
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", prompt = FALSE, echo = TRUE)

Introduction & Goals

In data exploration, the goal is understanding which can be later turned into decisions. In the process of exploring data, numerous artifacts are created: plots, models, derived data sets, tables, printouts. They serve two general purposes: as intermediate steps towards a certain end goal and as a means of communication to external parties. The success of the exploration depends to a certain extent on the ability to filter, organize, preserve and search through those artifacts. The key aspect of artifacts in their lineage[^lineage], that is, the sequence of preceding artifacts (ancestors) which often forms a sequence of transforms leading from the source ("raw") data set to the given artifact. The ability to track the complete path of origin of an artifact and thus prove its correctness is is at the center of reproducible research.

Artifacts need to be catalogued which imposes certain overhead and, if not done systematically, might leave gaps in the lineage and in some cases prevent reproducibility. In other cases it might slows down the research or add extra work of recreating the missing steps.

Short-term goal is to improve the recall[^recall], that is, the ability to understand the significance of a research artifact. Each artifact produced in an R session is persisted in the filesystem along with pointers to all its immediate parent artifacts. The full tree of origin of each artifact can be produced upon request to support the recall.

In Plot 1, artifacts are created in the Exploration loop and include data sets, code, plots, models, printouts, etc. Information about parents describes the lineage (also called provenance[^provenance]) of each artifact. The need for recall may arise in either step of the Exploration loop as well as in the Communicate. Whenever there is a gap in the documentation of the analysis, such artifact repository will be particularly handy.

*Plot 1*: Exploratory data science, original diagram in "R for Data
Science" by H. Wickham.

Long-term goals are to provide infrastructure and tools to automate collecting, describing and organizing artifacts. An important aspect of that work will be extending the current text-only user interface with a graphical artifact browser.

[^recall]: Jim Hester: "The ability of yourself or other to understand what your code is doing."

[^dsloop]: Hadley Wickham, "R for Data Science"

[^lineage]: lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.

[^provenance]: origin, source; the history of ownership of a valued object or work of art or literature; Merriam-Webster

Current Implementation

The current implementation spans four R packages:

The goal of the current implementation of the repository of artifacts is to automate the process of collecting artifacts together wth their lineage. The life of a repository of artifacts spans multiple R sessions and the repository itself is stored in the filesystem. All artifacts can be read and retrieved from the repository, inspected, their origin (lineage) can be explained. The ui package implements a search interface (the artifacts object with Tab-completion-based query builder) and a number of pretty-printing methods.

The usefulness of this toolset depends on how well one manages their artifacts and the narrative of their exploratory data analysis. If the documentation does not include substantial gaps and the research is reproducible then automated collection and tracking of artifacts might be useful only occasionally. However, if the gaps in artifacts' lineage are substantial and the documentation of the analysis is incomplete, an automated tracker might become handy.

The main areas of current research are:


Sample sequence of calls and tree-like explanation of objects is presented below. See the tutorial vignette in the ui package for the full listing and further explanations.

The sequence of R commands presented next loads, transforms and subsets a data set with time series meter readings. It creates a number of plots and finally a simple linear model to test the significance of the daily and weekly cycles in the data.

input <- system.file("extdata/block_62.csv", package = "repository") %>%
  read_csv(na = "Null") %>%
  rename(meter = LCLid, timestamp = tstp, usage = energy_kWh) %>%
  filter(meter %in% c("MAC004929", "MAC000010", "MAC004391"), year(timestamp) == 2013)

input %<>% mutate(timestamp = floor_date(timestamp, "hours")) %>%
  group_by(meter, timestamp) %>%
  summarise(usage = sum(usage))

input %<>% filter(meter == "MAC004929")

with(input, plot(timestamp, usage, type = "p", pch = "."))

x <- input %>%
  mutate(hour = hour(timestamp), dow = wday(timestamp, label = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(hour, dow), funs(as.factor)) %>%
  group_by(hour, dow) %>%
  summarise(usage = mean(usage, na.rm = TRUE))

with(x, plot(hour, usage))

ggplot(x) + geom_point(aes(x = hour, y = usage)) + facet_wrap(~dow)

ggplot(x) + geom_point(aes(x = hour, y = usage)) + facet_wrap(~dow)

x <- input %>%
  mutate(hour = hour(timestamp), dow = wday(timestamp)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(hour, dow), funs(as.factor))

ggplot(x) + geom_boxplot(aes(x = hour, y = usage)) + facet_wrap(~dow)

m <- lm(usage ~ hour:dow, x)

If that sequence of commands was tracked and stored in the repository of artifacts, a sample tree-like printout of artifacts from that R session could look as follows.

#> input (89c78e89) data.frame[52560, 3]
#> └── input (2b67f493) data.frame[26280, 3]
#>     └── input (af206c42) data.frame[8760, 3]
#>         ├── <plot> (a06e8fe4)
#>         ├── x (f59403b5) data.frame[168, 3]
#>         │   ├── <plot> (3539b7ba)
#>         │   ├── x (64228d01) data.frame[168, 3]
#>         │   └── <plot> (4cd2aeda)
#>         └── x (b83ee352) data.frame[8760, 5]
#>             ├── <plot> (9f51d793)
#>             └── m (57fbe755) lm adjR2:0.33 AIC:7164 df:168


Currently, repository and its collaborating packages implement only the simplest use case: tracking artifacts and retrieving their lineage. However, the kind of information collected by the tracker can be utilized in a number of other ways. Below are a few considered for future implementation.

Graphical browser

Full inspection into history based on both expressions (commands) and objects (artifacts) created by those expressions. An example of such, Shiny- and JavaScript-based browser can be found in a predecessor of repository.

Presentation Aid

A subset of artifacts can be chosen for presentation to stakeholders. Whenever a more specific question about an artifact, the narrative or rationale behind a given insight is raised, additional information can be presented. This can include: the full lineage, related plots and printouts, similar models, data transformations, etc.

Re-run code paths

A lineage of an artifact effectively defines a program that starts with the source ("raw") data and produces the said artifact. It might depend on a number of additional artifacts or parameters, which from the perspective of R are the same. Those dependencies can be replaced and the full sequence can be then re-run to obtain a related result.

In the example below, n and h are the parameters, train and test are the intermediate artifacts and m is the final artifact, a ARIMA model.

n <- 168
h <- 10
train <- head(data, n)
test  <- head(tail(data, -n), h)
m <- arima(train$x) # TODO turn into ARIMAX?
predict(m, test)

The repository would expose this whole sequece of commands as a function with a number of parameters, one for each intermediate artifact.

r <- repository_repeat(m)
#> function(n, h, train, test, m)

It is straightforward now to repeat the pipeline but with certain changes:

r(n = 336, h = 24)

Propose narratives

The assumption here is that it is not a single artifact that constitutes an unit of knowledge, that is, the most basic but meaningful information about the analysis. Rather, it is a set of artifacts on a path from the source ("raw") data all the way to a model (or a summary of some kind) that confirms or disproves a hypothesis about the data. The first approximation for this feature would be an automated view presenting all models (understanding) together with data transformations (ETL) and artifacts derived from the model (communication).

#> Artifact: m, ARIMAX model
#> Communication:
#>   .... information about plots etc. ....
#> Transformations:
#>    ... a list of expressions that transformed the source data ...

Export to Rmd

Instead of manually crafting a Rmd document, choose artifacts and have them and their ancestors in the lineage tree exported automatically into one.

Full information about R session

lbartnik/chronicler documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:21 p.m.