dbR6: dbR6 class

Description Usage Format Value Fields Methods


dbR6 class




R6Class object.


Object of R6Class



(inherited from R6_data class) Environment storing data & enclosing environment for metadata


Environment storing object metadata


  1. initialize

    Initialize dbR6 object. —Parameters—

    • filename ":memory:" for to create an in-memory database, or a name for an on-disk database.

    • overwrite The name of the output.

  2. finalize

    Finalize dbR6 object.

  3. get_metadata

    Get object metadata.

  4. list_tables

    List tables in database.

  5. get_tables_number

    Get number of tables.

  6. colnames

    Get colnames of a table.


    • what Name of table.

  7. nrow

    Get the number of rows of a table.


    • what Name of table.

  8. ncol

    Get the number of columns of a table.


    • what Name of table.

  9. dim

    Get dimension of a table.


    • what Name of table.

  10. print

    Print dbR6 object graphical interface.

  11. get_table

    Get a table.


    • what Name of the table

    • from Row where start to read (index >= 1)

    • to Row where fininish to read

  12. send_query

    Send an SQL query.


    • query Query to send

  13. send_statement

    Send an SQL statement.


    • statement Statement to send

  14. add_table

    Add a table to a dbR6 object.


    • new_name Name for the new table

    • new_df Input table

    • overwrite Overwrite if already exists? Default FALSE

    • append Append content if already exists? Default FALSE

    • has_rownames Row names present? Default TRUE

    • fun Function to apply to the table before writing it

    • ... Additional parameters passed to RSQLite::dbWriteTable.

  15. remove_table

    Remove a table.


    • what Name of table.

  16. copy_table_structure

    Add an empty table.


    • new_names Name of the new table.

    • from Table to copy structure from.

    • overwrite Overwrite table if exists?.

  17. save

    Save a dbR6 database on disk.


    • to Name of the new table.

  18. clone_db

    Clone a dbR6 object.


    • to Name of the new table.

  19. sort

    Sort a table.


    • what Name of the table to sort.

    • column Column used to sort.

    • ... Vector with other columns used to sort.

  20. create_index

    Create an index for a table.


    • what Name of the table to sort.

    • column Column used to Create index.

    • unique Create unique index? (Logical).

    • ... Other aditional columns in a character vector to create the index.

  21. drop_index

    Drop an index from a table.


    • what Name of the index to drop.

  22. get_indices

    Get indices for a table.

  23. send_transaction

    Generate transaction with the tables.


    • ... Character vector with transactions to parse.

  24. filter

    Filter a table using the given conditions.


    • table Name of the table.

    • conditions Logical conditions.

    • r_commands R commands to be evaluated in the condition ('where' query) indicated witihin %rs& and %re% as in: %rs% my_command %re%

  25. exist_tableVerify if a table exists (Logical).


    • what Name of the table.

  26. statement_chunk

    Executes a statement in chunks


    • what Statement.

    • n Chunk size.

  27. streamer

    Apply a function for an imput data table using chunks, storing the output into a new table.


    • input Input table.

    • output Output table.

    • my_fun R function to apply.

    • n Chunk size.

  28. write_dataframe

    Write an external dataframe into the database using chunks.


    • input Input table.

    • output Output table.

    • has_colnames Colnames present? (Logical).

    • chunksize Chunk size.

    • sep Character separating cell elements (default = " ").

    • fun Function to apply to the chunk before writing it to the database.

    • ... Additional parameters passed to read.table.

  29. write_matrix

    Write an external matrix into the database using chunks.


    • input Input table.

    • output Output table.

    • has_colnames colnames present? Default TRUE.

    • has_rownames rownames present? Default TRUE.

    • my_fun Function to apply to the chunk before writing it to the database.

    • data_mode R mode of the input data ("integer", "logical", "character", "numerical").

leandroroser/dbR6 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:57 p.m.