Man pages for leppott/baytrends
Long Term Water Quality Trend Analysis

analysisOrganizeDataAnalysis Organization & Data Preparation
appendDateFeaturesAppend Date Features
baseDayBase Day
baseDay2decimalBase Day
baytrends-packagebaytrends: Long Term Water Quality Trend Analysis
closeOutDocument Processing Time and Other Session Time
createResidualsCalculate GAM residuals
dataCensoredChesapeake Bay Program Monitoring Data, 1985-2016
dectimeDecimal Time
dectime2DateDate Conversion
detrended.flowCreate Seasonally Detrended Flow Data Set
detrended.salinityCreate Seasonally Detrended Salinty Data Set
dot-appendDateFeaturesAppends date features to data frame
dot-checkRangeCheck Data Range - function that checks for allowable values
dot-chkParameterReduce dataframe and parameter list based on user selected...
dot-ExpLNiCensExpectation maximization function: Log-normal case, i...
dot-ExpLNlCensExpectation maximization function: Log-normal case, left...
dot-ExpLNmCensExpectation maximization function: Log-normal case, Cens
dot-ExpLNrCensExpectation maximization function: Log-normal case, right...
dot-ExpNiCensExpectation maximization function: Normal case, i censured
dot-ExpNlCensExpectation maximization function: Normal case, left censured
dot-ExpNmCensExpectation maximization function: Normal case
dot-ExpNrCensExpectation maximization function: Normal case, right...
dot-FPrint out figure title (customization of pandoc.emphasis and...
dot-findFileFind Recent File Information
dot-fmtPvalFormat pvalues
dot-gamANOVAPrepare ANOVA table for GAM analysis
dot-gamCoeffPrepare table of coefficients for GAM analysis
dot-gamDiffPORtblCompute and present report on percent different for...
dot-gamPlotCalcplots data and gam fit vs. time
dot-HPrint out header (shortened pandoc.header)
dot-H1Print out 1st level header (shortened pandoc.header)
dot-H2Print out 2nd level header (shortened pandoc.header)
dot-H3Print out 3rd level header (shortened pandoc.header)
dot-H4Print out 4th level header (shortened pandoc.header)
dot-H5Print out 5th level header (shortened pandoc.header)
dot-initializeResults#### Initialize stat.gam.result and chng.gam.result
dot-mergeFlowmerge flow variable into analysis data frame and update iSpec...
dot-mergeSalinitymerge salinity into analysis data frame and update iSpec with...
dot-PParagraph (customization of pandoc.p)
dot-reAttDFRe-attribute df based on previous df
dot-TPrint out table title (customization of pandoc.emphasis and...
dot-VPrint out text (blended pandoc.emphasis, .verbatim, and...
dot-vTablePrint out character vector table in wrapped mode
eventProcessingEvent Processing
fillMissingFill Missing Values
filterWgtsCreate filter weights
flwAveragePredFlow Averaged Predictions
gamDiffCompute an estimate of difference based on GAM results
gamPlotDispPlot censored gam fits vs. time
gamPlotDispSeasonPlot censored gam fits vs. time
gamTestPerform GAM analysis
gamTestSeasonPerform GAM analysis for Specified Season
getUSGSflowRetrieve USGS daily flow data in a wide format
imputeImpute Censored Values
imputeDFImpute Censored Values in dataframes
layerAggregationAggregate data layers
layerLukupLayer List
loadDataLoad/Clean CSV and TXT Data File
loadExcelLoad/Clean Excel sheet
loadModelsLoad Built-in GAM formulas
loadModelsResidLoad Built-in GAM formulas for calculating residuals
makeSurvDFConvert dataframe to include survival (Surv) objects
na2missRecode Data
nobsCompute the Number of Non-Missing Observations
parameterListParameter List
salSalinity data
saveDFSave R object to disk
seasAdjflowCreate Daily Seasonally-adjusted Log Flow Residuals
selectDataSelect data for analysis from a larger data frame
stationMasterListChesapeake Bay Program long-term tidal monitoring stations
unSurvConverts Surv object into a 3-column matrix
unSurvDFConverts Surv objects in a dataframe to "lo" and "hi" values
usgsGagesUSGS Gages
leppott/baytrends documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 6:42 p.m.