

test_that("calibrate models returns a list of the desired number of linear models, based on model type", {

    # ----------------------------------------------
    # Check conditional/unconditional plus
    # seasonal/annual/monthly combination models all
    # return a structure of the correct size.
    # -----------------------------------------------

    expect_output(str(calibrate_model(dataframe = blogsville,  y = "tmax", model_type = "annual")),
                  "List of 1")
    expect_output(str(calibrate_model(dataframe = blogsville, y = "tmax", model_type = "seasonal")),
                  "List of 4")
    expect_output(str(calibrate_model(dataframe = blogsville, y = "tmax", model_type = "monthly")),
                  "List of 12")
    expect_output(str(calibrate_model(dataframe = blogsville, y = "pcrp", model_type = "monthly",
                                      process = "conditional")$jan), "List of 2")
    expect_output(str(calibrate_model(dataframe = blogsville, y = "pcrp", model_type = "seasonal",
                                      process = "conditional")$winter), "List of 2")
    expect_output(str(calibrate_model(dataframe = blogsville, y = "pcrp", model_type = "annual",
                                      process = "conditional")$annual), "List of 2")

    # Test the autoregressive model ------------
    autoreg_model <- calibrate_model(dataframe = blogsville, y = "tmax",
                            model_type = "monthly", autoregression = "true")
    expect_output(str(autoreg_model), "List of 12")

    auto_in_model <- "autoregression" %in% names(autoreg_model[[1]]$coefficients)
    expect_equal(auto_in_model, TRUE)

leerichardson/sdsmR documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:39 a.m.