Man pages for ldemaz/rcropmod
Crop model simulations in R

batch_fileCreate a batch file for one or more CSM X files
bdensBulk density accounting for compaction plus gravel
colinsertMove a single column within a data.table
dew_pointCalculate dewpoint temperature
dssat_soil_printCreates a DSSAT .SOL (soil input) file
exec_csmDSSAT45 execution command
fidCreate field ids
field_capCalculates field capacity
field_cap_dfCalculated field capacity accounting for compaction
fpEasier joining of file paths and file names for reading in...
ksatSaturated hydraulic conductivity, including gravel effects.
pawPlant available water, adjusted for gravel and density...
read_csm_outfileRead in output file from DSSAT CSM
read_csm_outfile2Read in output file from DSSAT CSM
read_lines2Faster version of readLines
read_sol_horRead iprofile data from DSSAT .SOL file
read_sol_profRead in profile data from DSSAT .SOL file
ro_dfMatric density accounting for compaction
sldrSoil drainage rate
slroCalcutes the runoff curve number following Gijsman et al...
slu1Evaporation limit function from Du Toit, source unknown
soil_classReturns soil texture class, based on USDA triangle
sprinterCreates a sprintf statement
srgfDSSAT45 root growth function
theta_sCalculates saturated moisture content, requires function...
theta_sdfCalculates saturated water content, accounting for compaction
t_tabCreates combination CSM X file treatment table
tt_classClassify soil texture using USDA texture triangle
weathdatWeather data time series
weatherCreates weather data file for crop model
weathergridGridded weather data
wilt_pointCalculate wilting point
write_wthWrite out DSSAT weather file
wthnameCreate unique four character DSSAT WTH file identifier
x_fileCreates a DSSAT xfile
xnameX file unique identifiers
x_tabCreates input table of DSSAT CSM model parameters
ldemaz/rcropmod documentation built on Feb. 29, 2020, 10:17 p.m.