Man pages for leonawicz/rtrek
Data Analysis Relating to Star Trek

ma_articleRead Memory Alpha article
ma_imageMemory Alpha images
ma_searchMemory Alpha site search
mb_articleRead Memory Beta article
mb_imageMemory Beta images
mb_searchMemory Beta site search
mb_timelineMemory Beta timeline
memory_alphaMemory Alpha API
memory_betaMemory Beta API
rtrekrtrek: Data Analysis Relating to Star Trek
stapiRetrieve Star Trek data from STAPI
stapiEntitiesStar Trek API entities.
stBooksStar Trek novel metadata.
st_books_wikiGo to Wikipedia entry for a specific book series
st_datasetsAvailable datasets
st_fontPreview Star Trek fonts
stGeoRaster grid location data for stellar cartographic map tile...
st_logoStar Trek logos
stLogosStar Trek logos metadata.
stSeriesStar Trek series.
stSpeciesSpecies names and avatars, linked primarily from Memory...
st_tilesReturn the URL associated with a tile set
stTilesAvailable Star Trek map tile sets.
st_tiles_dataAncillary location data for map tiles
st_transcriptsImport transcripts
theme_rtrekggplot2 themes
tile_coordsSimple CRS coordinates
tlBooksStar Trek novel-based timeline.
tlEventsStar Trek event-based timeline.
tlFootnotesStar Trek timeline footnotes.
leonawicz/rtrek documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 7:21 a.m.