MODIStsp: MODIStsp main function

View source: R/MODIStsp.R

MODIStspR Documentation

MODIStsp main function


Main function for the MODIS Time Series Processing Tool (MODIStsp)


  gui = TRUE,
  out_folder = NULL,
  out_folder_mod = NULL,
  opts_file = NULL,
  selprod = NULL,
  prod_version = NULL,
  bandsel = NULL,
  quality_bandsel = NULL,
  indexes_bandsel = NULL,
  sensor = NULL,
  download_server = NULL,
  downloader = NULL,
  user = NULL,
  password = NULL,
  download_range = NULL,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  spatmeth = NULL,
  start_x = NULL,
  end_x = NULL,
  start_y = NULL,
  end_y = NULL,
  bbox = NULL,
  spafile = NULL,
  out_projsel = NULL,
  output_proj = NULL,
  out_res_sel = NULL,
  out_res = NULL,
  resampling = NULL,
  reprocess = NULL,
  delete_hdf = NULL,
  nodata_change = NULL,
  scale_val = NULL,
  ts_format = NULL,
  out_format = NULL,
  compress = NULL,
  test = NULL,
  n_retries = 5,
  verbose = TRUE,
  parallel = TRUE



not used for values, forces later arguments to bind by name


logical if TRUE: the GUI is opened before processing. If FALSE: processing parameters are retrieved from the provided opts_file argument), Default: TRUE


character Main output folder, default: NULL.


character Output folder for original HDF storage. If "$tempdir" (default), a temporary directory is used.


character full path to a JSON file containing MODIStsp processing options saved from the GUI, Default: NULL


character Name of selected MODIS product (e.g., Vegetation Indexes_16Days_250m (M*D13Q1)). You can get a list of available product names using function MODIStsp_get_prodnames, Default: NULL


Version of the selected MODIS product. Currently versions "061" and/or "006" can be chosen. Default value is "061" (version "006" was decommissioned by USGS on July 31, 2023, products of this version are being gradually removed). In case users would encounter an error in the encoding of bands or quality flags they are encouraged to report it by opening a new issue on GitHub at


⁠character array⁠ Original MODIS layers to be processed. You can get a list of available layers for a given product using function MODIStsp_get_prodlayers (e.g., MODIStsp_get_prodlayers("M*D13Q1")$bandnames), Default: NULL


⁠character array⁠ Quality Indicators to be computed starting from bit fields of original MODIS layers. You can get a list of available quality layers for a given product using function MODIStsp_get_prodlayers (e.g., MODIStsp_get_prodlayers("M*D13Q1")$quality_bandnames), Default: NULL


⁠character array⁠Spectral Indexes to be computed starting from reflectance bands. You can get a list of available quality layers for a given product using function MODIStsp_get_prodlayers (e.g., MODIStsp_get_prodlayers("M*D13Q1")$indexes_bandnames), Default: NULL


character ["Terra"| "Aqua" | "Both"] MODIS platform to be considered. (Ignored for MCD* products). Default: "Both"


character ["http" | "offline"] service to be used for download. Default: "http"


download_server character ["http" | "aria2"] downloader to be used, Default: "http"


character Username for NASA http server. (


character Password for NASA http server (


character ["Full" | "Seasonal"] If "full", all the available images between the starting and the ending dates are downloaded; If "seasonal", only the images included in the season are downloaded (e.g: if the starting date is 2005-12-01 and the ending is 2010-02-31, only the images of December, January and February from 2005 to 2010 - excluding 2005-01, 2005-02 and 2010-12 - are downloaded), Default: Full


character Start date for images download and preprocessing (, Default: NULL


character End date for images download and preprocessing (, Default: NULL


character ["tiles" | "bbox" | "file"], indicates how the processing extent is retrieves. if "tiles", use the specified tiles (start_x....). If "file", retrieve extent from spatial file specifies in spafile. If "bbox", use the specified bounding box, Default: "tiles"


integer [0-35] Start MODIS horizontal tile defining spatial extent. Ignored if spatmeth != "tiles", Default: 18


integer [0-35] End MODIS horizontal tile defining spatial extent. Ignored if spatmeth != "tiles", Default: 18


integer [0-17] Start MODIS vertical tile defining spatial extent. Ignored if spatmeth != "tiles", Default: 4


integer [0-17] End MODIS vertical tile defining spatial extent. Ignored if spatmeth != "tiles", Default: 4


numeric(4) Output bounding box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) in out_proj coordinate system. Ignored if spatmeth == "tiles", Default: NULL


character (optional) full path of a spatial file to use to derive the processing extent. If not NULL, the processing options which define the extent, the selected tiles and the "Full Tile / Custom" in the JSON options file are overwritten and new files are created on the extent of the provided spatial file. Ignored if spatmeth != "file", Default: NULL


⁠character ["Native", "User Defined⁠] If "Native", the outputs keep the original resolution of MODIS HDF images. Otherwise, the value set in "out_res" is used, Default:Native


character either equal to "MODIS Sinusoidal", or to the code of a valid EPSG or to a WKT projection string. Ignored if outproj_sel == "Native", Default: NULL


⁠character ["Native", "User Defined⁠]. If "Native", the outputs keep the original resolution of MODIS HDF images. Otherwise, the value set in "out_res" is used.


float Output resolution (in output projection measurement unit). Ignored if out_res_sel == "Native".


⁠character ["near" | "bilinear" | "cubic" | "cubicspline", |lanczos"|, "average"|, "mode", |"max"|, |"min"|, |"q1"|, |"q3"|, |"sum"|]⁠ Resampling method to be used by gdalwarp.


logical If TRUE, reprocess data for already existing dates.


logical If TRUE, delete downloaded HDF files after completion.


logical if TRUE, NoData values are set to the max value of the datatype of the layer on the MODIStsp output rasters. NOTE: If multiple nodata values are reported for a layer, all are reset to the new value.


logical If TRUE, scale and offset are applied to original MODIS layers, and Spectral Indexes are saved as floating point. If FALSE, no rescaling is done and Spectral Indexes are saved as integer, with a 10000 scaling factor.


⁠character array including ["R RasterStack" | "ENVI Meta Files" | "GDAL VRT" | "ENVI and GDAL"]⁠ Selected virtual time series format.


character ["ENVI" | "GTiff"] Desired output format.


character ["None" | "PACKBITS" | "LZW" | "DEFLATE"] Compression method for GTiff outputs (Ignored if out_format == ENVI)


integer | character (e.g., "01a") if set, MODIStsp is executed in "test mode", using a preset Options File instead than opening the GUI or accepting the opts_file parameter. This allows both to check correct installation on user's machines, and to implement unit testing.


numeric maximum number of retries on download functions. In case any download function fails more than n_retries times consecutively, MODIStsp_process will abort, Default: 20


logical If FALSE, suppress processing messages, Default: TRUE


logical If TRUE (default), the function is run using parallel processing, to speed-up the computation for large rasters (with a maximum of 8 cores). The number of cores is automatically determined; specifying it is also possible (e.g. parallel = 4). In this case, more than 8 cores can be specified. If FALSE (default), single core processing is used.


The function is used to:

  • initialize the processing (folder names, packages, etc.);

  • launch the GUI (MODIStsp_GUI()) on interactive execution, or load an options file to set processing arguments and/or retrieve CLI inputs and run processing on non-interactive execution;

  • launch the routines for downloading and processing the requested datasets. (MODIStsp_process())

  • launching the function with GUI = FALSE and without specifying a opts_file initializes arguments with default values. This allows making a test run.


License: GPL 3.0


Lorenzo Busetto, phD (2014-2017)

Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2015-2017)

See Also

MODIStsp_GUI(), MODIStsp_process()


#' # - Running the tool using the GUI
# Running the tool without any option will start the GUI with the default or
# last used settings, in interactive mode (i.e., with gui = TRUE).
if (interactive()) {

#' # - Running the tool specifying processing arguments in the call

# **NOTE** Output files of examples are saved to file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp").

# Here we process layers __NDVI__ and __EVI__ and quality indicator __usefulness__
# of product __M*D13Q1__, considering both Terra and Aqua platforms, for dates
# comprised between 2020-06-01 and 2020-06-15 and saves output to R tempdir
# --> See name and available layers for product M*D13Q1.
# Note that this example (as well as the following ones) is run in single
# core to follow CRAN policies, by setting parallel = FALSE.
# Users can exploit multicore functionalities skipping to set this argument.

# The following check is performed in order not to provide errors
# running the examples if HDF4 is not supported.
is_hdf4_supported <- "HDF4" %in% sf::st_drivers("raster")$name

if (is_hdf4_supported) {
    gui = FALSE,
    out_folder = "$tempdir",
    selprod = "Vegetation_Indexes_16Days_1Km (M*D13A2)",
    bandsel = c("EVI", "NDVI"),
    quality_bandsel = "QA_usef",
    indexes_bandsel = "SR",
    user = "mstp_test" ,
    password = "MSTP_test_01",
    start_date = "2020.06.01",
    end_date = "2020.06.15",
    verbose = FALSE,
    parallel = FALSE

#' # - Running the tool using the settings previously saved in a specific options file

# **NOTE** Output files of examples are saved to file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp").
# You can run the examples with `gui = TRUE` to set a different output folder!

# Here we use a test json file saved in MODIStsp installation folder which
# downloads and processed 3 MOD13A2 images over the Como Lake (Lombardy, Italy)
# and retrieves NDVI and EVI data, plus the Usefulness Index Quality Indicator.

opts_file <- system.file("testdata/test_MOD13A2.json", package = "MODIStsp")

if (is_hdf4_supported) {
  MODIStsp(gui = FALSE, opts_file = opts_file, verbose = TRUE, parallel = FALSE)

# Running the tool using the settings previously saved in a specific option file
# and specifying the extent from a spatial file allows to re-use the same
# processing settings to perform download and reprocessing on a different area

opts_file <- system.file("testdata/test_MOD13A2.json", package = "MODIStsp")
spatial_file <- system.file("testdata/lakeshapes/garda_lake.shp", package = "MODIStsp")
if (is_hdf4_supported) {
    gui = FALSE,
    opts_file = opts_file,
    spatmeth = "file",
    spafile = spatial_file,
    verbose = TRUE,
    parallel = FALSE

# Running the tool using the settings previously saved in a
# specific options file and specifying each time the extent from a different
# spatial file (e.g., to perform the same processing on several extents)
# Note that you can also put all your extent files in a specific folder and
# create the extent list using for example.

extent_list = list.files(
  system.file("testdata/lakeshapes/", package = "MODIStsp"),
  full.names = TRUE
opts_file <- system.file("testdata/test_MOD13A2.json", package = "MODIStsp")

if (is_hdf4_supported) {
  for (single_shape in extent_list) {
      gui = FALSE,
      opts_file = opts_file,
      spatmeth = "file",
      spafile = single_shape,
      verbose = TRUE,
      parallel = FALSE

# output files are placed in separate folders:
outfiles_garda <- list.files(
  file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp/garda_lake/VI_16Days_1Km_v61/NDVI"),
  full.names = TRUE
if (length(outfiles_garda) > 0) {
  plot(raster(outfiles_garda[1] ))

outfiles_iseo <- list.files(
  file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp/iseo_lake/VI_16Days_1Km_v61/NDVI"),
  full.names = TRUE
if (length(outfiles_garda) > 0) {

# See also

lbusett/MODIStsp documentation built on July 19, 2024, 10:34 p.m.