
##' @title Liverpool Middle Super Output Area.
##' @description A dataset containing containing the MSOA's for Liverpool along
##'     with estimates for Life Expectancy at Birth. Data taken from
##'     \href{https://ij-healthgeographics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12942-020-00200-w}{Johnson et al. 2020}
##' @details The data was projected to EPSG 27700 and units changed to km
##' @format A \code{sf} data frame with 61 rows and 4 variables:
##' \describe{
##'     \item{msoa11cd}{MSOA code} \item{msoa11cd}{MSOA name}
##'     \item{lev_est}{Estimated life expectancy at birth, in years}
##'     \item{area}{MSOA area, in \eqn{km^2}}
##'   }
##' @source \url{https://ij-healthgeographics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12942-020-00200-w}

##' @title Liverpool Lower Super Output Area.
##' @description A dataset containing containing the LSOA's for Liverpool along
##'     with estimates for Index of Multiple Deprivation. Data taken from
##'     \href{https://ij-healthgeographics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12942-020-00200-w}{Johnson et al. 2020}
##' @details The data was projected to EPSG 27700 and units changed to km
##' @format A \code{sf} data frame with 298 rows and 6 variables:
##' \describe{
##'     \item{lsoa11cd}{LSOA code}
##'     \item{lsoa11cd}{LSOA name} \item{male}{Male population}
##'     \item{female}{Female population}
##'     \item{imdscore}{Index of Multiple Deprivation}
##'     \item{area}{LMSOA area, in \eqn{km^2}}
##'   }
##' @source \url{https://ij-healthgeographics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12942-020-00200-w}

##' @title Nova Lima census tracts
##' @description A dataset containing containing the census tracts for the city
##'     of Nova Lima in Minas Gerais - Brazil.
##' @details The data is project using the SIRGAS 2000.
##' @format A \code{sf} data frame with 113 rows and 14 variables:
##' \describe{
##'     \item{cd_setor}{unique identifier}
##'     \item{hh_density}{average household density}
##'     \item{var_hhd}{variance of the household density}
##'     \item{avg_income}{average income per household}
##'     \item{var_income}{variance of the income per household}
##'     \item{pop}{population in the census tract}
##'     \item{avg_age}{average age of the inhabitants in the census tract}
##'     \item{var_age}{variance of the variable age in the census tract}
##'     \item{prop_women}{proportion of women}
##'     \item{prop_elder}{proportion of people with 55 years of age or older}
##'     \item{illit_rate}{illiteracy rate}
##'     \item{prop_white}{proportion of self-declared white people}
##'     \item{prop_black}{proportion of self-declared black people}
##'     \item{prop_native}{proportion of self-declared native people}
##'   }
lcgodoy/smile documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 12:17 a.m.