
Defines functions addPlotPPT_RDCOMClient addPlotPPT initPPT_RDCOMClient initPPT existsPPT_RDCOMClient existsPPT

existsPPT <- function() {



existsPPT_RDCOMClient <- function() {
  # CRAN just doesn't like RDCOMClient so I turn it off for now.
  # This would be the way to go, if RDCOMClient would be part of the 
  # official CRAN, but it is not (anymore), thus I can't put RDCOMClient
  # into the Suggests tag of the DESCRIPTIONS file and requireNamespace()
  # throws a warning with devtools::check(). 
  # does_exist <- requireNamespace("RDCOMClient", quietly = TRUE)

    res <- find.package("RDCOMClient"),
    error = function(e) {
      cat("Info: RDCOMClient package not installed: Saving to Powerpoint is disabled. If on Windows, use install.packages(\"RDCOMClient\") to install it.\n")
  if (exists("res"))
  else return(FALSE)


initPPT <- function() {
  #my_pres <- read_pptx()

initPPT_RDCOMClient <- function() {
  if (existsPPT()) {
    # tryCatch(
    #   ppt <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("PowerPoint.Application"),
    #   error = function(e) {
    #     showNotification("Initializing RDCOMClient failed: Package is probably not loaded. Use require(RDCOMClient) before launching the app.", type = "error", duration = 10)    
    #   }
    # )
    # # Variable 'ppt' will not exist if an error occurs in the tryCatch() above.
    # if (exists("ppt")) {  
    #   ppt[["Visible"]] <- TRUE
    #   myPres <- ppt[["Presentations"]]$add()
    #   mySlides <- myPres[["Slides"]]
    #   return(list(ppt = ppt, pres = myPres, slides = mySlides))
    # }

#' @import officer
addPlotPPT <- function(imgfile, ppt_pres, width, height) {
  ppt_pres <- officer::add_slide(ppt_pres, layout = "Title and Content", master = "Office Theme")
  ppt_pres <- officer::ph_with(x=ppt_pres,external_img(src = imgfile),location = ph_location_type(type = "body"))
  # if(utils::packageVersion("officer")>'0.3.7'){
  #   ## ph_with_img is defunct and replaced with ph_with
  #   #ppt_pres <- officer::ph_with(x=ppt_pres,external_img(src = imgfile,  width = width / 90 * 0.7, height = height / 90 * 0.7),location = ph_location_left(),use_loc_size = FALSE)
  #   ppt_pres <- officer::ph_with(x=ppt_pres,external_img(src = imgfile),location = ph_location_type(type = "body"))
  # }else{
  #   ppt_pres <- officer::ph_with_img(ppt_pres, src = imgfile, height = height / 90 * 0.7, width = width / 90 * 0.7 )
  # }


addPlotPPT_RDCOMClient <- function(imgfile, ppt_lst, width, height) {
  slide <- ppt_lst$pres[["Slides"]]$add(as.integer(max(1, ppt_lst$pres[["Slides"]]$Count() + 1)), 
  shapes <- slide$Shapes()
  shapes$AddPicture(imgfile, LinkToFile = FALSE, SaveWithDocument = TRUE, 
                    Top = 1, Left = 20, Width = width * 0.7, Height = height * 0.7)
levvers/GWSDAT documentation built on March 4, 2024, 6:06 p.m.