mvTqmc: Truncated multivariate student cumulative distribution (QMC...

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mvTqmcR Documentation

Truncated multivariate student cumulative distribution (QMC version)


Computes an estimator of the probability Pr(l<X<u), where X is a zero-mean multivariate student vector with scale matrix Sig and degrees of freedom df. Infinite values for vectors u and l are accepted.


mvTqmc(l, u, Sig, df, n = 1e+05)



lower bound for truncation (infinite values allowed)


upper bound for truncation


covariance matrix


degrees of freedom


sample size


This version uses a Quasi Monte Carlo (QMC) pointset of size ceiling(n/12) and estimates the relative error using 12 independent randomized QMC estimators; QMC is slower than ordinary Monte Carlo (see mvTcdf), but is also likely to be more accurate when d<50.


a list with components

  • prob: estimated value of probability Pr(l<X<u)

  • relErr: estimated relative error of estimator

  • upbnd: theoretical upper bound on true Pr(l<X<u)


If you want to estimate Pr(l<Y<u), where Y follows a Student distribution with df degrees of freedom, location vector m and scale matrix Sig, then use mvTqmc(Sig, l - m, u - m, nu, n).


Matlab code by Zdravko I. Botev, R port by Leo Belzile


Z. I. Botev (2017), The Normal Law Under Linear Restrictions: Simulation and Estimation via Minimax Tilting, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 79 (1), pp. 1–24

Z. I. Botev and P. L'Ecuyer (2015), Efficient probability estimation and simulation of the truncated multivariate Student-t distribution, Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 380-391

See Also

mvTcdf, mvrandt, mvNqmc, mvrandn


d <- 25; nu <- 30;
l <- rep(1, d) * 5; u <- rep(Inf, d);
Sig <- 0.5 * matrix(1, d, d) + 0.5 * diag(d);
est <- mvTqmc(l, u, Sig, nu, n = 1e4)
## Not run: 
d <- 5
Sig <- solve(0.5*diag(d)+matrix(0.5, d,d))
## mvtnorm::pmvt(lower = rep(-1,d), upper = rep(Inf, d), df = 10, sigma = Sig)[1]
mvTqmc(rep(-1, d), u = rep(Inf, d), Sig = Sig, df = 10, n=1e4)$prob

## End(Not run)

lbelzile/TruncatedNormal documentation built on July 10, 2024, 3:59 p.m.