.cache <- FALSE

Abstract In this workshop, we will use R/Bioconductor packages to explore, process, visualise and understand mass spectrometry-based proteomics data, starting with raw data, and proceeding with identification and quantitation data, discussing some of their peculiarities compared to sequencing data along the way. The participants will gain a general overview of Bioconductor packages for mass spectrometry and proteomics, and learn how to navigate raw data and reconstruct quantitative data. The workshop is aimed at a beginner to intermediate level, such as, for example, seasoned R users who want to get started with mass spectrometry and proteomics, or proteomics practitioners who want to familiarise themselves with R and Bioconductor infrastructure.

This short tutorial is part of the ProteomicsBioc2016Workshop package (version r packageVersion("ProteomicsBioc2016Workshop")), available at

This vignette available under a creative common CC-BY license. You are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) for any purpose, even commercially.

Modified: r"Bioc2016.Rmd")$mtime
Compiled: r date()


Installation instructions

To install this package and build the vignette:

If the r Biocpkg("BiocInstaller") is not installted, start with



         dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes=TRUE)

To launch the vignette


MS/proteomics software available in Bioconductor

biocv <- as.character(biocVersion())
pp <- proteomicsPackages(biocv)
msp <- massSpectrometryPackages(biocv)
msdp <- massSpectrometryDataPackages(biocv)

In Bioconductor version r biocv, there are respectively r nrow(pp) proteomics and r nrow(msp) mass spectrometry software packages and r nrow(msdp) mass spectrometry experiment packages. These respective packages can be extracted with the proteomicsPackages(), massSpectrometryPackages() and massSpectrometryDataPackages() and explored interactively.

pp <- proteomicsPackages("3.3")

Mass spectrometry data

datatab <-
    data.frame(Type = c("raw", "identification", "quantitation", "peak lists", "other"),
               Format = c("mzML, mzXML, netCDF, mzData", "mzIdentML", "mzQuantML", "mgf", "mzTab"),
               Package = c(
                   "[`mzR`]( (read)",
                   "[`mzID`]( and [`mzR`]( (read)",
                   "[`MSnbase`]( (read/write)",
                   "[`MSnbase`]( (read)"))

Getting data


r Biocpkg("AnnotationHub") is a cloud resource set up and managed by the Bioconductor project that programmatically disseminates omics data. I am currently working on contributing proteomics data.

ah <- AnnotationHub()
query(ah, "proteomics")

Below, we download a raw mass spectrometry dataset with identifier AH49008 and store it in a variable names ms.

ms <- ah[["AH49008"]]
hd <- header(ms)

The data contains r length(ms) spectra - r table(hd$msLevel)[[1]] MS1 spectra and r table(hd$msLevel)[[2]] MS2 spectra. The filename, r basename(fileName(ms)), is not very descriptive because the data originates from the AnnotationHub cloud repository. If the data was read from a local file, is would be named as the mzML (or mzXML) file.


Contemporary MS-based proteomics data is disseminated through the ProteomeXchange infrastructure, which centrally coordinates submission, storage and dissemination through multiple data repositories, such as the PRIDE data base at the EBI for MS/MS experiments, PASSEL at the ISB for SRM data and the MassIVE resource. The r Biocpkg("rpx") is an interface to ProteomeXchange and provides a basic and unified access to PX data.

px <- PXDataset("PXD000001")

Other metadata for the px dataset:


Data files can then be downloaded with the pxget function as illustrated below.

mzf <- pxget(px, pxfiles(px)[6])

Handling raw MS data

The mzR package provides an interface to the proteowizard code base, the legacy RAMP is a non-sequential parser and other C/C++ code to access various raw data files, such as mzML, mzXML, netCDF, and mzData. The data is accessed on-disk, i.e it does not get loaded entirely in memory by default. The three main functions are openMSfile to create a file handle to a raw data file, header to extract metadata about the spectra contained in the file and peaks to extract one or multiple spectra of interest. Other functions such as instrumentInfo, or runInfo can be used to gather general information about a run.

ms <- openMSfile(mzf)
hd <- header(ms)
head(peaks(ms, 234))
str(peaks(ms, 1:5))

Exercise Extract the index of the MS2 spectrum with the highest base peak intensity and plot its spectrum (we will see more about MS data visualisation in the next section). Is the data centroided or in profile mode?

hd2 <- hd[hd$msLevel == 2, ]
i <- which.max(hd2$basePeakIntensity)
hd2[i, ]
pi <- peaks(ms, hd2[i, 1])
plot(pi, type = "h")
mz <- hd2[i, "basePeakMZ"]
plot(pi, type = "h", xlim = c(mz-0.5, mz+0.5))

Zooming into spectrum 100.

pj <- peaks(ms, 100)
plot(pj, type = "l")
plot(pj, type = "l", xlim = c(536,540))

Handling identification data

The ProteomicsBioc2016Workshop package distributes a small identification result file (see ?TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01.mzid) that we load and parse using infrastructure from the r Biocpkg("mzID") package.

(f <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "ProteomicsBioc2016Workshop"),
         pattern = "mzid", full.names = TRUE))
id <- mzID(f)

Various data can be extracted from the mzID object, using one the accessor functions such as database, sofware, scans, peptides, ... The object can also be converted into a data.frame using the flatten function.


The mzR interface provides a similar interface. It is however much faster as it does not read all the data into memory and only extracts relevant data on demand. It has also accessor functions such as softwareInfo, mzidInfo, ... (use showMethods(classes = "mzRident", where = "package:mzR")) to see all available methods.

id2 <- openIDfile(f)

The identification data can be accessed as a data.frame with the psms accessor.


Exercise Is there a relation between the length of a protein and the number of identified peptides, conditioned by the (average) e-value of the identifications?

fid <- flatten(id)
x <- by(fid, fid$accession, function(x)
x <- data.frame(, x))
colnames(x) <- c("plength", "npep", "eval")
x$bins <- cut(x$eval, summary(x$eval))
xyplot(plength ~ npep | bins, data = x)

MS/MS database search

While searches are generally performed using third-party software independently of R or can be started from R using a system call, the r Biocpkg("rTANDEM") package allows one to execute such searches using the X!Tandem engine.


The r Biocpkg("MSGPplus") package provides an interface to the very fast MSGF+ engine.

parameters <- msgfPar(database = 'milk-proteins.fasta',
                      tolerance = '20 ppm',
                      instrument = 'TOF')
runMSGF(parameters, 'msraw.mzML')

High-level data interface

The above sections introduced low-level interfaces to raw and identification results. The r Biocpkg("MSnbase") package provides abstractions for raw data through the MSnExp class and containers for quantification data via the MSnSet class. Both store the actual assay data (spectra or quantitation matrix) and sample and feature metadata, accessed with spectra (or the [, [[ operators) or exprs, pData and fData.

The figure below give a schematics of an MSnSet instance and the relation between the assay data and the respective feature and sample metadata.

plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 10), axes=FALSE, xlab = NA, ylab = NA)
rect(0, 0, 3, 1.9)
rect(0, 2, 3, 10)
rect(3.05, 2, 5, 10)

segments(seq(0, 3, length.out = 7),
         rep(0, 7),
         seq(0, 3, length.out = 7),
         rep(10, 7),
         lty = "dotted")

segments(rep(0, 50),
         seq(2, 10, length.out = 50),
         rep(5, 100),
         seq(2, 10, length.out = 50),
         lty = "dotted")

text(1.5, 1, "sample metadata", cex = 1.5)
text(1.5, 6, "assay data", cex = 1.5)
text(4, 6, "feature\nmetadata", cex = 1.5)

Another useful slot is processingData, accessed with processingData(.), that records all the processing that objects have undergone since their creation (see examples below).

The readMSData will parse the raw data, extract the MS2 spectra and construct an MS experiment file.

quantFile <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"),
        = TRUE, pattern = "mzXML$")
msexp <- readMSData(quantFile, verbose=FALSE)

The identification results stemming from the same raw data file can then be used to add PSM matches.

## find path to a mzIdentML file
identFile <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"),
        = TRUE, pattern = "mzid$")
msexp <- addIdentificationData(msexp, identFile)
as(msexp[[1]], "data.frame")[100:105, ]

MSnExp object load all MS data into memory. This is a viable solution for MS2 data, but does not scale to MS1 data, especially when multiple files are loaded together. With the help of Johannes Rainer, a new MSnExp class supporting on disk access is being developed.

Visualising raw data

A full chromatogram


Multiple chromatograms

It is of course possible to overlay several chromatograms. The code chunks below are not executed dynamically so save time with downloading raw data files.

## manual download
url <- ""
f1 <- downloadData(file.path(url, "Thermo_Hela_PRTC_1.mzML"))
f2 <- downloadData(file.path(url, "Thermo_Hela_PRTC_2.mzML"))
f3 <- downloadData(file.path(url, "Thermo_Hela_PRTC_3.mzML"))
## plotting
c1 <- chromatogram(f1)
c2 <- chromatogram(f2, plot = FALSE)
lines(c2, col = "steelblue", lty = "dashed", lwd = 2)
c3 <- chromatogram(f3, plot = FALSE)
lines(c2, col = "orange", lty = "dotted")

Multiple chomatograms

An extracted ion chromatogram

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
xic(ms, mz = 636.925, width = 0.01)
x <- xic(ms, mz = 636.925, width = 0.01, rtlim = c(2120, 2200))


We first load a test iTRAQ data called itraqdata and distributed as part of the r Biocpkg("MSnbase") package using the data function. This is a pre-packaged data that comes as a dedicated data structure called MSnExp. We then plot the 10th spectrum using specific code that recognises what to do with an element of an MSnExp.

plot(itraqdata[[10]], reporters = iTRAQ4, full=TRUE) 

The ms data is not pre-packaged as an MSnExp data. It is a more bare-bone r as.character(class(ms)) object, a pointer to a raw data file (here r basename(fileName(ms))): we need first to extract a spectrum of interest (here the 3071st spectrum, an MS1 spectrum), and use the generic plot function to visualise the spectrum.

plot(peaks(ms, 3071), type = "h",
     xlab = "M/Z", ylab = "Intensity",     
     sub = formatRt(hd[3071, "retentionTime"]))

The importance of flexible access to specialised data becomes visible in the figure below (taken from the r Biocannopkg("RforProteomics") visualisation vignette). Not only can we access specific data and understand/visualise them, but we can transverse all the data and extracted/visualise/understand structured slices of data.

In this code chunks we start by selecting relevant spectra of interest. We will focus on the first MS1 spectrum acquired after 30 minutes of retention time.

## (1) Open raw data file
ms <- openMSfile(mzf)
## (2) Extract the header information
hd <- header(ms)
## (3) MS1 spectra indices
ms1 <- which(hd$msLevel == 1)
## (4) Select MS1 spectra with retention time between 30 and 35 minutes
rtsel <- hd$retentionTime[ms1] / 60 > 30 & hd$retentionTime[ms1] / 60 < 35
## (5) Indices of the 1st and 2nd MS1 spectra after 30 minutes
i <- ms1[which(rtsel)][1]
j <- ms1[which(rtsel)][2]
## (6) Interleaved MS2 spectra
ms2 <- (i+1):(j-1)

Now now extract and plot all relevant information:

  1. The upper panel represents the chromatogram of the r fileName(ms) raw data file, produced with chromatogram.
  1. We concentrate at a specific retention time, r formatRt(hd[i, "retentionTime"]) minutes (r hd[i, "retentionTime"] seconds)
abline(v = hd[i, "retentionTime"], col = "red")
  1. This corresponds to the r ith MS1 spectrum, shown on the second row of figures.
plot(peaks(ms, i), type = "l", xlim = c(400, 1000))
legend("topright", bty = "n",
       legend = paste0(
           "Acquisition ", hd[i, "acquisitionNum"],  "\n",
           "Retention time ", formatRt(hd[i, "retentionTime"])))
  1. The ions that were selected for MS2 are highlighted by vertical lines. These are represented in the bottom part of the figure.
plot(peaks(ms, i), type = "l", xlim = c(400, 1000))
legend("topright", bty = "n",
       legend = paste0(
           "Acquisition ", hd[i, "acquisitionNum"],  "\n",
           "Retention time ", formatRt(hd[i, "retentionTime"])))
abline(v = hd[ms2, "precursorMZ"],
       col = c("#FF000080",
           rep("#12121280", 9)))
  1. On the right, we zoom on the isotopic envelope of one peptide in particular (the one highlighted with a red line).
plot(peaks(ms, i), type = "l", xlim = c(521, 522.5))
abline(v = hd[ms2, "precursorMZ"], col = "#FF000080")
  1. A final loop through the relevant MS2 spectra plots the length(ms2) MS2 spectra highlighted above.
par(mfrow = c(5, 2), mar = c(2, 2, 0, 1))
for (ii in ms2) {
    p <- peaks(ms, ii)
    plot(p, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "h", cex.axis = .6)
    legend("topright", legend = paste0("Prec M/Z\n",
                           round(hd[ii, "precursorMZ"], 2)),
           bty = "n", cex = .8)
## Preparing the layout (not shown)
lout <- matrix(NA, ncol = 10, nrow = 8)
lout[1:2, ] <- 1
for (ii in 3:4)
    lout[ii, ] <- c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
lout[5, ] <- rep(4:8, each = 2)
lout[6, ] <- rep(4:8, each = 2)
lout[7, ] <- rep(9:13, each = 2)
lout[8, ] <- rep(9:13, each = 2)

Putting it all together:


abline(v = hd[i, "retentionTime"], col = "red")
par(mar = c(3, 2, 1, 0))
plot(peaks(ms, i), type = "l", xlim = c(400, 1000))
legend("topright", bty = "n",
       legend = paste0(
           "Acquisition ", hd[i, "acquisitionNum"],  "\n",
           "Retention time ", formatRt(hd[i, "retentionTime"])))
abline(h = 0)
abline(v = hd[ms2, "precursorMZ"],
       col = c("#FF000080",
           rep("#12121280", 9)))

par(mar = c(3, 0.5, 1, 1))
plot(peaks(ms, i), type = "l", xlim = c(521, 522.5),
     yaxt = "n")
abline(h = 0)
abline(v = hd[ms2, "precursorMZ"], col = "#FF000080")

par(mar = c(2, 2, 0, 1))
for (ii in ms2) {
    p <- peaks(ms, ii)
    plot(p, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "h", cex.axis = .6)
    legend("topright", legend = paste0("Prec M/Z\n",
                           round(hd[ii, "precursorMZ"], 2)),
           bty = "n", cex = .8)

Below, we illustrate some additional visualisation and animations of raw MS data, also taken from the r Biocannopkg("RforProteomics") visualisation vignette. On the left, we have a heatmap visualisation of a MS map and a 3 dimensional representation of the same data. On the right, 2 MS1 spectra in blue and the set of interleaves 10 MS2 spectra.

## (1) MS space heaptmap
M <- MSmap(ms, ms1[rtsel], 521, 523, .005, hd)
ff <- colorRampPalette(c("yellow", "steelblue"))
m1 <- plot(M, aspect = 1, allTicks = FALSE)
## (2) Same data as (1), in 3 dimenstion
M@map[msMap(M) == 0] <- NA
m2 <- plot3D(M, rgl = FALSE)
## (3) The 2 MS1 and 10 interleaved MS2 spectra from above
i <- ms1[which(rtsel)][1]
j <- ms1[which(rtsel)][2]
M2 <- MSmap(ms, i:j, 100, 1000, 1, hd)
m3 <- plot3D(M2)
grid.arrange(m1, m2, m3, ncol = 3)

Below, we have animations build from extracting successive slices as above.

cat("<table class='container'><tr>")

MS animation 1


MS animation 2


Visualising identification data

Annotated spectra and comparing spectra.

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
itraqdata2 <- pickPeaks(itraqdata, verbose = FALSE)
plot(itraqdata2[[14]], s, main = s)
plot(itraqdata2[[25]], itraqdata2[[28]], sequences = rep("IMIDLDGTENK", 2))

The annotation of spectra is obtained by simulating fragmentation of a peptide and matching observed peaks to fragments:


Visualising a pair of spectra means that we can access them, and that, in addition to plotting, we can manipulate them and perform computations. The two spectra corresponding to the IMIDLDGTENK peptide, for example have r compareSpectra(itraqdata2[[25]], itraqdata2[[28]], fun = "common") common peaks, a correlation of r round(compareSpectra(itraqdata2[[25]], itraqdata2[[28]], fun = "cor"), 3) and a dot product of r round(compareSpectra(itraqdata2[[25]], itraqdata2[[28]], fun = "dotproduct"), 3) (see ?compareSpectra for details).

There are 2 Bioconductor packages for peptide-spectrum matching directly in R, namely r Biocpkg("MSGFplus") and r Biocpkg("rTANDEM"), replying on MSGF+ and X!TANDEM respectively. See also the r Biocpkg("MSGFgui") package for visualisation of identification data.

MSGFgui screenshot

Quantitative proteomics data

There are a wide range of proteomics quantitation techniques that can broadly be classified as labelled vs. label-free, depending whether the features are labelled prior the MS acquisition and the MS level at which quantitation is inferred, namely MS1 or MS2.

qtb <- matrix(c("XIC", "Counting", "SILAC, 15N", "iTRAQ, TMT"),
              nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
dimnames(qtb) <- list(
    'MS level' = c("MS1", "MS2"),
    'Quantitation' = c("Label-free", "Labelled"))

From raw data to quantitative data

In terms of raw data quantitation, most efforts have been devoted to MS2-level quantitation. Label-free XIC quantitation has however been addressed in the frame of metabolomics data processing by the xcms infrastructure.

Isobaric tagging

An MSnExp is converted to an MSnSet by the quantitation method. Below, we use the iTRAQ 4-plex isobaric tagging strategy (defined by the iTRAQ4 parameter; other isobaric tags are available).

plot(msexp[[1]], full=TRUE, reporters = iTRAQ4)
msset <- quantify(msexp, method = "trap", reporters = iTRAQ4, verbose = FALSE)

See also The r Biocpkg("isobar") package supports quantitation from centroided mgf peak lists or its own tab-separated files that can be generated from Mascot and Phenyx vendor files.

Label-free MS2

Other MS2 quantitation methods available in quantify include the (normalised) spectral index SI and (normalised) spectral abundance factor SAF or simply a simple count method.

exprs(si <- quantify(msexp, method = "SIn"))
exprs(saf <- quantify(msexp, method = "NSAF"))

Note that spectra that have not been assigned any peptide (NA) or that match non-unique peptides (npsm > 1) are discarded in the counting process.

Spectral counting

The r Biocpkg("MSnID") package provides enables to explore and assess the confidence of identification data using mzid files. A subset of all peptide-spectrum matches, that pass a specific false discovery rate threshold can them be converted to an MSnSet, where the number of peptide occurrences are used to populate the assay data.

Importing third-party data

The PSI mzTab file format is aimed at providing a simpler (than XML formats) and more accessible file format to the wider community. It is composed of a key-value metadata section and peptide/protein/small molecule tabular sections.

mztf <- pxget(px, pxfiles(px)[2])
(mzt <- readMzTabData(mztf, what = "PEP", version = "0.9"))

It is also possible to import arbitrary spreadsheets as MSnSet objects into R with the readMSnSet2 function. The main 2 arguments of the function are (1) a text-based spreadsheet or a data.frame and (2) column names of indices that identify the quantitation data.

csv <- dir(system.file ("extdata" , package = "pRolocdata"),
           full.names = TRUE, pattern = "pr800866n_si_004-rep1.csv")
getEcols(csv, split = ",")
ecols <- 7:10
res <- readMSnSet2(csv, ecols)

Quantitative data processing and analysis


Processing quantitative proteomics data is very similar to processing transcriptomics data. When working with MSnSet instances, a set of methods for data processing and visualisation are readily available to streamline and track the process:

Differentially expression

data(msms.dataset) ## an MSnSet
e <-
null.f <- "y~batch"
alt.f <- "y~treat+batch"
div <- apply(exprs(e),2,sum)
res <- msms.edgeR(e,alt.f,null.f,div=div,fnm="treat")     

Machine learning

Some differences with RNASeq and transcriptomics in general

Missing values

naplot(naset, col = "black")


One solution is to remove all or part of the features that have missing values (see ?filterNA).

flt <- filterNA(naset)

Identification transfer

Identification transfer between acquisitions (label-free): if a feature was not acquired in MS2 in one replicate, it is possible to find the ion in MS space based on the M/Z and retention time coordinates of the same ion in a replicate where it was identified. (An example of this is implemented in the r Biocpkg("synapter") package).


It is of course possible to impute missing values (?impute). This is however not a straightforward thing, as is likely to dramatically fail when a high proportion of data is missing (10s of %). But also, there are two types of mechanisms resulting in missing values in LC/MSMS experiments.

x <- impute(naset, "zero")
exprs(x)[exprs(x) != 0] <- 1
heatmap.2(exprs(x), col = c("lightgray", "black"),
          scale = "none", dendrogram = "none",
          trace = "none", keysize = 0.5, key = FALSE,
          RowSideColors = ifelse(fData(x)$randna, "orange", "brown"),
          ColSideColors = rep(c("steelblue", "darkolivegreen"), each = 8))

Different imputation methods are more appropriate to different classes of missing values (as documented in this paper). Values missing at random, and those missing not at random should be imputed with different methods.

RSR KNN and MinDet imputation

It is recommended to use hot deck methods (nearest neighbour (left), maximum likelihood, ...) when data are missing at random.Conversely, MNAR features should ideally be imputed with a left-censor (minimum value (right), but not zero, ...) method.


The following values are higher bounds, without peptide filtering for about 80000 gene groups

hist(cvg$coverage, breaks = 100, xlab = "coverage", main = "")


Protein inference and protein groups

Peptide evidence classes

From Qeli and Ahrens (2010). See also Nesvizhskii and Aebersold (2005).

Often, in proteomics experiments, the features represent single proteins and groups of indistinguishable or non-differentiable proteins identified by shared (non-unique) peptides.

Identifier mapping

The latest UniProt


Where upens and upenst where created by querying the Ensembl gene and transcript identifiers for all human UniProtKB accession numbers against the UniProt web services. (See ?upens for details.)

par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
barplot(table(tapply(upens[, 2], upens[, 1], function(x) length(na.omit(x)))),
        main = "Ensembl genes - UnitProtKB mapping")
barplot(table(tapply(upenst[, 2], upenst[, 1], function(x) length(na.omit(x)))),
        main = "Ensembl transcripts - UnitProtKB mapping")


All the Bioconductor annotation infrastructure, such as r Biocpkg("biomaRt"), r Biocpkg("GO.db"), organism specific annotations, .. are directly relevant to the analysis of proteomics data. Some proteomics-centred annotations such as the PSI Mass Spectrometry Ontology, Molecular Interaction (PSI MI 2.5) or Protein Modifications are available through the r Biocpkg("rols"). Data from the Human Protein Atlas (r Biocpkg("hpar")) and UniProt (r Biocpkg("")) are also available.

More information

References and resources

Other relevant packages/pipelines


Session information

The source used to generate this document is available here.

print(sessionInfo(), local = FALSE)

lgatto/ProteomicsBioc2016Workshop documentation built on May 21, 2019, 5:13 a.m.