Man pages for lebebr01/irtoys-2
Simple interface to the estimation and plotting of IRT models

apiThe Z3 appropriateness index
dpvDraw plausible values
eapEAP estimation of ability
estEstimate item parameters
iifItem information function
irfItem response function
irtoys-packageEstimate and plot IRT models for binary responses
itfTest item fit
mlebmeMaximum likelihood and Bayes Modal estimation of ability
normal.quNormal quadrature points and weights
nppNon-parametric characteristic curves
plot.iifA plot method for item information functions
plot.irfA plot method for item response functions
plot.tifA plot method for test information functions
plot.trfA plot method for test response functions
qrsQuantiles of the ranked sum scores
read.ip.bilogRead in parameter estimates
read.ip.iclRead in parameter estimates
read.qu.iclRead in quadrature
read.respRead responses from a file
scaLinear transformation of the IRT scale
scoScore a multiple choice test
ScoredBinary (true/false) responses to a test
Scored2plExample item parameters
scpPlot observed and predicted scores against ability
simSimulate response data
tetApproximate tetrachoric correlation matrix
tgpNon-parametric option curves
tiaElementary test-item analysis
tifTest information function
trfTest response function
tscTrue scores with standard errors
UnscoredOriginal, unscored multiple-choice responses to a test
wleBias-corrected (Warm's) estimates of ability
lebebr01/irtoys-2 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:29 p.m.