   =as.numeric(object[,ac(x)]),
#                         "y"   =as.numeric(object[,ac(y)]),
#                         "hat" =as.numeric(object[,ac(hat)]))
# ## function to create diags DF for plotting from residuals
# getDiag=function(object,diagPlots=diagPlots()[[class(object)]]) {
#     ## extract values  
#     x        = object$x
#     y        = object$y
#     yHat     = object$hat
#     residual = object$residual
#     #residualLag = c(NA,rev(rev(residual)[-1]))
#     residualLag = object$residualLag
#     qq = qqnorm(residual,plot.it=FALSE)
#     res = data.frame(x=x, y=y, yHat=yHat, residual=residual, residualLag=residualLag,
#                                 qqx=qq$x, qqy=qq$y, year=object$year)
#     qqpar = qqLine(res$qqx,res$qqy)[c("a","b")]
#     res =data.frame(res,qqHat=qqpar["a"]*res$qqx+qqpar["b"],"ref"=0)
#     res=mdply(diagPlots, reform, object=res)
#     return(res)}
# ## FLSR
# # setMethod("diags", signature(object="FLSR"),
# #   function(object,sctPlot=diagPlots()$FLSR){
# #     #   function(object, col="#CCFF33", group=1, stuff=facet_wrap(~age,scale="free"),
# #     
# #       res=model.frame(FLQuants("x"       =ssb(      object),
# #                                "y"       =rec(      object),
# #                                "hat"     =predict(  object),
# #                                "residual"=residuals(object)),drop=TRUE)
# #  
# #      res=getDiag(res,sctPlot)
# #      
# #      if ("Functional Form" %in% sctPlot$name)  
# #         res=rbind.fill(res,cbind(name="Functional Form",  
# #                 model.frame(FLQuants("hat" =predict(object,ssb=FLQuant(seq(0,min(ssb(object)),length.out=21))),
# #                                      "x"   =FLQuant(seq(0,min(ssb(object)),length.out=21))),drop=TRUE)[,-1]))
# #                 
# #     # ggplot(diags(pSR,srPlot))                                  + 
# #     #     geom_point(aes(x,y))+facet_wrap(~name,scale="free")    +
# #     #     geom_line(aes(x,hat),colour="red")                     +
# #     #     stat_smooth(aes(x,y))
# # 
# #     return(res)})
# ## function to create diags DF for plotting from residuals
# getDiag=function(object,diagPlots=diagPlots()[[class(object)]]) {
#     qqpar=qqLine(object$qqx,object$qqy)[c("a","b")]
#     res  =data.frame(object,qqHat=qqpar["a"]*object$qqx+qqpar["b"],"ref"=0)
#     res  =mdply(diagPlots, reform, object=res)
#     return(res)}
# setMethod("diags", signature(object="FLSAM"),
#   function(object){
#     res=FLSAM::diags(object)
#     res=res[do.call(order, res[,c("fleet","age","x")]),]
#     res2=ddply(res,.(fleet,age), getDiag,diagPlots()[["FLSAM"]])
#     res2=res2[do.call(order, res2[,c("fleet","age","x")]),]
#     p.=ggplot(res2) + 
#         geom_point(aes(x,y,group=age:fleet))                           +
#         facet_wrap(~name,scale="free")                 +
#         geom_path(aes(x,hat,colour="red",group=factor(fleet):factor(age)))+geom_smooth(aes(x,y))
#   print(p.)
#   return(invisible(p.))})
laurieKell/ggplotFL documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:59 p.m.