rnoaa-package: rnoaa

Description Data Sources A note about NCDF data The meteo family of functions


rnoaa is an R interface to NOAA climate data.

Data Sources

Many functions in this package interact with the National Climatic Data Center application programming interface (API) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/webservices/v2, all of which functions start with ncdc_. An access token, or API key, is required to use all the ncdc_ functions. The key is required by NOAA, not us. Go to the link given above to get an API key.

More NOAA data sources are being added through time. Data sources and their function prefixes are:

A note about NCDF data

Functions to work with buoy data use netcdf files. You'll need the ncdf4 package for those functions, and those only. ncdf4 is in Suggests in this package, meaning you only need ncdf4 if you are using the buoy functions. You'll get an informative error telling you to install ncdf4 if you don't have it and you try to use the buoy functions.

The meteo family of functions

The meteo family of functions are prefixed with meteo_ and provide a set of helper functions to:

leighseverson/rnoaa documentation built on May 21, 2019, 3:06 a.m.