Man pages for lefft/lefftpack
tim's personal package (demo of jun15/2017)

acconvert to character quickly
boot_semboot_sem non-parametric bootstrap for standard error of the...
check_packsget inventory of attached, installed, loaded, and base...
dataset_word_freqword frequency dataset (5k most frequent english words in...
final_segfinal segment of string(s) (similar to 'base::substr()' but...
get_stop_listget one of (currently) five different lists of stopwords
idfinverse document frequency: log of num docs / num docs w term
importpython-style import
init_seginitial segment of string(s) (similar to 'base::substr()' but...
lazy_setupload my most common set of packages and set plot defaults
lunumber of unique vals
quiet_attachattach packages w/o annoying messages
remove_stopsremove a list of words from a document (case- and...
scrub_docquick func to take a messy doc, clean it up, and return it as...
se_propse of a proportion
str_posstring position getter (like 'base::substr()' but nicer...
text2bigramconvert a document (or doc filepath) to a df of bigrams or...
text_googmemthe "google memo," written by james damore in 2017.
text_una_manifestofull text of the unabomber manifesto, written by ted...
tfterm frequency: get the frequency of term in doc (for...
tf_idftf_idf: how important is a word in a doc, relative to a set...
tokenize_textTokenize text
word_count_estestimate the number of words in a document (total or unique)
zscorequick zscore func
lefft/lefftpack documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:13 p.m.