
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = NA, prompt = FALSE, echo = TRUE)
options(crayon.enabled = TRUE)
knitr::knit_hooks$set(output = utilities::ansi_handler)
knitr::knit_hooks$set(message = utilities::ansi_handler)

# try old.hooks <- set_knit_hooks(knitr::knit_hooks)

original_output_hook <- knit_hooks$get("output")
knit_hooks$set(output = utilities::create_trimming_hook(original_output_hook))
options(chronicler.attach = FALSE)

ML Flow

ML Flow introduces the notions of runs and experiments. A run is a single execution of an arbitrary program that, using ML Flow's API, registers a model along with its parametrization and a number of artifacts: plots, printouts, data sets. An experiment is a group of runs.

chronicler does not have an explicit notion of run or experiment but we can always find a suitable mapping. Since a run contains a model, let's map each model collected by chronicler to a separate run. Furthermore, we will examine the sequence of R commands leading up to each of these models and extract literals used or scalar variables referenced in those commands: these will be the parameters reported to ML Flow. Finally, all artifacts downstream from each model will become ML Flow's artifacts.

In this document ML Flow, we mean the Python project from Databricks. Conversely, mlflow means the R package which is an interface to the actual ML Flow system.


Once again, following the Introduction vignette, we will work with the iris_model() example (see ?chronicler::iris_model for more details).


Identify experiments: models + details

The chronicler::find_experiments() function searches for all artifacts that match the definition of a model and presents them together with their parametrization and downstream artifacts (outcomes). In our example there is one such model.


As we said earlier, each experiment contains:

Now need to build a function that maps the output of find_experiments() to concepts of ML Flow (and API calls in the mlflow package). But first we need to define two helper functions.

Extract details

Our first helper function extracts the name and the value of each model parameter. To do so, it first flattens all parameters into a single vector and then makes sure they all have names. Each unnamed parameter receives a name "parameter_<i>" where i is its index in the flattened vector

parameters_to_named_list <- function (experiment) {
  # flatten all parameters in this experiment run
  params <- unlist(lapply(experiment$path, `[[`, i = 'parameters'))

  # make sure all parameters have names
  if (is.null(names(params))) {
    names(params) <- paste0("parameter_", seq_along(params))
  } else if (any(!nchar(names(params)))) {
    i <- !nchar(names(params))
    names(params)[i] <- paste0("parameter_", which(i))


The second helper function iteraters over the downstream artifacts, which are called the outcomes, and saves each of them as a file. Plots are saved as PNGs and everything else is serialized as RDS (see ?saveRDS). The helper returns the path to each newly created file.

artifact_to_file <- function (artifact) {
  # if a plot, put in a PNG and report
  if (artifact_is(artifact, 'plot')) {
    path <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
    with_png(path, plot(artifact_data(artifact)))
  } else {
  # if an R object, serialize to RDS and report
    path <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds")
    saveRDS(artifact_data(artifact), path)

Mapping from chronicler to mlflow

Now we can finally report all experiments found in the repository to ML Flow. Each experiment from chronicler's world is translated into a ML Flow's run. Naming might be a little confusing, especially that ML Flow also uses the term expriment - for an entity that groups multiple runs. As soon as we wrap our minds around this slightly abusive overloading of names, we can look at the final function, register_with_mlflow.

It begins with a call to mlflow_start_run followed immediately with a "destructor" that ends the ML Flow run. Then we proceed to report the three categories of data:

register_with_mlflow <- function (experiment) {
  # start a new "run", a ML Flow grouping concept

  # extract parameters...
  params <- parameters_to_named_list(experiment)
  cat("Logging parameter: ", paste(names(params), '=', unlist(params), collapse = ', '), '\n')

  imap(params, function(value, name) mlflow_log_param(name, value))

  # log the model
  mlflow_save_model(crate(~ stats::predict(model, .x), model = experiment$model))

  # finally, log all the downstream artifacts
  paths <- lapply(experiment$outcomes, artifact_to_file)

  # report to mlflow
  cat("Logging", length(paths), "artifacts\n")
  lapply(paths, mlflow_log_artifact)

Report to ML Flow

All that is now left to do is to call register_with_mlflow for each experiment in the repository.


mlflow_set_experiment("Exported from chronicler")
invisible(lapply(find_experiments(), register_with_mlflow))

lbartnik/chronicler documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:21 p.m.